
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Computer Science, Department of

6 Goals     10 Objectives     8 Indicators     10 Criteria     10 Findings     10 Actions

GOAL: Assessment

Objective Assessment
The department will establish and implement assessment procedures to provide performance information across all aspects of departmental and programmatic activity.
Associated Goals: Assessment, Curriculum Planning, Enrollment Growth, Faculty Development, Program Stability, Student Advisement

Indicator Department Meeting Minutes
Criteria Department Meeting Documentation
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all official department meetings and have those records available for on-site review.
Finding Assessment
The department maintains documentation on all academic and departmental activity. The documentation, collected though all departmental sources is centralized in department meeting minutes summarizing assessment activities and findings
Finding Department meeting minutes
The department meeting minutes are on file in the department offices and available for review.
Finding Resource Allocation
Assessment in progress
Actions for Objective:

Action Assessment
Assessment in a continuous process. Assessment procedures should continue and be reviewed for improvement.

GOAL: Assessment

Objective Budget
The department will establish, in consultation with the faculty, a budget that meets the requirements of the strategic planning process.
Associated Goals: Assessment, Faculty Development, Program Stability

Indicator Budget Request
Criteria Budget Planning Documentation
The department chair will submit a draft budget request to the February department meeting for review and to the Dean by March 1.
Finding Budget Planning Documentation
The budget Planning document was prepared, submitted to the Dean''s office in a timely manner and reviewed by the department ex post facto
Indicator Department Meeting Minutes
Criteria Department Meeting Documentation
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all official department meetings and have those records available for on-site review.
Finding Assessment
The department maintains documentation on all academic and departmental activity. The documentation, collected though all departmental sources is centralized in department meeting minutes summarizing assessment activities and findings
Finding Department meeting minutes
The department meeting minutes are on file in the department offices and available for review.
Finding Resource Allocation
Assessment in progress
Actions for Objective:

Action Budget Planning
The department will continue to develop budget planning documents based on strategic planning targets.

GOAL: Assessment

Objective Student Advisement
The faculty will provide competent, timely and accurate advisement information to existing students
Associated Goals: Assessment, Student Advisement

Indicator Advisement Logs
Criteria Advisement Records
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all official advisement sessions and have those records available for on-site review.
Finding Advisement Records
Advisement records are maintained jointly by the department chair and the senior faculty advisor. The records are computerized and available through the departmental office.
Indicator Department Meeting Minutes
Criteria Department Meeting Documentation
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all official department meetings and have those records available for on-site review.
Finding Assessment
The department maintains documentation on all academic and departmental activity. The documentation, collected though all departmental sources is centralized in department meeting minutes summarizing assessment activities and findings
Finding Department meeting minutes
The department meeting minutes are on file in the department offices and available for review.
Finding Resource Allocation
Assessment in progress
Actions for Objective:

Action Advisement Records
No action required
Action Review of Advisement Procedures
The department should urgently review the advisement process to effect two changes. first, the advisement load should be distributed among all competent faculty and second, the maintenance of advisement records should be centralized within the departmental offices.

GOAL: Curriculum Planning

Objective Assessment
The department will establish and implement assessment procedures to provide performance information across all aspects of departmental and programmatic activity.
Associated Goals: Assessment, Curriculum Planning, Enrollment Growth, Faculty Development, Program Stability, Student Advisement

Indicator Department Meeting Minutes
Criteria Department Meeting Documentation
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all official department meetings and have those records available for on-site review.
Finding Assessment
The department maintains documentation on all academic and departmental activity. The documentation, collected though all departmental sources is centralized in department meeting minutes summarizing assessment activities and findings
Finding Department meeting minutes
The department meeting minutes are on file in the department offices and available for review.
Finding Resource Allocation
Assessment in progress
Actions for Objective:

Action Assessment
Assessment in a continuous process. Assessment procedures should continue and be reviewed for improvement.

