
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Service :
Criminal Justice, CMIT

3 Goals     3 Objectives     3 Indicators     3 Criteria     3 Findings     13 Actions

GOAL: 1. Recognized For Excellence

Objective 1. Assist Leadership Succession
Assist correctional agencies and departments in leadership succession by preparing personnel in supervisory and mid-management positions for greater responsibility through effective training utilizing the Mid Management Leadership Program
Associated Goals: 1. Recognized For Excellence, 2. Provide Leadership, 3. Windows Of Opportunity

Indicator 1. Program Evaluations
Program evaluation performed a month after program.
Criteria 1. 4.0+ Satisfaction Rating
Obtain an average score above 4.0 on a 5.0 scale together written participant comments.
Finding 1. Satisfactory Program Rating
The Mid-Management Program successfully received a 4.0+ satisfaction rating.
Actions for Objective:

Action 1. Mid Management will be continued for next year
Will be continued for next year
Action 1.a. Mid Management Curriculum Update
Curriculum additions/updates: Team Leader Questionnaire, Team Assessment, Communication Styles, Employee Power Profile, Employee Growth and Development
Action 1.b. Mid-Management Panel
Reduced panels from three to one and bringing in two speakers to discuss the required panel topics
Action 1.c. Mid Management Program Addition
Added one more program per fiscal year, bringing total number to five programs.
Action 1.d. Mid Management Participant Number Increase
Increased number of participants from 30 to 32.

GOAL: 1. Recognized For Excellence

Objective 2. Effective Training
Participants will be provided with effective training on topics mandated by the Community Justice Assistance Division (CJAD) to prepare them for the state certification plan utilizing the Community Supervision Officer Certification Training.
Associated Goals: 1. Recognized For Excellence

Indicator 2. Program Evaluation
Program evaluation conducted at the completion of the training.
Criteria 2. 3.2+ Satisfaction Rating
Obtain an average score above 3.2 on a 4.0 scale together written participant comments.
Finding 2. Satisfactory Program Rating
The CSO Certification Training successfully achieved a 3.2+ satisfaction rating.
Actions for Objective:

Action 2. CSO Cert. will be continued for next year
Will be continued for next year
Action 2.a. CSO PowerPoint Presentation Updated
CSO Trainings PowerPoint presentation slides were re-configured to better match the curriculum.
Action 2.b. CSO Training Curriculum Update
Curriculum was reviewed and updated to meet current statutes and standards
Action 2.c. CSO Training Feedback Form Update
Feedback form was reviewed and updated to provide better trainer feedback

GOAL: 1. Recognized For Excellence

Objective 3. Effective Training
Participants will be provided with effective training on topics mandated by the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission (TJPC) to make them eligible for certification
Associated Goals: 1. Recognized For Excellence

Indicator 3. Program Evaluation
Program evaluation conducted at the completion of the training.
Criteria 3. 4.0+ Satisfaction Rating
Obtain an average score above 4.0 on a 5.0 scale together written participant comments.
Finding 3. Satisfactory Program Rating
The JPO Basic Training successfully received a 4.0+ satisfaction rating.
Actions for Objective:

Action 3. JPO Basic will be continued for next year
Will be continued for next year
Action 3.a. JPO Basic Juvenile Law Module
The JPO Basic Juvenile Law Module will be split into 2 four hour sessions over 2 days instead of the current 1 day eight hour session.
Action 3.b. JPO Basic Law Enforcement Processing Module
Reworked JPO Basic Law Enforcement Processing Module to include more applicable information for the field.
Action 3.c. JPO Basic Participant Workbook
Reviewed participant workbook material and referenced all extra handouts in lesson plans for instructor reference. Removed all unnecessary handouts.

GOAL: 2. Provide Leadership

Objective 1. Assist Leadership Succession
Assist correctional agencies and departments in leadership succession by preparing personnel in supervisory and mid-management positions for greater responsibility through effective training utilizing the Mid Management Leadership Program
Associated Goals: 1. Recognized For Excellence, 2. Provide Leadership, 3. Windows Of Opportunity

Indicator 1. Program Evaluations
Program evaluation performed a month after program.
Criteria 1. 4.0+ Satisfaction Rating
Obtain an average score above 4.0 on a 5.0 scale together written participant comments.
Finding 1. Satisfactory Program Rating
The Mid-Management Program successfully received a 4.0+ satisfaction rating.
Actions for Objective:

Action 1. Mid Management will be continued for next year
Will be continued for next year
Action 1.a. Mid Management Curriculum Update
Curriculum additions/updates: Team Leader Questionnaire, Team Assessment, Communication Styles, Employee Power Profile, Employee Growth and Development
Action 1.b. Mid-Management Panel
Reduced panels from three to one and bringing in two speakers to discuss the required panel topics
Action 1.c. Mid Management Program Addition
Added one more program per fiscal year, bringing total number to five programs.
Action 1.d. Mid Management Participant Number Increase
Increased number of participants from 30 to 32.

GOAL: 3. Windows Of Opportunity

Objective 1. Assist Leadership Succession
Assist correctional agencies and departments in leadership succession by preparing personnel in supervisory and mid-management positions for greater responsibility through effective training utilizing the Mid Management Leadership Program
Associated Goals: 1. Recognized For Excellence, 2. Provide Leadership, 3. Windows Of Opportunity

Indicator 1. Program Evaluations
Program evaluation performed a month after program.
Criteria 1. 4.0+ Satisfaction Rating
Obtain an average score above 4.0 on a 5.0 scale together written participant comments.
Finding 1. Satisfactory Program Rating
The Mid-Management Program successfully received a 4.0+ satisfaction rating.
Actions for Objective:

Action 1. Mid Management will be continued for next year
Will be continued for next year
Action 1.a. Mid Management Curriculum Update
Curriculum additions/updates: Team Leader Questionnaire, Team Assessment, Communication Styles, Employee Power Profile, Employee Growth and Development
Action 1.b. Mid-Management Panel
Reduced panels from three to one and bringing in two speakers to discuss the required panel topics
Action 1.c. Mid Management Program Addition
Added one more program per fiscal year, bringing total number to five programs.
Action 1.d. Mid Management Participant Number Increase
Increased number of participants from 30 to 32.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111