
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Educational Programs :
Physics BS

1 Goals     3 Objectives     3 Indicators     3 Criteria     3 Findings     3 Actions

GOAL: Resources for academic excellence

Objective Expectations Of Graduating Students
The Department expects to graduate sufficient number of undergraduates to meet the viability standards of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
Associated Goals: Resources for academic excellence

Indicator Viability
Comparison of the number of graduates to the standards set by the Higher Education Coordination Board.
Criteria Program Success
The number of graduates will exceed the standards set by the Coordinating Board.
Finding Viability
The number of Bachelor''s Degrees awarded exceeds the minimum requirement set by The Higher Education Coordinating Board.
Actions for Objective:

Action viability
No action required.

GOAL: Resources for academic excellence

Objective Graduate Study
It is expected that students who wish to pursue graduate studies in physics will be prepared to compete with students from world-class institutions. Those students choosing immediate employment will be prepared to enter the work force.
Associated Goals: Resources for academic excellence

Indicator Progression to Graduate School
Percentage of students attending graduate school by polling students being accepted to graduate school
Criteria Success of Graduates
At least half of the graduates will be admited to graduate school.
Finding Faculty Productivity
Five research track faculty members had 17 research papers published during 2006-2007. This is an average of 3.4 per faculty member and far exceeds the expectation of 2.0 per member.
Finding Siccess of graduates
In 2006-2007 two of six graduates are pursuing degrees. However, in the past two academic years six of eleven graduates entered graduate schools.
Actions for Objective:

Action successof graduates
No action required

GOAL: Resources for academic excellence

Objective Research
It is expected that research programs will produce publishable research that contributes to the progress of knowledge in the chosen fields of specialization.
Associated Goals: Resources for academic excellence

Indicator Faculty Productivity
Counting the number of peer reviewed publications and the number of conference presentations.
Criteria Measurement of Faculty Productivity
Two peer reviewed publications or presentations per research track faculty member each year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Research
Continue to maintain the standard of 2.0 publications per research track faculty member.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111