
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Service :
Institutional Research and Assessment Office

5 Goals     5 Objectives     5 Indicators     5 Criteria     5 Findings     7 Actions

GOAL: Accurate Data for university

Objective Client Satisfaction
Federal, State, TSU System, and SHSU administrative and academic consumers of SHSU data will be satisfied with the accuracy and timeliness of data provided by the IRA Office
Associated Goals: Accurate Data for university, Evidence-based culture

Indicator Number Of Repeat Customers
The IRA Office will use the Workorder Request Table to track the number of repeat customers in the 2006-2007 year.
Criteria Gather baseline for Repeat Customers
The IRA office will gather information on the number of repeat customers served in order to determine a baseline for future comparison. The IRA office would like to see an increase in the number of repeat customers in following years.
Finding Number of Repeat Clients
37 repeat clients were found in the 2006-2007 Workorder table. Please see the attached list for a full count of the repeat clients. This information will be used as a baseline for future evaluations of the number of repeat clients serviced by the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment.
Indicator SHSU Client Feedback Survey  
Internal perception and satisfaction feedback surveys of consumers in the SHSU community. Will include items addressing satisfaction with accuracy, timeliness, and usefulness of data provided by the IRA Office.
Criteria 60% Client Satisfaction
A minimum 60% of survey respondents will not only be satisfied with the IRA office in general, but also with the accuracy, timeliness, and usefulness of the data they receive as a result of their work orders/data requests.
Finding Client Satisfaction
The IRA Client satisfaction survey was sent to 103 former clients, from which was received 17 responses. This equates to a response rate of 16.5%. Of the respondents, 82.4% (14 of 17) found the materials sent to them to be useful, 82.4% (14 of 17) were satisfied with the time it took to receive their results, and 70.6% (12 of 17) were generally satisfied with the quality of service they received. The only area in which the response was negative was the area of accuracy where only 47.1% (8 of 17) reported that their results had only minor errors or were error free.
Actions for Objective:

Action Improving Client Satisfaction
If the different areas of client satisfaction measured by the IRA Office, Accuracy was the one that most dissatisfied clients. Most of these issues may have been the result of clients not understanding the timing of different reports received and issued by the IRA Office. In an effort to correct this, the IRA Office has taken steps to educate clients as to when and where differences in data due to the timing of reports may occur. In addition, the IRA Office has set into motion procedures to improving the consistency of various reports by "freezing" key data sets that can then be used as snapshots from different reports can be completed.
Action Improving Measuring Client Satisfaction
As the response rate for the Client Satisfaction Survey was only about 16%, the IRA Office will investigate ways to improve the process and increase the response rate. One such method may be automatically incorporating the survey into the e-mail that is used to send the client their completed request.

GOAL: Accurate Data for university

Objective Data Consistency
State and TSU System consumers of SHSU data will perceive consistency across reports and surveys in SHSU data for common key indicators and outcomes provided by the IRA Office
Associated Goals: Accurate Data for university, Provide resources to measure excellence

Indicator Multi-source Datapoint Checks
Consistency Check with Common key-indicators used by State Agencies and TSU System. Data and reports produced by the IRA office will be compared with comparable data contained in various GUI, Nell, THECB, and IPED's reports.
Criteria Accuracy of IRA Data
Data produced by the IRA office will be 95% accurate in comparisons with other date, when the timing and definitions of the data do not vary.
Finding Accuracy of IRA Data/Reports
In general, most discrepancies were found to be because of differences in definitions and timing. As such it was difficult to determine the exact percentage of accuracy of IRA data and reports. It has become clear that steps must be taking internally to make the process of quality control less time consuming and more efficient.
Actions for Objective:

Action Improving the Accuracy of IRA Data/Reports
The IRA office has taken great steps to improve communication with the Universities Computer Services division in an effort to resolve the descrepancies that resulted from differences in timing and definitions. As a result of these discussions, it has been decided that key data and reports will be "frozen" at various times throughout the academic year, and that this frozen data will be used to provide consistent reports for various departments and agencies. In addtion to these external efforts, the IRA office will continue to streamline and modify is procedures for checking data/reports in an effort to make that process more time efficient.

