
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Educational Support :
Academic Instructional Technology and Distance Learning

2 Goals     4 Objectives     3 Indicators     4 Criteria     5 Findings     4 Actions

GOAL: Creativity And Pedagogy In Technology Utilization

Objective Technology Utilization
Assist in the design, purchase, and utilization of hardware and software in classroom-based and online technologies.
Associated Goals: Creativity And Pedagogy In Technology Utilization, Strategy And Technology In Distance Learning

Indicator Collaboration
Collaboration with academic and non-academic entities across campus.
Criteria Techheads Group
Increasingly substantial meetings and collaborations with key campus technology participants.
Finding Techheads Group
Met once each quarter. I had attempted to keep the group meeting very informal without agendas and minutes to foster greater collaboration. This worked this year, but will need to be more formalized next. The group needs to meet more as well. 4 times per year is just not enough to keep everyone on the same page.
Indicator Communications
Communicate office activities and technology trends.
Criteria Increased Communications
The Office will seek to provide a short technology column in the Academic Affairs newsletter produced by the Provost''''''''s Office once per academic month. Increase of multimedia example across the university''''s web presence.
Finding Information for Provosts Newsletter
Did not participate in newsletter as it was discontinued.
Indicator Visability
Increase visability of activities and technology applications.
Criteria Add Distance Learning Activities
The Office will seek to continue the promotion and development of distance learning activities across campus.
Finding AB5 Technology
Provided the President with an outline, list of current distance learning capabilities and offerings, and costs associated with technology
Finding Distance Learning Offerings
We have been continually successful in implementing distance technologies to broadcast interactivity and content. FY 2007 we added one addition program online.
Finding Multimedia Production
Produced 7 hour-long videos of presentations for Recreational Sports and 2 for COBA as a campus service and a plug for the Office.
Criteria Certification
Increased certification of faculty members to teach online and certification of distance courses.
Actions for Objective:

Action Techheads
Will increase number of meetings and documentation.

GOAL: Creativity And Pedagogy In Technology Utilization

Objective Trends
Increase the awareness of technology trends.
Associated Goals: Creativity And Pedagogy In Technology Utilization

Indicator Visability
Increase visability of activities and technology applications.
Criteria Add Distance Learning Activities
The Office will seek to continue the promotion and development of distance learning activities across campus.
Finding AB5 Technology
Provided the President with an outline, list of current distance learning capabilities and offerings, and costs associated with technology
Finding Distance Learning Offerings
We have been continually successful in implementing distance technologies to broadcast interactivity and content. FY 2007 we added one addition program online.
Finding Multimedia Production
Produced 7 hour-long videos of presentations for Recreational Sports and 2 for COBA as a campus service and a plug for the Office.
Criteria Certification
Increased certification of faculty members to teach online and certification of distance courses.
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Strategy And Technology In Distance Learning

Objective Increase Awareness
Increase awareness, use, and quality of technical and information support services.
Associated Goals: Strategy And Technology In Distance Learning

Indicator Communications
Communicate office activities and technology trends.
Criteria Increased Communications
The Office will seek to provide a short technology column in the Academic Affairs newsletter produced by the Provost''''''''s Office once per academic month. Increase of multimedia example across the university''''s web presence.
Finding Information for Provosts Newsletter
Did not participate in newsletter as it was discontinued.
Indicator Visability
Increase visability of activities and technology applications.
Criteria Add Distance Learning Activities
The Office will seek to continue the promotion and development of distance learning activities across campus.
Finding AB5 Technology
Provided the President with an outline, list of current distance learning capabilities and offerings, and costs associated with technology
Finding Distance Learning Offerings
We have been continually successful in implementing distance technologies to broadcast interactivity and content. FY 2007 we added one addition program online.
Finding Multimedia Production
Produced 7 hour-long videos of presentations for Recreational Sports and 2 for COBA as a campus service and a plug for the Office.
Criteria Certification
Increased certification of faculty members to teach online and certification of distance courses.
Actions for Objective:

Action Distance Learning Offering
Will continue to work with faculty and administrators to increase distance learning offerings as is appropos for the content.
Action Multimedia Circus
Will reinstitute the Circus which highlights current campus-wide faculty applications, Library services, Computer Services offerings, and an opportunity for discussion and collaboration.
Action Publish information
I will publish pertinent information in the UCS Tech Update and continue to produce more campus-wide multimedia to plug the Office.

GOAL: Strategy And Technology In Distance Learning

Objective Technology Evaluation
Identify and evaluate equipment and software for potential utilization within the University.
Associated Goals: Strategy And Technology In Distance Learning

Indicator Collaboration
Collaboration with academic and non-academic entities across campus.
Criteria Techheads Group
Increasingly substantial meetings and collaborations with key campus technology participants.
Finding Techheads Group
Met once each quarter. I had attempted to keep the group meeting very informal without agendas and minutes to foster greater collaboration. This worked this year, but will need to be more formalized next. The group needs to meet more as well. 4 times per year is just not enough to keep everyone on the same page.
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Strategy And Technology In Distance Learning

Objective Technology Utilization
Assist in the design, purchase, and utilization of hardware and software in classroom-based and online technologies.
Associated Goals: Creativity And Pedagogy In Technology Utilization, Strategy And Technology In Distance Learning

Indicator Collaboration
Collaboration with academic and non-academic entities across campus.
Criteria Techheads Group
Increasingly substantial meetings and collaborations with key campus technology participants.
Finding Techheads Group
Met once each quarter. I had attempted to keep the group meeting very informal without agendas and minutes to foster greater collaboration. This worked this year, but will need to be more formalized next. The group needs to meet more as well. 4 times per year is just not enough to keep everyone on the same page.
Indicator Communications
Communicate office activities and technology trends.
Criteria Increased Communications
The Office will seek to provide a short technology column in the Academic Affairs newsletter produced by the Provost''''''''s Office once per academic month. Increase of multimedia example across the university''''s web presence.
Finding Information for Provosts Newsletter
Did not participate in newsletter as it was discontinued.
Indicator Visability
Increase visability of activities and technology applications.
Criteria Add Distance Learning Activities
The Office will seek to continue the promotion and development of distance learning activities across campus.
Finding AB5 Technology
Provided the President with an outline, list of current distance learning capabilities and offerings, and costs associated with technology
Finding Distance Learning Offerings
We have been continually successful in implementing distance technologies to broadcast interactivity and content. FY 2007 we added one addition program online.
Finding Multimedia Production
Produced 7 hour-long videos of presentations for Recreational Sports and 2 for COBA as a campus service and a plug for the Office.
Criteria Certification
Increased certification of faculty members to teach online and certification of distance courses.
Actions for Objective:

Action Techheads
Will increase number of meetings and documentation.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111