
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Educational Programs :
Superintendent Certification

3 Goals     3 Objectives     3 Indicators     5 Criteria     11 Findings     10 Actions

GOAL: Academic Program Alignment

Objective Program Alignment
Implement aligned course structure objectives with Standards for ELCC and Texas Certification
Associated Goals: Academic Program Alignment

Indicator Program Alignment
Aligned superintendent certification program with the ELCC and Texas standards.
Criteria Progam Alignment
Advisory Board approves recommended alignment and proposed courses.
Finding Administrator Employer Survey
No employer survey had been distributed for a four year period.
Finding Course Revisions
No substantative course revision has been attempted for over eight years.
Criteria Program Alignment
New courses reflecting alignment to Texas and ELCC standards.
Criteria Program alignment
100% of superintendent certification program aligned to Texas Competencies and the ELCC standards.
Finding Assessments
Assessments for current courses reflect traditional test strategies rather than authentic assessments of content knowledge and skills.
Finding Course Analysis
Of the current four courses required for superintendent certification, only 35% of the content correlate with the Texas Competencies for Superintendents.
Finding Course Analysis
Of the four courses in the current superintendent certification program, only 42% correlate with the ELCC standards.
Finding Instruction
Instruction was delivered by individuals with no experience at the superintendent level.
Finding Practicum
Requirements for the practicum are 50% of the requirements for ELCC standards.
Finding Student Participation
Student participation in the superintendency program reduced to classes with less than five people in a section for more than a three year period.
Actions for Objective:

Action Assessment Development
All coures assessments will be analyzed for alignment with standards and to determine the extent of authentic assessment status.
Action Content Analysis
Content from the course alignment will be analyzed for deficiencies and overlap.
Action Formative Evaluation
IDEA results by professor Conduct Informal student evaluation Review TExES results
Action Standards Analysis
A team of former superintendents and current professors with superintendent experience will analys the Texas and ELCC standards to determine extent of alignment problems.

GOAL: Customer Satisfaction

Objective Customer Satisfaction
Measure customer satisfaction in the superintendency program
Associated Goals: Customer Satisfaction

Indicator Customer Satisfacation
Customer satisfaction will be expressed by increased student enrollment and increased participation in participant surveys.
Criteria Customer Satisfaction
90% of certified completers express satisfaction with the superintendent certification program.
Finding Completer Survey Administration
No survey of program completers has been attempted for over four years.
Finding Satisfaction Survey
No satisfaction survey had been distributed for the superintendent level for at least four years.
Actions for Objective:

Action Completer Survey Administration
Pending survey development
Action Course Review and Revision
Pending analysis of data courses will be revised accordingly
Action Data Analysis
Pending survey administration
Action Employer Surveys
Pending development of employer survey
Action Survey Development
Preliminary discussion of survey content

GOAL: Develop A Quality Superintendent Certification Program

Objective Increase Pass Rate For Superintendent Certification Exam
80% of the students will pass the superintendent certification examination.
Associated Goals: Develop A Quality Superintendent Certification Program

Indicator TExES Scores
Pass rate on the TExES superintendents certification examination will increase to 80%.
Criteria Student Pass Rate
100% of course content aligned with TExES competencies for superintendent certification.
Finding Pass Rates
The findings showed the pass rate is less than 80%.
Actions for Objective:

Action Pass Rate for Certification Exam
Continue to monitor course content to prepare students for the superintendent certification exam.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111