
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Service :
Small Business Development Center

6 Goals     6 Objectives     6 Indicators     6 Criteria     6 Findings     6 Actions

GOAL: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses

Objective Business Expansions
The SBDC will work with established businesses to help them expand their product line and service area. The goal for the center this period is 16 business expansions.
Associated Goals: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses, Business Expansions, Capital Development, Retention Of Jobs, The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation, Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Business Expansion Accomplishments
The goal for the year was 16 expansions and a total of 18 establishments were completed thus exceeding the goal.
Criteria Documentation of Business Expansion by Existing Businesses
The criteria for this milestone and goal are the impact surveys that the client completes after the SBDC assists them with this specific goal of business expansions. This goal is also further documented by the client when the Crisman is completed and returned to the University of Houston.
Finding Business Expansions
Since business expansions were exceeded last year, the procedures will remain the same for the future year. However, the U of H is providing additional advertising monies to attract additional clients during the coming year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Business Expansions
The Center will continue its present policies and procedures to accomplish this goal. This goal has been exceeded since goals were established 12 years ago.

GOAL: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses

Objective Job Creation
This is the most important objective that supports this goal of the year. The objective goal for this assessment period is 220 jobs established throughtout the service area.
Associated Goals: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses, Business Expansions, Capital Development, Retention Of Jobs, The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation, Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Job Creation Accomplishment
The SBDC help developed 222 jobs for this year. The goal was 200 thus the goal was exceeded for the year.
Criteria Job Creation
The criteria for this milestone and goal are the impact surveys that the client completes after the SBDC assists them with this specific goal job creation. This goal is also further documented by the client when the Crisman is completed and returned to the University of Houston.
Finding Job Creation
Since job creation was exceeded last year, the procedures will remain the same for the future year. However, the U of H is providing additional advertising monies to attract clients.
Actions for Objective:

Action Job Creation
The Center will continue its present policies and activities to maintain a satisfactory level of job creation. The Center has always exceeded this goal.

GOAL: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses

Objective Retention Of Jobs
The SBDC will assist existing businesses in the retention of 60 jobs throughout the service area.
Associated Goals: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses, Business Expansions, Capital Development, Retention Of Jobs, The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation, Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Job Retention Of Existing Businesses
The SBA goal was 60 for the year the Center accomplished 66 thus surpassing the goal by 6 jobs.
Criteria Job Retention
The criteria for this milestone and goal are the impact surveys that the client completes after the SBDC assists them with this specific goal. This goal is also further documented by the client when the Crisman is completed and returned to the University of Houston.
Finding Job Retention
The Center exceeded the goal; thus, the same program will be followed next year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Job Retention
Since this goal was exceeded for the year, policies and procedures will continue as currently established.

GOAL: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses

Objective Work With Clients With For Over 5 Hours
The SBDC will strive to work with productive clients for a minimum of 5 hours. The goal is
Associated Goals: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses, Business Expansions, Capital Development, Retention Of Jobs, The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation, Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Clients With Over 5 Hours Accomplishments
The Center achieved 56 contact clients exceeding the goal by one and achieved 103 contact and productivity clients exceeding that goal by three.
Criteria Documentation of Clients with Over 5 Hours
This criteria is measured monthly and is available through the University of Houston MIS System. The Director weekly monitors the success of this by each Consultant.
Finding Clients with 5 Hours
Since clients with over 5 hours were exceeded last year, the procedures will remain the same for the future year. However, the U of H is providing additional advertising monies to attract additional clients during the coming year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Clients With 5 Hours
This goal was exceeding in both areas of client contact and clients with contact and support. The Center will continue to monitor weekly the productivity of each counselor. Any deviations from monthly established guidelines will be corrected immediately to insure accomplishments year end.

