
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Educational Programs :
Kinesiology BS (All Level Teacher Certification)

2 Goals     2 Objectives     6 Indicators     6 Criteria     6 Findings     6 Actions

GOAL: Faculty Excellence

Objective FES
Increase activity by Kinesiology faculty in professional presentations, publications, and service.
Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence

Indicator IDEA
BS teacher certification students will use the IDEA Evaluation System to rate kinesiology pedagogy faculty excellence in teaching.
Criteria IDEA Ratings
100% of the full-time tenure-track Kinesiology faculty will score at or above the national average on the IDEA Evaluation Instrument.
Finding IDEA Ratings
Target met. The five full-time kinesiology faculty scored at or above the national average on the IDEA Evaluation Instrument.
Indicator Scholarship
Department Chair will review portfolios and tabulate the number of scholarly publications and conference presentations made by Kinesiology pedagogy faculty.
Criteria Scholarly Productivity
100% of kinesiology full-time tenure-track faculty will have a minimum of one publication (article, book, book chapter), and one professional presentation(state, national).
Finding Scholarly Productivity
Target met. All Kinesiology faculty had at least one publication and one professional presentation. The department reported a total of 52 professional presentations for academic year 2006-2007.
Indicator Service
Department chair will review portfolios and determine service activities for Kinesiology pedagogy faculty.
Criteria Service
80% of kinesiology full-time tenure-track faculty will be engaged in service activities at two or more of these areas: department, college, university, and professional state, national.
Finding Service
Exceeded service target.
Actions for Objective:

Action IDEA Ratings
Continue to implement creative mechanisms in an effort to assist faculty with sustained teacher effectiveness.
Action Scholarly Productivity
Continue to encourage and seek support for faculty who provide external scholarship service.
Action Service
100% of the Kinesiology faculty have more than two service assignments for the 2006-2007 academic year.

GOAL: Quality And Effectiveness

Objective EC-12 Physical Education Examination
Pre-service teachers will pass the EC-12 physical education content examination.
Associated Goals: Quality And Effectiveness

Indicator EC-12 Scores
Collect and analyze scores of EC-12 Physical Education content examination.
Criteria Student Performance
80% of the Pre-service teachers will pass the EC-12 Physical Education content exam.
Finding Student Performance
During the 2006-2007 academic year, 24 students took the EC-12 P.E. content exam. Twenty-three of the 24 students passed.
Indicator Practice Exam
Pre-service teachers scheduled to take the EC-12 P. E. exam will take a department developed content practice exam.
Criteria Department Scores
Pre-service teachers will score 70% or higher on the department developed content practice exam.
Finding Department Exam
Exceeded target. Of the 24 pre-service teachers taking the department practice exam, all scored higher than 70%.
Indicator Review Sessions
Kinesiology pedagogy faculty will conduct review sessions for pre-service teachers scheduled to take the EC-12 P.E. content exam.
Criteria Review Sessions
Kinesiology pedagogy faculty will conduct at least four review sessions for pre-service teachers scheduled to take the EC-12 P.E. content exam.
Finding Review Sessions
Target met. Four review sessions for pre-service teachers were provided by Kinesiology pedagogy faculty during the 2006-2007 academic year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Department Exam
Continue to support and provide department developed practice exam.
Action Review Sessions
Use data to inform BS teacher certification curriculum planning process and decisions regarding program remediation plans should there be a need.
Action Student Performance
Continue to provide academic support and resources to promote student success on the EC-12 P.E. content exam.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111