
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Educational Programs :
Administration MA, MED (Principal Certification)

1 Goals     3 Objectives     3 Indicators     3 Criteria     4 Findings     3 Actions

GOAL: Developing Quality Principal Preparation Program

Objective Course Content Alignment
Examine and align course content with TExES competencies and ELCC/NCATE Standards.
Associated Goals: Developing Quality Principal Preparation Program

Indicator Course Alignment  
Align course curriculum and course content.
Criteria Course Alignment  
Alignment of Curriculum and Course Content
Finding Course Analysis
Course syllabi have been reviewed and are not aligned with TExES competencies and ELCC/NCATE Standards.
Finding Misalignment
Misalignment between course content, TExES Competencies, ELCC/NCATE standards and student performance.
Actions for Objective:

Action Alignment
Create alignment among course contentm, syllabi, TExES competencies, and ELCC/NCATE standards.

GOAL: Developing Quality Principal Preparation Program

Objective Increase Pass Rate For Principal Certification Exam
100% of the students will pass the principal certification (TExES) exam
Associated Goals: Developing Quality Principal Preparation Program

Indicator TExES Scores  
Increase in TExES Scores by 5%.
Criteria Alignment
100% course content alignment with TExES competencies and ELCC/NCATE standards.
Finding Pass Rates
The findings showed a decrease in pass rates from the 2006 completion year to the 2007 completion year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Pass Rate For Principal Certification Exam
Describes the pass rate results for 2006 and 2007 completion years.

GOAL: Developing Quality Principal Preparation Program

Objective Increase Stakeholder Surveys
Increase return of stakeholder surveys by 5% regarding effectiveness of the program.
Associated Goals: Developing Quality Principal Preparation Program

Indicator Quantity Of Surveys  
Increase in number of stakeholder surveys.
Criteria Customer Satisfaction
Increase Alumni return of surveys.
Finding Low Survey Return Rate
Low survey return rate among alumni.
Actions for Objective:

Action Survey Revision
Revising content of stakeholder surveys.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111