
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Educational Programs :
Public Administration MPA

6 Goals     6 Objectives     6 Indicators     6 Criteria     6 Findings     7 Actions

GOAL: Academic Program Improvement

Objective Student Satisfaction
The Department of Political Science will improve students' overall satisfaction with the MPA program
Associated Goals: Academic Program Improvement

Indicator Student Satisfaction
Student satisfaction will be measured using an anonymous exit survey. All graduate students will complete the survey prior to graduation.
Criteria Student Satisfaction
At least 80% of our MPA graduates will provide a positive answer to question 6 on the graduate exit survey. Respondents answers will be considered positive if they describe their overall experience with the program met or exceeded their expectations.
Finding student satisfaction
Three MPA graduates responded to the survey. Of these, 100% responded that the program met or exceeded their expectations. While the results show the goal was met, three responses are not sufficient to adequately assess the program.
Actions for Objective:

Action Student Satisfaction
The department''s website has been revised to include online versions of the graduate and undergraduate exit survey. We believe online surveys will increase the response rate as online surveys are more accessible to students than mail out surveys.

GOAL: Continuously Evaluate Program To Meet Student Needs

Objective Evaluate Student Perceptions Of The MPA Program
The MPA faculty will meet annually with the MPA students to access student needs and determine any problems with the program.
Associated Goals: Continuously Evaluate Program To Meet Student Needs

Indicator Students Express Satisfaction Or Dissatisfaction
The faculty will evaulate the student's perceptions of the program through an annual focus group meeting.
Criteria Respond to Student Opinions
Although the focus group is conducted as an informal discussion of the program, eighty percent of the participants should express satisfaction with the program.
Finding Student satisfaction
There is no evaluation of the focus group other than notes taken by a Graduate Assistant. The oral consensus of the focus groups held in May 2006 and May 2007 showed a high level of satisfaction with the program.
Actions for Objective:

Action Student satisfaction of MPA program
While the department conducts a focus group meeting once a year where MPA students and faculty discuss the program, there is no hard data collected. A satisfaction survey will be added to the focus group. Students will be asked to fill out a student satisfaction survey for the program.

GOAL: Encourage Student Conference Attendance And Professional Writing

Objective Encourage Student Research
All students enrolled in PA 583, a research based course, will submit abstracts to professional conferences or papers to professional journal.
Associated Goals: Encourage Student Conference Attendance And Professional Writing

Indicator Encourage students to present papers at conferences
Students enrolled in PA 583 will submit papers to professional conferences.
Criteria All students will submit abstracts to conferences or articles to journals
PA 583 is the second required research class that students take and is where students prepare their Capstone Paper. One hundred percent of students will either submit an abstract to a professional conference or submit a paper to a journal. The number of students enrolled in PA 583 that submitted abstracts to professional conferences or articles to peer reviewed journals in 2005-6 will be compared to students enrolled in PO 583 in 2006-7.
Finding Students will attend professional conferences
The goal was not met; however, the requirement of submitting proposals or papers will not be implemented intil 2008-09. Zero students attended conferences or submitted abstracts or journal articles in 2005-6. Three of eight students presented at conferences in 2006-07.
Actions for Objective:

Action Require students to submit research
Beginning in 2008-09, students enrolled in PA 583 will be required to submit either an abstract to a professional conference or a paper to a peer reviewed journal for satisfactory completion of the course. Students will not receive a grade in the course until the professor receives documentation of the submission.

GOAL: Improve Internships

Objective Match Internships To Core Course Objectives
The intership should give students an opportunity to utilize and practice their classroom learning in administrative settings.
Associated Goals: Improve Internships

Indicator Internship Experience
Students are assigned to an internship in a governmental or non-profit agency. They work at least two semesters for 20-25 hours each week and enroll in POL 595. Course requirements include a major written assignment and "very good" to "excellent" performance ratings by the intern's workplace supervisor. Each supervise meets at least once with the supervising professor. He also evaluates the student's performances at the end of each semester using an "Intern Supervisor's" form.
Criteria Supervisor''s evaluation
The supervisor evaluates the intern on an instrument that has 10 questions evaluating the student. Some of these areas include the student''s relations with others, attitude, judgment, ability to learn, dependability, quality of work, work compared to others, and work compared to other employees. The ratings are a 5 step Likert scale with "very good" and "excellent" as the two highest categories. This assessment is 40 percent of the student''s grade. Students must receive 100 percent of the scores as "very good" or "excellent" to receive an "A" on the evaluation.
Finding Intern ratings
The goal was exceeded. One hundred percent of the interns received "very good" or "excellent" scores from their supervisors.
Actions for Objective:

Action Counseling for students not receiving good ratings
The graduate advisor will counsel students who do not receive "very good" or "excellent" ratings from their intern supervisors. This will occur immediately after the supervisor''s evaluation is received during the first semester of the internship.
Action Incorporate the use of portfolios in internships
The focus groups identified the use of portfolios as a learning tool to be developed in POL 595, the internship course. Students must now develop a portfolio of their professional work to help with interviewing when they are looking for a job.

GOAL: Increase MPA Enrollment By 10 Percent

Objective Increase Enrollment By 10 Percent Per Year
In order for the MPA program to grow, enrollment must increase. Thus, the number of applications to the program, course enrollment, and the number of students should increase by 10 percent from 2005-06 to 2006-07.
Associated Goals: Increase MPA Enrollment By 10 Percent

Indicator Increase Enrollment
Enrollment in courses, the number of students taking classes, and the number of applications are indicators of changes in enrollment from 2005-06 to 2006-07.
Criteria Increase enrollment
Changes in enrollment will be examined by three criteria comparing data from 2005-06 to 2006-07: First, by the number of students taking courses; second, by the number of applications to the program; third, by the number of students enrolled in MPA courses. There must be a 10 percent increase in any area for the goal to be met.
Finding Increase enrollment
The data show the goal was not met. When examining data from 2005-06 and comparing it to data from 2006-07 the following results are shown. First, the number of students taking courses remained stagnant at 15. Second, the number of applications decreased from 18 to 17, and third, the enrollment in courses declined from 47 to 38.
Actions for Objective:

Action Increase reruiting students
The graduate advisor will engage in more recruiting activites in undergraduate classes and in the community to enhance enrollment.

GOAL: Students Must Demonstrate Competency Before Graduation

Objective Student competency in core areas
Students must demonstrate competency in the some of the core areas of public administration including financial management, research methods, and ethics.
Associated Goals: Students Must Demonstrate Competency Before Graduation

Indicator Students Must Demonstrate Competency.
Students must demonstrate competency by passing a written examination covering the core areas of research, financial management, and ethics. Currently faculty members who teach the testing fields write and grade the examination questions. Students are awarded the grades of high pass, pass and fail. All students must pass the written comprehensive examation to graduate.
Criteria Pass rates for comprehensive examination
One-hundred percent of students must pass the comprehensive examination. Twenty percent of students should achieve a high pass in at least one field.
Finding Students demonstrate competency
The goal was exceeded. One-hundred percent of students taking the comprehensive examination in 2006-2007 passed. Over twenty percent (33.33 percent) of the students received a grade of high pass in at least one area.
Actions for Objective:

Action Increase number of examination graders
In order to promote consistency and fairness, each comprehensive question will have two graders.

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