
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Educational Programs :
Composite Science BS

1 Goals     2 Objectives     2 Indicators     2 Criteria     2 Findings     2 Actions

GOAL: Review Of Program

Objective Program Review By Curriculum And Instruction
There is concern by the COE that we are no longer in a position to adequately support certification in composite science
Associated Goals: Review Of Program

Indicator Composite Science Certification
The College of Education will review the new requirements for certification in composite science to determine if the university should or can continue to offer this option.
Criteria Composite Science Certification
Students completing the composite science program should have the discipline specific and professional skills to pass certification exams.
Finding Composite Science Certification Review
It was determined that the skills necessary for passing certification exams were not addressed sufficiently by the current curriculum. It was determined that the university should not offer certification in composite science.
Actions for Objective:

Action Discontinue Composite Science Certification
Neither the science departments nor the COE feel that we should offer this program. A panel consisting of science faculty and a representative of the COE will be convened to discuss phasing out the program.

GOAL: Review Of Program

Objective Program Review By Science Departments
The four science departments that jointly offer the degree are concerned about the lack of depth in the curriculum due to the wide breadth of topics that are covered.
Associated Goals: Review Of Program

Indicator Composite Science Curriculum
The degree program inventory of science courses will be reviewed by a committee of faculty members to determine if students completing the degree will obtain the necessary skills and knowledge to represent themselves as a multiple-discipline trained scientist.
Criteria Composite Science Curriculum
The unanimous concensus of the faculty panel should be that students completing the degree program have sufficient depth of understanding in all areas. The curriculum should be capable of providing this understanding without additional coursework.
Finding Composite Science Review
It was determined by a panel of science faculty that the degree program does not provide sufficient depth for our students.
Actions for Objective:

Action Discontinue Composite Science Program
Neither the science departments nor the COE feel that we should offer this program. A panel consisting of science faculty and a representative of the COE will be convened to discuss phasing out the program.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111