GOAL: Curriculum Planning

Objective Curriculum Planning Committees
The department will establish appropriate committee structures and protocols to maintain high quality and up-to-date curriculum offerings.
Associated Goals: Curriculum Planning

Indicator Annual Strategic Plan
Criteria Strategic Planning Document
The department chair will present a strategic planning document to the February department meeting
Finding Strategic Plan
A Strategic Planning Document was not prepared for 2006/7. In lieu of this a comprehensive review and planning document was prepared for ABET accreditation including the components normally associated with a strategic planing document.
Indicator Catalog Copy
Criteria Catalog Copy
The appropriate curriculum committee will perform an annual review of catalog descriptions for each program within its purview and submit changes to the department chair for approval.
Finding Catalog copy
Catalog copy for the undergraduate degree program, and all three graduate degree programs were submitted to the Dean''s office in a timely manner.
Indicator Curriculum Committee Minutes
Criteria Curriculum Committee Records
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all curriculum committee minutes and make those records available for on-site review.
Finding Curriculum Planning Records
Curriculum Committee meeting records are on file and available in the departmental offices.
Criteria Environmental Scan
Each curriculum committee will conduct an annual environmental scan.
Finding Environmental Scan
The undergraduate curriculum committee conducted an environmental scan as part of it curriculum review cycle resulting in the addition of the Information Assurance and security track. The Graduate curriculum committee conducted an environmental scan as part of its progress toward an Information Assurance and security degree program.
Criteria Prerequisite review
Each curriculum committee shall conduct a review of program prerequisites
Criteria Resource Allocation
Indicator Department Meeting Minutes
Criteria Department Meeting Documentation
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all official department meetings and have those records available for on-site review.
Finding Assessment
The department maintains documentation on all academic and departmental activity. The documentation, collected though all departmental sources is centralized in department meeting minutes summarizing assessment activities and findings
Finding Department meeting minutes
The department meeting minutes are on file in the department offices and available for review.
Finding Resource Allocation
Assessment in progress
Actions for Objective:

Action Curriculum Planning Records
Curriculum Planning Records are to be managed on line and available in the departmental web site in the accreditation segment.
Action Environmental Scan
The department curriculum committee will instigate an annual environmental scan as part of it preliminary data collection.

GOAL: Enrollment Growth

Objective Advertising
The department will develop tools and procedures for effectively communicating program information to potential students and their parents
Associated Goals: Enrollment Growth, Program Stability

Indicator Advertising Materials Review
Criteria Advertising Materials Review
The department will review and update advertising materials for each of its programs on an annual basis
Finding Advertising Materials Review
Advertising materials were reviewed by the department chair. Addition video advertising was initiated for graduate programs.
Indicator Catalog Copy
Criteria Catalog Copy
The appropriate curriculum committee will perform an annual review of catalog descriptions for each program within its purview and submit changes to the department chair for approval.
Finding Catalog copy
Catalog copy for the undergraduate degree program, and all three graduate degree programs were submitted to the Dean''s office in a timely manner.
Actions for Objective:

Action Advertising Materials Review
Assessment in progress
Action Catalog copy
Continue catalog review on an ongoing basis

GOAL: Enrollment Growth

Objective Assessment
The department will establish and implement assessment procedures to provide performance information across all aspects of departmental and programmatic activity.
Associated Goals: Assessment, Curriculum Planning, Enrollment Growth, Faculty Development, Program Stability, Student Advisement

Indicator Department Meeting Minutes
Criteria Department Meeting Documentation
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all official department meetings and have those records available for on-site review.
Finding Assessment
The department maintains documentation on all academic and departmental activity. The documentation, collected though all departmental sources is centralized in department meeting minutes summarizing assessment activities and findings
Finding Department meeting minutes
The department meeting minutes are on file in the department offices and available for review.
Finding Resource Allocation
Assessment in progress
Actions for Objective:

Action Assessment
Assessment in a continuous process. Assessment procedures should continue and be reviewed for improvement.

GOAL: Enrollment Growth

Objective Public Relations
THe department will provide timely and effective communication of activities to internal and external agencies.
Associated Goals: Enrollment Growth, Program Stability

Indicator Advertising Materials Review
Criteria Advertising Materials Review
The department will review and update advertising materials for each of its programs on an annual basis
Finding Advertising Materials Review
Advertising materials were reviewed by the department chair. Addition video advertising was initiated for graduate programs.
Indicator Department Meeting Minutes
Criteria Department Meeting Documentation
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all official department meetings and have those records available for on-site review.
Finding Assessment
The department maintains documentation on all academic and departmental activity. The documentation, collected though all departmental sources is centralized in department meeting minutes summarizing assessment activities and findings
Finding Department meeting minutes
The department meeting minutes are on file in the department offices and available for review.
Finding Resource Allocation
Assessment in progress
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Enrollment Growth

Objective Recruitment
The department will provide timely and accurate information regarding programmatic offerings and entrance requirements to prospective students.
Associated Goals: Enrollment Growth, Program Stability