GOAL: Business Expansions

Objective Business Expansions
The SBDC will work with established businesses to help them expand their product line and service area. The goal for the center this period is 16 business expansions.
Associated Goals: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses, Business Expansions, Capital Development, Retention Of Jobs, The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation, Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Business Expansion Accomplishments
The goal for the year was 16 expansions and a total of 18 establishments were completed thus exceeding the goal.
Criteria Documentation of Business Expansion by Existing Businesses
The criteria for this milestone and goal are the impact surveys that the client completes after the SBDC assists them with this specific goal of business expansions. This goal is also further documented by the client when the Crisman is completed and returned to the University of Houston.
Finding Business Expansions
Since business expansions were exceeded last year, the procedures will remain the same for the future year. However, the U of H is providing additional advertising monies to attract additional clients during the coming year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Business Expansions
The Center will continue its present policies and procedures to accomplish this goal. This goal has been exceeded since goals were established 12 years ago.

GOAL: Business Expansions

Objective Job Creation
This is the most important objective that supports this goal of the year. The objective goal for this assessment period is 220 jobs established throughtout the service area.
Associated Goals: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses, Business Expansions, Capital Development, Retention Of Jobs, The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation, Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Job Creation Accomplishment
The SBDC help developed 222 jobs for this year. The goal was 200 thus the goal was exceeded for the year.
Criteria Job Creation
The criteria for this milestone and goal are the impact surveys that the client completes after the SBDC assists them with this specific goal job creation. This goal is also further documented by the client when the Crisman is completed and returned to the University of Houston.
Finding Job Creation
Since job creation was exceeded last year, the procedures will remain the same for the future year. However, the U of H is providing additional advertising monies to attract clients.
Actions for Objective:

Action Job Creation
The Center will continue its present policies and activities to maintain a satisfactory level of job creation. The Center has always exceeded this goal.

GOAL: Business Expansions

Objective Retention Of Jobs
The SBDC will assist existing businesses in the retention of 60 jobs throughout the service area.
Associated Goals: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses, Business Expansions, Capital Development, Retention Of Jobs, The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation, Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Job Retention Of Existing Businesses
The SBA goal was 60 for the year the Center accomplished 66 thus surpassing the goal by 6 jobs.
Criteria Job Retention
The criteria for this milestone and goal are the impact surveys that the client completes after the SBDC assists them with this specific goal. This goal is also further documented by the client when the Crisman is completed and returned to the University of Houston.
Finding Job Retention
The Center exceeded the goal; thus, the same program will be followed next year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Job Retention
Since this goal was exceeded for the year, policies and procedures will continue as currently established.

GOAL: Business Expansions

Objective Work With Clients With For Over 5 Hours
The SBDC will strive to work with productive clients for a minimum of 5 hours. The goal is
Associated Goals: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses, Business Expansions, Capital Development, Retention Of Jobs, The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation, Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Clients With Over 5 Hours Accomplishments
The Center achieved 56 contact clients exceeding the goal by one and achieved 103 contact and productivity clients exceeding that goal by three.
Criteria Documentation of Clients with Over 5 Hours
This criteria is measured monthly and is available through the University of Houston MIS System. The Director weekly monitors the success of this by each Consultant.
Finding Clients with 5 Hours
Since clients with over 5 hours were exceeded last year, the procedures will remain the same for the future year. However, the U of H is providing additional advertising monies to attract additional clients during the coming year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Clients With 5 Hours
This goal was exceeding in both areas of client contact and clients with contact and support. The Center will continue to monitor weekly the productivity of each counselor. Any deviations from monthly established guidelines will be corrected immediately to insure accomplishments year end.

GOAL: Capital Development

Objective Business Expansions
The SBDC will work with established businesses to help them expand their product line and service area. The goal for the center this period is 16 business expansions.
Associated Goals: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses, Business Expansions, Capital Development, Retention Of Jobs, The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation, Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Business Expansion Accomplishments
The goal for the year was 16 expansions and a total of 18 establishments were completed thus exceeding the goal.
Criteria Documentation of Business Expansion by Existing Businesses
The criteria for this milestone and goal are the impact surveys that the client completes after the SBDC assists them with this specific goal of business expansions. This goal is also further documented by the client when the Crisman is completed and returned to the University of Houston.
Finding Business Expansions
Since business expansions were exceeded last year, the procedures will remain the same for the future year. However, the U of H is providing additional advertising monies to attract additional clients during the coming year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Business Expansions
The Center will continue its present policies and procedures to accomplish this goal. This goal has been exceeded since goals were established 12 years ago.

