
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Speech Communication, Department of

3 Goals     3 Objectives     3 Indicators     3 Criteria     3 Findings     3 Actions

GOAL: Professional Activity and Service

Objective Professional Activity and Service
Tenured and tenure-track faculty members will participate regularly and perform service in the state, regional, national, and international profesional organizations of the field.
Associated Goals: Professional Activity and Service

Indicator Professional Activity and Service
Professional activity and service will be measured by the number of professional organization conventions attended during the evaluation period or by service performed as a member of a professional organization.
Criteria Professional Activity and Service
Participation in one regional, national, or international professional organization meeting per tenure-track faculty member during the evaluation period will indicate a satisfactory level of professional activity. Service as a committee member or the like equals participation in one organization meeting.
Finding Professional Activity and Service
All tenured and tenure-track faculty members attended at least one professional organization meeting at the regional level or above during the evaluation period.
Actions for Objective:

Action Professional Activity and Service
The faculty will maintain its specified level of professional activity and service. This evaluation will be repeated in the next reporting period.

GOAL: Research Productivity

Objective Research Productivity
Tenured and tenure-track faculty members will maintain an ongoing program of research and publication.
Associated Goals: Research Productivity

Indicator Research Productivity
The measure of research productivity will be the number of convention presentations and publications (published or accepted for publication) during the evaluation period.
Criteria Research Productivity
A total of two convention papers or one paper published or accepted for publication per tenure-track faculty member during the evaluation period will indicate an ongoing program of research and publication.
Finding Research Productivity
All tenured and tenure-track faculty members presented at least two convention papers during the evaluation period or had one paper published or accepted for publication.
Actions for Objective:

Action Research Productivity
The faculty will maintain its specified level of research productivity. This evaluation will be repeated in the next reporting period.

GOAL: Teaching Excellence

Objective Teaching Excellence
Faculty members will sustain an above average level of classroom instruction.
Associated Goals: Teaching Excellence

Indicator Student Evaluation of Teaching
The measure of teaching effectiveness will be the average IDEA System score for all classes taught during the evaluation period.
Criteria Student Evaluation of Teaching
An average grade for all classes taught in the evaluation period of 4 or better will indicate excellence in classroom instruction.
Finding Teaching Excellence
During the evaluation period, the average IDEA System score for all faculty members exceeded 4.
Actions for Objective:

Action Teaching Excellence
The faculty will maintain its specified overall level of teaching excellence. It will seek to raise the average score for each faculty member to the overall level (4). This evaluation will be repeated in the next reporting period.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111