Indicator Advertising Materials Review
Criteria Advertising Materials Review
The department will review and update advertising materials for each of its programs on an annual basis
Finding Advertising Materials Review
Advertising materials were reviewed by the department chair. Addition video advertising was initiated for graduate programs.
Indicator Catalog Copy
Criteria Catalog Copy
The appropriate curriculum committee will perform an annual review of catalog descriptions for each program within its purview and submit changes to the department chair for approval.
Finding Catalog copy
Catalog copy for the undergraduate degree program, and all three graduate degree programs were submitted to the Dean''s office in a timely manner.
Indicator Department Meeting Minutes
Criteria Department Meeting Documentation
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all official department meetings and have those records available for on-site review.
Finding Assessment
The department maintains documentation on all academic and departmental activity. The documentation, collected though all departmental sources is centralized in department meeting minutes summarizing assessment activities and findings
Finding Department meeting minutes
The department meeting minutes are on file in the department offices and available for review.
Finding Resource Allocation
Assessment in progress
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Faculty Development

Objective Assessment
The department will establish and implement assessment procedures to provide performance information across all aspects of departmental and programmatic activity.
Associated Goals: Assessment, Curriculum Planning, Enrollment Growth, Faculty Development, Program Stability, Student Advisement

Indicator Department Meeting Minutes
Criteria Department Meeting Documentation
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all official department meetings and have those records available for on-site review.
Finding Assessment
The department maintains documentation on all academic and departmental activity. The documentation, collected though all departmental sources is centralized in department meeting minutes summarizing assessment activities and findings
Finding Department meeting minutes
The department meeting minutes are on file in the department offices and available for review.
Finding Resource Allocation
Assessment in progress
Actions for Objective:

Action Assessment
Assessment in a continuous process. Assessment procedures should continue and be reviewed for improvement.

GOAL: Faculty Development

Objective Budget
The department will establish, in consultation with the faculty, a budget that meets the requirements of the strategic planning process.
Associated Goals: Assessment, Faculty Development, Program Stability

Indicator Budget Request
Criteria Budget Planning Documentation
The department chair will submit a draft budget request to the February department meeting for review and to the Dean by March 1.
Finding Budget Planning Documentation
The budget Planning document was prepared, submitted to the Dean''s office in a timely manner and reviewed by the department ex post facto
Indicator Department Meeting Minutes
Criteria Department Meeting Documentation
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all official department meetings and have those records available for on-site review.
Finding Assessment
The department maintains documentation on all academic and departmental activity. The documentation, collected though all departmental sources is centralized in department meeting minutes summarizing assessment activities and findings
Finding Department meeting minutes
The department meeting minutes are on file in the department offices and available for review.
Finding Resource Allocation
Assessment in progress
Actions for Objective:

Action Budget Planning
The department will continue to develop budget planning documents based on strategic planning targets.

GOAL: Faculty Development

Objective Faculty Performance Review
The department will provide university, College and departmental level policy documentation identifying acceptable faculty performance standards and the procedures by which performance is evaluated.
Associated Goals: Faculty Development

Indicator Department Meeting Minutes
Criteria Department Meeting Documentation
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all official department meetings and have those records available for on-site review.
Finding Assessment
The department maintains documentation on all academic and departmental activity. The documentation, collected though all departmental sources is centralized in department meeting minutes summarizing assessment activities and findings
Finding Department meeting minutes
The department meeting minutes are on file in the department offices and available for review.
Finding Resource Allocation
Assessment in progress
Indicator Faculty Review Portfolios
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Faculty Development

Objective Resource Allocation
The department will allocate faculty and fiscal resources to meet programmatic, faculty development and research needs.
Associated Goals: Faculty Development, Program Stability

Indicator Budget Request
Criteria Budget Planning Documentation
The department chair will submit a draft budget request to the February department meeting for review and to the Dean by March 1.
Finding Budget Planning Documentation
The budget Planning document was prepared, submitted to the Dean''s office in a timely manner and reviewed by the department ex post facto
Indicator Department Meeting Minutes
Criteria Department Meeting Documentation
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all official department meetings and have those records available for on-site review.
Finding Assessment
The department maintains documentation on all academic and departmental activity. The documentation, collected though all departmental sources is centralized in department meeting minutes summarizing assessment activities and findings
Finding Department meeting minutes
The department meeting minutes are on file in the department offices and available for review.
Finding Resource Allocation
Assessment in progress
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Program Stability