GOAL: Capital Development

Objective Establish New Businesses Within The Service Area
The SBDC will help start a total of 57 businesses during this service year.
Associated Goals: Capital Development

Indicator New Business Start Up Accomplishments
The Center assisted 41 individuals in starting businesses during the year. The goal was 57 thus this goal was not met. An explaination will be addressed under actions.
Criteria Small Business Startups
The criteria for measurement is the client impact form that is completed and returned to the SBDC. Also, the Crisman annual survey is instrumental in verification.
Finding Small Business Startups
The Center goal was the establishment of 57 startups for the year. The Center acccomplished 41 which is 16 less than the goal. The reason for this was that the U of H SBDC directed clients that were not capital ready were to receive classes rather than client appointments. Consequently, many individuals that started businesses did not report that accomplishment to the Center. This was a deficiency throughout all the SBDCs throughout the region. Since the establishments of new procedures to alleviate this problem, the center will be on tract next year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Business Startups
This is the only goal that was not met last year because of procedural changes established by the University of Houston. Those procedures now have been changed and it is felt that the changes will lead to the achievement of this goal during the upcoming year. Extremely close monitoring is being conducted on a weekly basis. Additionally, much closer follow ups with existing clients has been established to insure that the information of start up is accurately and timely recorded by center personnel.

GOAL: Capital Development

Objective Job Creation
This is the most important objective that supports this goal of the year. The objective goal for this assessment period is 220 jobs established throughtout the service area.
Associated Goals: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses, Business Expansions, Capital Development, Retention Of Jobs, The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation, Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Job Creation Accomplishment
The SBDC help developed 222 jobs for this year. The goal was 200 thus the goal was exceeded for the year.
Criteria Job Creation
The criteria for this milestone and goal are the impact surveys that the client completes after the SBDC assists them with this specific goal job creation. This goal is also further documented by the client when the Crisman is completed and returned to the University of Houston.
Finding Job Creation
Since job creation was exceeded last year, the procedures will remain the same for the future year. However, the U of H is providing additional advertising monies to attract clients.
Actions for Objective:

Action Job Creation
The Center will continue its present policies and activities to maintain a satisfactory level of job creation. The Center has always exceeded this goal.

GOAL: Capital Development

Objective Retention Of Jobs
The SBDC will assist existing businesses in the retention of 60 jobs throughout the service area.
Associated Goals: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses, Business Expansions, Capital Development, Retention Of Jobs, The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation, Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Job Retention Of Existing Businesses
The SBA goal was 60 for the year the Center accomplished 66 thus surpassing the goal by 6 jobs.
Criteria Job Retention
The criteria for this milestone and goal are the impact surveys that the client completes after the SBDC assists them with this specific goal. This goal is also further documented by the client when the Crisman is completed and returned to the University of Houston.
Finding Job Retention
The Center exceeded the goal; thus, the same program will be followed next year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Job Retention
Since this goal was exceeded for the year, policies and procedures will continue as currently established.

GOAL: Capital Development

Objective Work With Clients With For Over 5 Hours
The SBDC will strive to work with productive clients for a minimum of 5 hours. The goal is
Associated Goals: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses, Business Expansions, Capital Development, Retention Of Jobs, The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation, Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Clients With Over 5 Hours Accomplishments
The Center achieved 56 contact clients exceeding the goal by one and achieved 103 contact and productivity clients exceeding that goal by three.
Criteria Documentation of Clients with Over 5 Hours
This criteria is measured monthly and is available through the University of Houston MIS System. The Director weekly monitors the success of this by each Consultant.
Finding Clients with 5 Hours
Since clients with over 5 hours were exceeded last year, the procedures will remain the same for the future year. However, the U of H is providing additional advertising monies to attract additional clients during the coming year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Clients With 5 Hours
This goal was exceeding in both areas of client contact and clients with contact and support. The Center will continue to monitor weekly the productivity of each counselor. Any deviations from monthly established guidelines will be corrected immediately to insure accomplishments year end.