GOAL: Accurate Data for university

Objective Mandated Reporting
Provide information and conduct research studies to comply with federal, state and other reporting mandates
Associated Goals: Accurate Data for university, Provide resources to measure excellence

Indicator Tracking Mandated Reports
The IRA office will use an organized table to track when mandate reports, such as IPEDS, THECB reports, Petersons, NSF/NIH reports, US News and World Reports, etc., are received by the IRA Office, who they are assigned to, when they are completed and the locations of any relevant files.
Criteria 100% Completion of Mandated Reports
100% of mandated reports received by the IRA office will be completed.
Finding Completion of Mandated Reports
100% of mandated reports received by the IRA office in 2006-2007 were completed.
Actions for Objective:

Action Completion of Mandated Reports
The IRA Office will continue to complete all mandated reports submitted to this office by various University Programs and Administrators, as well as those recieved from various private, State, and Federal agencies.
Action Improve Collection of Workorder Information
In 2007-2008 the IRA Office will look to improve how it collects and maintains information submitted by clients. The office will look into using a web based application through which client information will be efficiently entered into a database.

GOAL: Evidence-based culture

Objective Assist Various Accreditation Assessments
Provides technical assistance in validating and documenting those processes for the reaffirmation of accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
Associated Goals: Evidence-based culture, Provide resources to measure excellence, Serve entire university, Sharing and Exchange

Indicator Tracking Assistance SACS Reaffirmation
The IRA office will collect e-mails, sign-in sheets and the Workorder Request Table to track the level and types of assistance provided to the University community in regards to the SACS reaffirmation process.
Criteria Assistance with SACS reaffirmation
The IRA office will satisfy all requests for assistance in regards to the SACS reaffirmation process.
Finding Assistance with SACS reaffirmation
The IRA Office has provided a variety of assistance in regard to the Universities SACS reaffirmation efforts. Numerous training sessions have been conducted to instruct university members in the operation of the Online Assessment Tracking Database (OAT Db), a key component in the Universities SACS efforts. Since the conclusion of the training sessions in March, the IRA office has continued to provide hands on training and assistance with the various departments and divisions as needed.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continuing Assistance with SACS Reaffirmation
The Office of Institutional Research and Assessment will continue its efforts to assist University programs and departments with the SACS reaffirmation process, as well as continue to provide advice and technical support with the Online Assessment Tracking Database (OAT Db).

GOAL: Evidence-based culture

Objective Client Satisfaction
Federal, State, TSU System, and SHSU administrative and academic consumers of SHSU data will be satisfied with the accuracy and timeliness of data provided by the IRA Office
Associated Goals: Accurate Data for university, Evidence-based culture

Indicator Number Of Repeat Customers
The IRA Office will use the Workorder Request Table to track the number of repeat customers in the 2006-2007 year.
Criteria Gather baseline for Repeat Customers
The IRA office will gather information on the number of repeat customers served in order to determine a baseline for future comparison. The IRA office would like to see an increase in the number of repeat customers in following years.
Finding Number of Repeat Clients
37 repeat clients were found in the 2006-2007 Workorder table. Please see the attached list for a full count of the repeat clients. This information will be used as a baseline for future evaluations of the number of repeat clients serviced by the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment.
Indicator SHSU Client Feedback Survey  
Internal perception and satisfaction feedback surveys of consumers in the SHSU community. Will include items addressing satisfaction with accuracy, timeliness, and usefulness of data provided by the IRA Office.
Criteria 60% Client Satisfaction
A minimum 60% of survey respondents will not only be satisfied with the IRA office in general, but also with the accuracy, timeliness, and usefulness of the data they receive as a result of their work orders/data requests.
Finding Client Satisfaction
The IRA Client satisfaction survey was sent to 103 former clients, from which was received 17 responses. This equates to a response rate of 16.5%. Of the respondents, 82.4% (14 of 17) found the materials sent to them to be useful, 82.4% (14 of 17) were satisfied with the time it took to receive their results, and 70.6% (12 of 17) were generally satisfied with the quality of service they received. The only area in which the response was negative was the area of accuracy where only 47.1% (8 of 17) reported that their results had only minor errors or were error free.
Actions for Objective:

Action Improving Client Satisfaction
If the different areas of client satisfaction measured by the IRA Office, Accuracy was the one that most dissatisfied clients. Most of these issues may have been the result of clients not understanding the timing of different reports received and issued by the IRA Office. In an effort to correct this, the IRA Office has taken steps to educate clients as to when and where differences in data due to the timing of reports may occur. In addition, the IRA Office has set into motion procedures to improving the consistency of various reports by "freezing" key data sets that can then be used as snapshots from different reports can be completed.
Action Improving Measuring Client Satisfaction
As the response rate for the Client Satisfaction Survey was only about 16%, the IRA Office will investigate ways to improve the process and increase the response rate. One such method may be automatically incorporating the survey into the e-mail that is used to send the client their completed request.

GOAL: Provide resources to measure excellence

Objective Assist Various Accreditation Assessments
Provides technical assistance in validating and documenting those processes for the reaffirmation of accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
Associated Goals: Evidence-based culture, Provide resources to measure excellence, Serve entire university, Sharing and Exchange

Indicator Tracking Assistance SACS Reaffirmation
The IRA office will collect e-mails, sign-in sheets and the Workorder Request Table to track the level and types of assistance provided to the University community in regards to the SACS reaffirmation process.
Criteria Assistance with SACS reaffirmation
The IRA office will satisfy all requests for assistance in regards to the SACS reaffirmation process.
Finding Assistance with SACS reaffirmation
The IRA Office has provided a variety of assistance in regard to the Universities SACS reaffirmation efforts. Numerous training sessions have been conducted to instruct university members in the operation of the Online Assessment Tracking Database (OAT Db), a key component in the Universities SACS efforts. Since the conclusion of the training sessions in March, the IRA office has continued to provide hands on training and assistance with the various departments and divisions as needed.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continuing Assistance with SACS Reaffirmation
The Office of Institutional Research and Assessment will continue its efforts to assist University programs and departments with the SACS reaffirmation process, as well as continue to provide advice and technical support with the Online Assessment Tracking Database (OAT Db).

GOAL: Provide resources to measure excellence

Objective Clients Understand & Use Data
SHSU decision makers will be able to use and understand the data they are provided by the IRA Office
Associated Goals: Provide resources to measure excellence, Serve entire university

Indicator Number Of Repeat Customers
The IRA Office will use the Workorder Request Table to track the number of repeat customers in the 2006-2007 year.
Criteria Gather baseline for Repeat Customers
The IRA office will gather information on the number of repeat customers served in order to determine a baseline for future comparison. The IRA office would like to see an increase in the number of repeat customers in following years.
Finding Number of Repeat Clients
37 repeat clients were found in the 2006-2007 Workorder table. Please see the attached list for a full count of the repeat clients. This information will be used as a baseline for future evaluations of the number of repeat clients serviced by the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment.
Indicator SHSU Client Feedback Survey  
Internal perception and satisfaction feedback surveys of consumers in the SHSU community. Will include items addressing satisfaction with accuracy, timeliness, and usefulness of data provided by the IRA Office.
Criteria 60% Client Satisfaction
A minimum 60% of survey respondents will not only be satisfied with the IRA office in general, but also with the accuracy, timeliness, and usefulness of the data they receive as a result of their work orders/data requests.
Finding Client Satisfaction
The IRA Client satisfaction survey was sent to 103 former clients, from which was received 17 responses. This equates to a response rate of 16.5%. Of the respondents, 82.4% (14 of 17) found the materials sent to them to be useful, 82.4% (14 of 17) were satisfied with the time it took to receive their results, and 70.6% (12 of 17) were generally satisfied with the quality of service they received. The only area in which the response was negative was the area of accuracy where only 47.1% (8 of 17) reported that their results had only minor errors or were error free.
Actions for Objective:

Action Ensuring that Clients Can Understand and Use Data
The IRA Office will continue to respond to the needs and requests from its various clients; as well as continue to assist clients improve the methods by which they capture their own program data. In addition, the IRA Office will continue to educate it clients regarding the nuances of the data received by our office and the impact it can have on various reports so that clients can get the maximum amount of use from their requests.

GOAL: Provide resources to measure excellence

Objective Data Consistency
State and TSU System consumers of SHSU data will perceive consistency across reports and surveys in SHSU data for common key indicators and outcomes provided by the IRA Office
Associated Goals: Accurate Data for university, Provide resources to measure excellence

Indicator Multi-source Datapoint Checks
Consistency Check with Common key-indicators used by State Agencies and TSU System. Data and reports produced by the IRA office will be compared with comparable data contained in various GUI, Nell, THECB, and IPED's reports.
Criteria Accuracy of IRA Data
Data produced by the IRA office will be 95% accurate in comparisons with other date, when the timing and definitions of the data do not vary.
Finding Accuracy of IRA Data/Reports
In general, most discrepancies were found to be because of differences in definitions and timing. As such it was difficult to determine the exact percentage of accuracy of IRA data and reports. It has become clear that steps must be taking internally to make the process of quality control less time consuming and more efficient.
Actions for Objective:

Action Improving the Accuracy of IRA Data/Reports
The IRA office has taken great steps to improve communication with the Universities Computer Services division in an effort to resolve the descrepancies that resulted from differences in timing and definitions. As a result of these discussions, it has been decided that key data and reports will be "frozen" at various times throughout the academic year, and that this frozen data will be used to provide consistent reports for various departments and agencies. In addtion to these external efforts, the IRA office will continue to streamline and modify is procedures for checking data/reports in an effort to make that process more time efficient.

GOAL: Provide resources to measure excellence

Objective Mandated Reporting
Provide information and conduct research studies to comply with federal, state and other reporting mandates
Associated Goals: Accurate Data for university, Provide resources to measure excellence

Indicator Tracking Mandated Reports
The IRA office will use an organized table to track when mandate reports, such as IPEDS, THECB reports, Petersons, NSF/NIH reports, US News and World Reports, etc., are received by the IRA Office, who they are assigned to, when they are completed and the locations of any relevant files.
Criteria 100% Completion of Mandated Reports
100% of mandated reports received by the IRA office will be completed.
Finding Completion of Mandated Reports
100% of mandated reports received by the IRA office in 2006-2007 were completed.
Actions for Objective:

Action Completion of Mandated Reports
The IRA Office will continue to complete all mandated reports submitted to this office by various University Programs and Administrators, as well as those recieved from various private, State, and Federal agencies.
Action Improve Collection of Workorder Information
In 2007-2008 the IRA Office will look to improve how it collects and maintains information submitted by clients. The office will look into using a web based application through which client information will be efficiently entered into a database.

GOAL: Serve entire university

Objective Assist Various Accreditation Assessments
Provides technical assistance in validating and documenting those processes for the reaffirmation of accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
Associated Goals: Evidence-based culture, Provide resources to measure excellence, Serve entire university, Sharing and Exchange

Indicator Tracking Assistance SACS Reaffirmation
The IRA office will collect e-mails, sign-in sheets and the Workorder Request Table to track the level and types of assistance provided to the University community in regards to the SACS reaffirmation process.
Criteria Assistance with SACS reaffirmation
The IRA office will satisfy all requests for assistance in regards to the SACS reaffirmation process.
Finding Assistance with SACS reaffirmation
The IRA Office has provided a variety of assistance in regard to the Universities SACS reaffirmation efforts. Numerous training sessions have been conducted to instruct university members in the operation of the Online Assessment Tracking Database (OAT Db), a key component in the Universities SACS efforts. Since the conclusion of the training sessions in March, the IRA office has continued to provide hands on training and assistance with the various departments and divisions as needed.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continuing Assistance with SACS Reaffirmation
The Office of Institutional Research and Assessment will continue its efforts to assist University programs and departments with the SACS reaffirmation process, as well as continue to provide advice and technical support with the Online Assessment Tracking Database (OAT Db).