Objective Advertising
The department will develop tools and procedures for effectively communicating program information to potential students and their parents
Associated Goals: Enrollment Growth, Program Stability

Indicator Advertising Materials Review
Criteria Advertising Materials Review
The department will review and update advertising materials for each of its programs on an annual basis
Finding Advertising Materials Review
Advertising materials were reviewed by the department chair. Addition video advertising was initiated for graduate programs.
Indicator Catalog Copy
Criteria Catalog Copy
The appropriate curriculum committee will perform an annual review of catalog descriptions for each program within its purview and submit changes to the department chair for approval.
Finding Catalog copy
Catalog copy for the undergraduate degree program, and all three graduate degree programs were submitted to the Dean''s office in a timely manner.
Actions for Objective:

Action Advertising Materials Review
Assessment in progress
Action Catalog copy
Continue catalog review on an ongoing basis

GOAL: Program Stability

Objective Assessment
The department will establish and implement assessment procedures to provide performance information across all aspects of departmental and programmatic activity.
Associated Goals: Assessment, Curriculum Planning, Enrollment Growth, Faculty Development, Program Stability, Student Advisement

Indicator Department Meeting Minutes
Criteria Department Meeting Documentation
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all official department meetings and have those records available for on-site review.
Finding Assessment
The department maintains documentation on all academic and departmental activity. The documentation, collected though all departmental sources is centralized in department meeting minutes summarizing assessment activities and findings
Finding Department meeting minutes
The department meeting minutes are on file in the department offices and available for review.
Finding Resource Allocation
Assessment in progress
Actions for Objective:

Action Assessment
Assessment in a continuous process. Assessment procedures should continue and be reviewed for improvement.

GOAL: Program Stability

Objective Budget
The department will establish, in consultation with the faculty, a budget that meets the requirements of the strategic planning process.
Associated Goals: Assessment, Faculty Development, Program Stability

Indicator Budget Request
Criteria Budget Planning Documentation
The department chair will submit a draft budget request to the February department meeting for review and to the Dean by March 1.
Finding Budget Planning Documentation
The budget Planning document was prepared, submitted to the Dean''s office in a timely manner and reviewed by the department ex post facto
Indicator Department Meeting Minutes
Criteria Department Meeting Documentation
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all official department meetings and have those records available for on-site review.
Finding Assessment
The department maintains documentation on all academic and departmental activity. The documentation, collected though all departmental sources is centralized in department meeting minutes summarizing assessment activities and findings
Finding Department meeting minutes
The department meeting minutes are on file in the department offices and available for review.
Finding Resource Allocation
Assessment in progress
Actions for Objective:

Action Budget Planning
The department will continue to develop budget planning documents based on strategic planning targets.

GOAL: Program Stability

Objective Public Relations
THe department will provide timely and effective communication of activities to internal and external agencies.
Associated Goals: Enrollment Growth, Program Stability

Indicator Advertising Materials Review
Criteria Advertising Materials Review
The department will review and update advertising materials for each of its programs on an annual basis
Finding Advertising Materials Review
Advertising materials were reviewed by the department chair. Addition video advertising was initiated for graduate programs.
Indicator Department Meeting Minutes
Criteria Department Meeting Documentation
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all official department meetings and have those records available for on-site review.
Finding Assessment
The department maintains documentation on all academic and departmental activity. The documentation, collected though all departmental sources is centralized in department meeting minutes summarizing assessment activities and findings
Finding Department meeting minutes
The department meeting minutes are on file in the department offices and available for review.
Finding Resource Allocation
Assessment in progress
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Program Stability

Objective Recruitment
The department will provide timely and accurate information regarding programmatic offerings and entrance requirements to prospective students.
Associated Goals: Enrollment Growth, Program Stability

Indicator Advertising Materials Review
Criteria Advertising Materials Review
The department will review and update advertising materials for each of its programs on an annual basis
Finding Advertising Materials Review
Advertising materials were reviewed by the department chair. Addition video advertising was initiated for graduate programs.
Indicator Catalog Copy
Criteria Catalog Copy
The appropriate curriculum committee will perform an annual review of catalog descriptions for each program within its purview and submit changes to the department chair for approval.
Finding Catalog copy
Catalog copy for the undergraduate degree program, and all three graduate degree programs were submitted to the Dean''s office in a timely manner.
Indicator Department Meeting Minutes
Criteria Department Meeting Documentation
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all official department meetings and have those records available for on-site review.
Finding Assessment
The department maintains documentation on all academic and departmental activity. The documentation, collected though all departmental sources is centralized in department meeting minutes summarizing assessment activities and findings
Finding Department meeting minutes
The department meeting minutes are on file in the department offices and available for review.
Finding Resource Allocation
Assessment in progress
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Program Stability