GOAL: Retention Of Jobs

Objective Business Expansions
The SBDC will work with established businesses to help them expand their product line and service area. The goal for the center this period is 16 business expansions.
Associated Goals: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses, Business Expansions, Capital Development, Retention Of Jobs, The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation, Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Business Expansion Accomplishments
The goal for the year was 16 expansions and a total of 18 establishments were completed thus exceeding the goal.
Criteria Documentation of Business Expansion by Existing Businesses
The criteria for this milestone and goal are the impact surveys that the client completes after the SBDC assists them with this specific goal of business expansions. This goal is also further documented by the client when the Crisman is completed and returned to the University of Houston.
Finding Business Expansions
Since business expansions were exceeded last year, the procedures will remain the same for the future year. However, the U of H is providing additional advertising monies to attract additional clients during the coming year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Business Expansions
The Center will continue its present policies and procedures to accomplish this goal. This goal has been exceeded since goals were established 12 years ago.

GOAL: Retention Of Jobs

Objective Job Creation
This is the most important objective that supports this goal of the year. The objective goal for this assessment period is 220 jobs established throughtout the service area.
Associated Goals: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses, Business Expansions, Capital Development, Retention Of Jobs, The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation, Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Job Creation Accomplishment
The SBDC help developed 222 jobs for this year. The goal was 200 thus the goal was exceeded for the year.
Criteria Job Creation
The criteria for this milestone and goal are the impact surveys that the client completes after the SBDC assists them with this specific goal job creation. This goal is also further documented by the client when the Crisman is completed and returned to the University of Houston.
Finding Job Creation
Since job creation was exceeded last year, the procedures will remain the same for the future year. However, the U of H is providing additional advertising monies to attract clients.
Actions for Objective:

Action Job Creation
The Center will continue its present policies and activities to maintain a satisfactory level of job creation. The Center has always exceeded this goal.

GOAL: Retention Of Jobs

Objective Retention Of Jobs
The SBDC will assist existing businesses in the retention of 60 jobs throughout the service area.
Associated Goals: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses, Business Expansions, Capital Development, Retention Of Jobs, The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation, Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Job Retention Of Existing Businesses
The SBA goal was 60 for the year the Center accomplished 66 thus surpassing the goal by 6 jobs.
Criteria Job Retention
The criteria for this milestone and goal are the impact surveys that the client completes after the SBDC assists them with this specific goal. This goal is also further documented by the client when the Crisman is completed and returned to the University of Houston.
Finding Job Retention
The Center exceeded the goal; thus, the same program will be followed next year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Job Retention
Since this goal was exceeded for the year, policies and procedures will continue as currently established.

GOAL: Retention Of Jobs

Objective Work With Clients With For Over 5 Hours
The SBDC will strive to work with productive clients for a minimum of 5 hours. The goal is
Associated Goals: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses, Business Expansions, Capital Development, Retention Of Jobs, The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation, Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Clients With Over 5 Hours Accomplishments
The Center achieved 56 contact clients exceeding the goal by one and achieved 103 contact and productivity clients exceeding that goal by three.
Criteria Documentation of Clients with Over 5 Hours
This criteria is measured monthly and is available through the University of Houston MIS System. The Director weekly monitors the success of this by each Consultant.
Finding Clients with 5 Hours
Since clients with over 5 hours were exceeded last year, the procedures will remain the same for the future year. However, the U of H is providing additional advertising monies to attract additional clients during the coming year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Clients With 5 Hours
This goal was exceeding in both areas of client contact and clients with contact and support. The Center will continue to monitor weekly the productivity of each counselor. Any deviations from monthly established guidelines will be corrected immediately to insure accomplishments year end.

