
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Educational Programs :
Music BM

2 Goals     4 Objectives     5 Indicators     5 Criteria     6 Findings     6 Actions

GOAL: Music Careers

Objective Music History
Students will be able to identify and perform music from the Renaissance, Classical, Romantic, 20th Century and modern periods.
Associated Goals: Music Careers

Indicator Music History
A grade of at least "C" in all histroy courses required in the major.
Criteria Musical Periods
S.tudents can identify music by listening to short parts of selected works
Finding Historic musical periods
Students are a little confused about the historic periods and the defining characteristics of those periods
Finding Students often not able to identify musical period
Through testing, we find students still have difficulty identifying music from specific musical periods
Actions for Objective:

Action Change course content
We need to adjust course content to spend a little more time with clarifying characteristics of the major musical periods
Action Increase listening activity
We will increase the required listening in the labs or by individual students

GOAL: Music Careers

Objective Music Theory
Develop an understanding and practical application of music theory including scales, chords/progressions, form and analysis.
Associated Goals: Music Careers

Indicator Music Theory
Students will have at least a "C" grade in all theory classes.
Criteria Theory tests/quizes
Students should be given more in-class quizes and tests to help measure/evaluate learning
Finding Theory learning
Students do better in theory if they are given more frequent learning measurment quizes/tests.
Actions for Objective:

Action Theory tests/quizes
We will change the course content/schedule to allow for frequenst tests/quizes to measure student learning.

GOAL: Recruit And Retain Excellent Students

Objective Music Training
Provide excellent performance opportunities for students in a variety of ensembles.
Associated Goals: Recruit And Retain Excellent Students

Indicator Training In Ensembles
Music major enrollment in ensembles is required.
Criteria Training in ensembles
Students must be in at least one Major ensemble each semester.
Finding Training - ensemble enrollment
Most, but not all majors are enrolled in an ensemble each semester as required...especially for scholarship students.
Actions for Objective:

Action Training action - enrollment
We will put administrative checks in place that will help us track students who should be in ensembles each semester.

GOAL: Recruit And Retain Excellent Students

Objective Performance Skills
Develop performance ability at an appropriate level and difficulty to represent pre-professional performance. Knowledge of repertoire and performance practice unique to the student''s instrument/voice is essential.
Associated Goals: Recruit And Retain Excellent Students

Indicator Performance skills
Tone quality - representative and charactoristic of the instrument of voice including performance practices of the various periods or styles of music.
Criteria Juries
Students must pass their juries at a level appropriate to their class standing
Finding Juries
Students are not aware of the requirements for the jurie in enough time to adaquately prepare
Indicator Rhythms
Rhythems will be accurate and played in the correct style.
Criteria Rhythms - various meters
Students should be able to play/perform music in a variety of meters/time signatures
Finding Rhythm skills
Students so not have the ability to perform as well as anticipated in some meters/time signatures.
Actions for Objective:

Action Jurie review
Faculty will review the jury process
Action Rhythm - expand training
We will expand or increase the amount of rhythmic training for students.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111