Objective Resource Allocation
The department will allocate faculty and fiscal resources to meet programmatic, faculty development and research needs.
Associated Goals: Faculty Development, Program Stability

Indicator Budget Request
Criteria Budget Planning Documentation
The department chair will submit a draft budget request to the February department meeting for review and to the Dean by March 1.
Finding Budget Planning Documentation
The budget Planning document was prepared, submitted to the Dean''s office in a timely manner and reviewed by the department ex post facto
Indicator Department Meeting Minutes
Criteria Department Meeting Documentation
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all official department meetings and have those records available for on-site review.
Finding Assessment
The department maintains documentation on all academic and departmental activity. The documentation, collected though all departmental sources is centralized in department meeting minutes summarizing assessment activities and findings
Finding Department meeting minutes
The department meeting minutes are on file in the department offices and available for review.
Finding Resource Allocation
Assessment in progress
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Program Stability

Objective Strategic Planning
The department will establish a strategic planning process identifying departmental strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
Associated Goals: Program Stability

Indicator Annual Strategic Plan
Criteria Strategic Planning Document
The department chair will present a strategic planning document to the February department meeting
Finding Strategic Plan
A Strategic Planning Document was not prepared for 2006/7. In lieu of this a comprehensive review and planning document was prepared for ABET accreditation including the components normally associated with a strategic planing document.
Indicator Department Meeting Minutes
Criteria Department Meeting Documentation
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all official department meetings and have those records available for on-site review.
Finding Assessment
The department maintains documentation on all academic and departmental activity. The documentation, collected though all departmental sources is centralized in department meeting minutes summarizing assessment activities and findings
Finding Department meeting minutes
The department meeting minutes are on file in the department offices and available for review.
Finding Resource Allocation
Assessment in progress
Actions for Objective:

Action Department Meeting Documentation
No additional actio nrequired
Action Department Meeting Minutes
Maintenance of departmental meeting minutes in and ongoing process and will be continued.
Action Environmental Scan
The department curriculum committee will instigate an annual environmental scan as part of it preliminary data collection.

GOAL: Student Advisement

Objective Assessment
The department will establish and implement assessment procedures to provide performance information across all aspects of departmental and programmatic activity.
Associated Goals: Assessment, Curriculum Planning, Enrollment Growth, Faculty Development, Program Stability, Student Advisement

Indicator Department Meeting Minutes
Criteria Department Meeting Documentation
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all official department meetings and have those records available for on-site review.
Finding Assessment
The department maintains documentation on all academic and departmental activity. The documentation, collected though all departmental sources is centralized in department meeting minutes summarizing assessment activities and findings
Finding Department meeting minutes
The department meeting minutes are on file in the department offices and available for review.
Finding Resource Allocation
Assessment in progress
Actions for Objective:

Action Assessment
Assessment in a continuous process. Assessment procedures should continue and be reviewed for improvement.

GOAL: Student Advisement

Objective Student Advisement
The faculty will provide competent, timely and accurate advisement information to existing students
Associated Goals: Assessment, Student Advisement

Indicator Advisement Logs
Criteria Advisement Records
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all official advisement sessions and have those records available for on-site review.
Finding Advisement Records
Advisement records are maintained jointly by the department chair and the senior faculty advisor. The records are computerized and available through the departmental office.
Indicator Department Meeting Minutes
Criteria Department Meeting Documentation
The departmental office will maintain up-to-date records of all official department meetings and have those records available for on-site review.
Finding Assessment
The department maintains documentation on all academic and departmental activity. The documentation, collected though all departmental sources is centralized in department meeting minutes summarizing assessment activities and findings
Finding Department meeting minutes
The department meeting minutes are on file in the department offices and available for review.
Finding Resource Allocation
Assessment in progress
Actions for Objective:

Action Advisement Records
No action required
Action Review of Advisement Procedures
The department should urgently review the advisement process to effect two changes. first, the advisement load should be distributed among all competent faculty and second, the maintenance of advisement records should be centralized within the departmental offices.

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