GOAL: The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation

Objective Business Expansions
The SBDC will work with established businesses to help them expand their product line and service area. The goal for the center this period is 16 business expansions.
Associated Goals: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses, Business Expansions, Capital Development, Retention Of Jobs, The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation, Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Business Expansion Accomplishments
The goal for the year was 16 expansions and a total of 18 establishments were completed thus exceeding the goal.
Criteria Documentation of Business Expansion by Existing Businesses
The criteria for this milestone and goal are the impact surveys that the client completes after the SBDC assists them with this specific goal of business expansions. This goal is also further documented by the client when the Crisman is completed and returned to the University of Houston.
Finding Business Expansions
Since business expansions were exceeded last year, the procedures will remain the same for the future year. However, the U of H is providing additional advertising monies to attract additional clients during the coming year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Business Expansions
The Center will continue its present policies and procedures to accomplish this goal. This goal has been exceeded since goals were established 12 years ago.

GOAL: The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation

Objective Job Creation
This is the most important objective that supports this goal of the year. The objective goal for this assessment period is 220 jobs established throughtout the service area.
Associated Goals: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses, Business Expansions, Capital Development, Retention Of Jobs, The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation, Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Job Creation Accomplishment
The SBDC help developed 222 jobs for this year. The goal was 200 thus the goal was exceeded for the year.
Criteria Job Creation
The criteria for this milestone and goal are the impact surveys that the client completes after the SBDC assists them with this specific goal job creation. This goal is also further documented by the client when the Crisman is completed and returned to the University of Houston.
Finding Job Creation
Since job creation was exceeded last year, the procedures will remain the same for the future year. However, the U of H is providing additional advertising monies to attract clients.
Actions for Objective:

Action Job Creation
The Center will continue its present policies and activities to maintain a satisfactory level of job creation. The Center has always exceeded this goal.

GOAL: The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation

Objective Retention Of Jobs
The SBDC will assist existing businesses in the retention of 60 jobs throughout the service area.
Associated Goals: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses, Business Expansions, Capital Development, Retention Of Jobs, The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation, Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Job Retention Of Existing Businesses
The SBA goal was 60 for the year the Center accomplished 66 thus surpassing the goal by 6 jobs.
Criteria Job Retention
The criteria for this milestone and goal are the impact surveys that the client completes after the SBDC assists them with this specific goal. This goal is also further documented by the client when the Crisman is completed and returned to the University of Houston.
Finding Job Retention
The Center exceeded the goal; thus, the same program will be followed next year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Job Retention
Since this goal was exceeded for the year, policies and procedures will continue as currently established.

GOAL: The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation

Objective Work With Clients With For Over 5 Hours
The SBDC will strive to work with productive clients for a minimum of 5 hours. The goal is
Associated Goals: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses, Business Expansions, Capital Development, Retention Of Jobs, The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation, Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Clients With Over 5 Hours Accomplishments
The Center achieved 56 contact clients exceeding the goal by one and achieved 103 contact and productivity clients exceeding that goal by three.
Criteria Documentation of Clients with Over 5 Hours
This criteria is measured monthly and is available through the University of Houston MIS System. The Director weekly monitors the success of this by each Consultant.
Finding Clients with 5 Hours
Since clients with over 5 hours were exceeded last year, the procedures will remain the same for the future year. However, the U of H is providing additional advertising monies to attract additional clients during the coming year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Clients With 5 Hours
This goal was exceeding in both areas of client contact and clients with contact and support. The Center will continue to monitor weekly the productivity of each counselor. Any deviations from monthly established guidelines will be corrected immediately to insure accomplishments year end.

GOAL: Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Objective Assisting Clients In Obtaining Capital
The SBDC will assist clients during this measurement period in obtaining up to 5 million dollars of financing for the year.
Associated Goals: Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Capital Formation Results
The SBA goal for this milestone was $5 million dollars. The Center achieved a total $5,843,520.00 which greatly exceeded this goal.
Criteria Client Capital Formation
The criteria for this milestone and goal are the impact surveys that the client completes after the SBDC assists them with this specific goal. This goal is also further documented by the client when the Crisman is completed and returned to the University of Houston.
Finding Client Capital Accomplishment
Since this goal was exceeded for the year, we will continue to maintain our current status of assisting individuals with capital. Unfortunately, rumors are spreading throughout the region that all capital goals for next year will be doubled. This is unrealistic at most centers.
Actions for Objective:

Action Capital Formation
Since Capital Formation was exceeded for the year the same policies and procedures will be followed. Additionally, extensive marketing to banks concerning our services is currently being established. It is felt that bankers will refer more clients to the Center that are considered capital ready.

