SACS Reaffirmation
Objective | Students to complete PGA membership requirements | |
Students to complete all requirements of the PGA of America''s Professional Golf Management Program. Associated Goals: Produce college educated PGA Members |
Indicator | Complete PGA of America''s Educational Program Successful completion of the PGA of America''s Educational program. |
Criteria | PGA Educational program Successfully pass all knowledge tests and simulations associated with Level 1,2, and 3 of the PGA/Professional Golf Management Program. |
Finding | Completion of PGA''s Educational Program Students must complete the PGA of America''s 3 level educational program. Successful completion includes the completion of 3 work experience kits concluded with checkpoint testing after each level. |
Indicator | Internship experience Successful completion of 16 months of internship work. |
Criteria | Internship experience Successful completion of the internship experience will include that it take place in at least 3 different settings with a detailed evaluation filled out by each host. |
Finding | Internships Students will complete 4 successful internships over 16 months. The internships must take place in at least 3 different settings. |
Indicator | Playing Ability Test Pass the PGA of America''s Playing Ability Test. |
Criteria | Pass the PGA of America''s Playing Ability Test Successful completion of the PGA''s Playing Ability Test will require students to shoot a target score on a given day at a given golf course. The target score is arrived at by mulitplying the rating of the course by 2 and adding 15. |
Finding | Pass the PGA''s Playing Ability Test Students must pass the PAT prior to graduation. |
Action | Completion of the PGA/PGM Program Assess what percentage of students are successfully graduating the PGA/Professional Golf Management Program. National averages dictate that approximately 45% of students who enroll in the program will graduate. |