
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
English, Department Of

3 Goals     3 Objectives     3 Indicators     3 Criteria     3 Findings     3 Actions

GOAL: Professional Service And Activity

Objective Professional Service Activities
English faculty will take part in service activities at local, state, regional, national, and/or international levels.
Associated Goals: Professional Service And Activity

Indicator Professional Service Activities
The number of professional service activities--local, state, regional, national, and/or international--by the Department’s tenured and tenure-track faculty will indicate engagement in professional service.
Criteria Professional Service
Each faculty member will engage in an aspect of professional service at the department, college, university, profession, and/or community level.
Finding Professional Service
100% of English faculty provided service at various levels. The attached file shows the following instances of service, most of which is ongoing throughout the academic year: department: 31; college: 8; university: 51; profession: 17; community: 15.
Actions for Objective:

Action Professional Service
Faculty will maintain or increase current levels of service.

GOAL: Quality Instruction

Objective Quality Instruction
The Department’s faculty will maintain a level of instruction at or above the average for all departments at SHSU.
Associated Goals: Quality Instruction

Indicator Student Evaluation Of Teaching
Successful teaching will be demonstrated by faculty performance on a university-adopted evaluation instrument.
Criteria IDEA Scores, 2006-07
The faculty of the Department of English will average at least 3.9 (the university''s average) on the IDEA student evaluations of teaching.
Finding Teaching Effectiveness
The faculty of the Department of English averaged 4.3 on the IDEA student evaluation of teaching form, in both the Fall 06 and Spring 07 semesters.
Actions for Objective:

Action Teaching Effectiveness
Faculty in the Department of English will be encouraged to maintain current level of teaching effectiveness, which exceeds the university''s average on the IDEA student evaluation of teaching forms.

GOAL: Research And Creative Activities Productivity

Objective Research Agenda
Each of the Department’s faculty will develop and maintain an active research agenda.
Associated Goals: Research And Creative Activities Productivity

Indicator Research Agenda
The number of publications, conference presentations, and grant proposals by the Department’s tenured and tenure-track faculty will serve as indicators of active research agendas.
Criteria Research Productivity
At least 50 percent of the tenured and tenure-track will participate on the program of a professional association and/or publish or see accepted for publication a scholarly article. [Note: given that the research interests of English faculty range widely, "article" will be construed to mean creative work that is article length--e.g., short story, 5 poems, or book-length work.]
Finding Research Activity
96% of the tenured and tenure-track faculty (22 of 23) made a presentation to a professional association and/or published or saw accepted for publication a scholarly article. A selective summary of the attached file, which details scholarly productivity, shows the following: 32 publications (including 4 books), 9 publications accepted but not yet in print (including 1 book), 59 pieces submitted, acceptance pending (including 2 books), 40 conference presentations, and 7 grants (total funding $290,451).
Actions for Objective:

Action Research Agenda
English faculty will maintain at a minimum current levels of research and creative activity. Faculty without a publication will be encouraged to submit articles and other scholarly or creative pieces to appropriate venues for publication. To assist in this endeavor, we will engage a "works in progress" series, with individual faculty presenting drafts of various pieces for colleagues to read and provide feedback on.

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