GOAL: Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Objective Business Expansions
The SBDC will work with established businesses to help them expand their product line and service area. The goal for the center this period is 16 business expansions.
Associated Goals: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses, Business Expansions, Capital Development, Retention Of Jobs, The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation, Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Business Expansion Accomplishments
The goal for the year was 16 expansions and a total of 18 establishments were completed thus exceeding the goal.
Criteria Documentation of Business Expansion by Existing Businesses
The criteria for this milestone and goal are the impact surveys that the client completes after the SBDC assists them with this specific goal of business expansions. This goal is also further documented by the client when the Crisman is completed and returned to the University of Houston.
Finding Business Expansions
Since business expansions were exceeded last year, the procedures will remain the same for the future year. However, the U of H is providing additional advertising monies to attract additional clients during the coming year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Business Expansions
The Center will continue its present policies and procedures to accomplish this goal. This goal has been exceeded since goals were established 12 years ago.

GOAL: Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Objective Job Creation
This is the most important objective that supports this goal of the year. The objective goal for this assessment period is 220 jobs established throughtout the service area.
Associated Goals: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses, Business Expansions, Capital Development, Retention Of Jobs, The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation, Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Job Creation Accomplishment
The SBDC help developed 222 jobs for this year. The goal was 200 thus the goal was exceeded for the year.
Criteria Job Creation
The criteria for this milestone and goal are the impact surveys that the client completes after the SBDC assists them with this specific goal job creation. This goal is also further documented by the client when the Crisman is completed and returned to the University of Houston.
Finding Job Creation
Since job creation was exceeded last year, the procedures will remain the same for the future year. However, the U of H is providing additional advertising monies to attract clients.
Actions for Objective:

Action Job Creation
The Center will continue its present policies and activities to maintain a satisfactory level of job creation. The Center has always exceeded this goal.

GOAL: Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Objective Retention Of Jobs
The SBDC will assist existing businesses in the retention of 60 jobs throughout the service area.
Associated Goals: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses, Business Expansions, Capital Development, Retention Of Jobs, The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation, Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Job Retention Of Existing Businesses
The SBA goal was 60 for the year the Center accomplished 66 thus surpassing the goal by 6 jobs.
Criteria Job Retention
The criteria for this milestone and goal are the impact surveys that the client completes after the SBDC assists them with this specific goal. This goal is also further documented by the client when the Crisman is completed and returned to the University of Houston.
Finding Job Retention
The Center exceeded the goal; thus, the same program will be followed next year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Job Retention
Since this goal was exceeded for the year, policies and procedures will continue as currently established.

GOAL: Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Objective Work With Clients With For Over 5 Hours
The SBDC will strive to work with productive clients for a minimum of 5 hours. The goal is
Associated Goals: Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses, Business Expansions, Capital Development, Retention Of Jobs, The Number One Goal Of The SBDC Is Job Creation, Work With Clients With Over 5 Hours

Indicator Clients With Over 5 Hours Accomplishments
The Center achieved 56 contact clients exceeding the goal by one and achieved 103 contact and productivity clients exceeding that goal by three.
Criteria Documentation of Clients with Over 5 Hours
This criteria is measured monthly and is available through the University of Houston MIS System. The Director weekly monitors the success of this by each Consultant.
Finding Clients with 5 Hours
Since clients with over 5 hours were exceeded last year, the procedures will remain the same for the future year. However, the U of H is providing additional advertising monies to attract additional clients during the coming year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Clients With 5 Hours
This goal was exceeding in both areas of client contact and clients with contact and support. The Center will continue to monitor weekly the productivity of each counselor. Any deviations from monthly established guidelines will be corrected immediately to insure accomplishments year end.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111