GOAL: Serve entire university

Objective Clients Understand & Use Data
SHSU decision makers will be able to use and understand the data they are provided by the IRA Office
Associated Goals: Provide resources to measure excellence, Serve entire university

Indicator Number Of Repeat Customers
The IRA Office will use the Workorder Request Table to track the number of repeat customers in the 2006-2007 year.
Criteria Gather baseline for Repeat Customers
The IRA office will gather information on the number of repeat customers served in order to determine a baseline for future comparison. The IRA office would like to see an increase in the number of repeat customers in following years.
Finding Number of Repeat Clients
37 repeat clients were found in the 2006-2007 Workorder table. Please see the attached list for a full count of the repeat clients. This information will be used as a baseline for future evaluations of the number of repeat clients serviced by the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment.
Indicator SHSU Client Feedback Survey  
Internal perception and satisfaction feedback surveys of consumers in the SHSU community. Will include items addressing satisfaction with accuracy, timeliness, and usefulness of data provided by the IRA Office.
Criteria 60% Client Satisfaction
A minimum 60% of survey respondents will not only be satisfied with the IRA office in general, but also with the accuracy, timeliness, and usefulness of the data they receive as a result of their work orders/data requests.
Finding Client Satisfaction
The IRA Client satisfaction survey was sent to 103 former clients, from which was received 17 responses. This equates to a response rate of 16.5%. Of the respondents, 82.4% (14 of 17) found the materials sent to them to be useful, 82.4% (14 of 17) were satisfied with the time it took to receive their results, and 70.6% (12 of 17) were generally satisfied with the quality of service they received. The only area in which the response was negative was the area of accuracy where only 47.1% (8 of 17) reported that their results had only minor errors or were error free.
Actions for Objective:

Action Ensuring that Clients Can Understand and Use Data
The IRA Office will continue to respond to the needs and requests from its various clients; as well as continue to assist clients improve the methods by which they capture their own program data. In addition, the IRA Office will continue to educate it clients regarding the nuances of the data received by our office and the impact it can have on various reports so that clients can get the maximum amount of use from their requests.

GOAL: Sharing and Exchange

Objective Assist Various Accreditation Assessments
Provides technical assistance in validating and documenting those processes for the reaffirmation of accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
Associated Goals: Evidence-based culture, Provide resources to measure excellence, Serve entire university, Sharing and Exchange

Indicator Tracking Assistance SACS Reaffirmation
The IRA office will collect e-mails, sign-in sheets and the Workorder Request Table to track the level and types of assistance provided to the University community in regards to the SACS reaffirmation process.
Criteria Assistance with SACS reaffirmation
The IRA office will satisfy all requests for assistance in regards to the SACS reaffirmation process.
Finding Assistance with SACS reaffirmation
The IRA Office has provided a variety of assistance in regard to the Universities SACS reaffirmation efforts. Numerous training sessions have been conducted to instruct university members in the operation of the Online Assessment Tracking Database (OAT Db), a key component in the Universities SACS efforts. Since the conclusion of the training sessions in March, the IRA office has continued to provide hands on training and assistance with the various departments and divisions as needed.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continuing Assistance with SACS Reaffirmation
The Office of Institutional Research and Assessment will continue its efforts to assist University programs and departments with the SACS reaffirmation process, as well as continue to provide advice and technical support with the Online Assessment Tracking Database (OAT Db).

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