
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Bearkat OneCard

9 Goals     15 Objectives     17 Indicators     18 Criteria     16 Findings     15 Actions

GOAL: Goal 1 - Innovative Programs

Objective Check Disbursements
Reduce the number of check disbursements issued to SHSU students
Associated Goals: Goal 1 - Innovative Programs

Indicator HigherOne Monthly Disbursement Preferences Report
The HigherOne Monthly Disbursements Preferences Report is used to determine the number of paper checks that were processed the prior month for refund disbursements.
Criteria Decrease by 3%
Decrease the number of partcipants receiving paper checks, as their preferred disbursement preference, by 3% each fiscal year.
Finding Reduced by 3%
Successfully completed the reduction of paper check disbursements in Fiscal Year 2006-07. Reduced Paper Check disbursement preferences from 14% to 11%.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continuation of Goal for 2007-08
The reduction in check disbursement goal, though successful completed, will remain a goal for the 2007-08 fiscal year in hopes of continuing to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

GOAL: Goal 1 - Innovative Programs

Objective Convert Students To Electronic Disbursements
Convert SHSU student payroll disbursements from paper checks, processed locally at SHSU, to disbursements processed through the Bearkat OneCard/Higher One disbursement system.
Associated Goals: Goal 1 - Innovative Programs

Indicator Higher One Payroll File Complete Report
The receipt of the Higher One Payroll File Complete report. Once received from Higher One, this will indicate a successful import of all student payroll records. Additionally, this report from Higher One indicates they have received the monetary wire and personnel ledger from SHSU and have successfully started the student payroll process.
Criteria Full Implementation & Conversion of Student Payroll
Once the HigherOne Payroll File Complete report is received from Higher One, this will indicate that the project implementation was complete and was successfully processed.
Finding Completion of Student Payroll Conversion
All student payroll disbursements were successfully converted over to distribution utilizing the Bearkat OneCard/HigherOne disbursement process effective,with full implementation complete November 1, 2006.
Actions for Objective:

Action No Further Action with Student Payroll Required
No further action is required for the Student Payroll Conversion Objective because this implementation and conversion is complete.

GOAL: Goal 1 - Innovative Programs

Objective Development Of Declining Balance Program
Development of a business plan and proposal for a new declining balance program for submission to the Bearkat OneCard Advisory Board and Vice President for Student Services.
Associated Goals: Goal 1 - Innovative Programs

Indicator Declining Balance Business Plan & Proposal
Creation of Bearkat OneCard Services Declining Balance Program Business Plan & Proposal. This proposal includes an advisory board committe signature sheet for committee members to sign signifying their approval of the plan. Once all or the majority of Bearkat OneCard Advisory Board committee members have signed and approved the proposal, the proposal will be submitted to the VPSS for review and approval.
Criteria Advisory Board Approvals
Receipt of signatures of approval by majority of Bearkat OneCard Advisory Board Committee Members
Criteria Declining Balance Manual
Actual completion of the Bearkat OneCard Declining Balance proposal and business plan document
Finding Approval Completed for Declining Balance Proposal
The creation of the Bearkat OneCard Declining Balance business plan and proposal was successfully completed and received the majority of member signature of approval in Spring 2007 following the April 22, 2007 BKO Advisory Board Meeting. The proposal was then given to the VPSS on May 3, 2007 for approval.
Criteria VPSS Approval of DBA
Receipt of signature of Vice President for Student Services on the Bearkat OneCard Declining Balance Proposal & Business Plan once approved by Advisory Council.
Actions for Objective:

Action Declining Balance Revision for 2007-08
Because completion of the manual and approval by both the VPSS and the advisory council was completed, no further action is needed for this specific objective. However, a new objective for 2007-08 will be created and utilized for the purpose of researching funding options for this new program.

GOAL: Goal 1a - Marketing Plan

Objective Bearkat OneCard 101 Brochure
Develop a new Bearkat OneCard brochure
Associated Goals: Goal 1a - Marketing Plan

Indicator OneCard & OneAccount Brochure
Final draft and press ready artwork for Bearkat OneCard 101 brochure.
Criteria Professional Brochure for Bearkat OneCard
Develop a professional brochure which informs both parents and students about the OneCard and the OneAccount as well as campus functionality.
Finding Creation of Bearkat OneCard Departmental Brochure
The Bearkat OneCard 101 brochure was designed and completed by the Bearkat OneCard office in conjunction with Higher One''s marketing team. The brochure was approved by all parties and sent to print for distribution in Spring 2007. The brochure is a usefool tool in explaining the OneCard, OneAccount, and refund preferences to incoming students and their parents. The brochure is also easy to mail and can be given to departments around campus for distribution and for brochure racks.
Actions for Objective:

Action Usage of Bearkat 101 Brochure
The brochure is currently being utilized as one of the central marketing pieces for teh Bearkat OneCard Services Office. The brochure is given to every student when they have their photo captured for their ID card and is utilized to help explain the card. The brochure is also easy to mail and can be given to departments around campus for distribution and for departmental brochure racks.

GOAL: Goal 1a - Marketing Plan

Objective Departmental Web Page Design
Reddesign and update departmental web page for Bearkat OneCard Services
Associated Goals: Goal 1a - Marketing Plan

Indicator Computer Services Workorder 95054
Completion of Computer Services Work Order 95054.
Criteria Re-design Departmental Website
Redesign the Bearkat OneCard website to be ADA compliant,professional in look and design, while being user friendly. Functionality is also key because the site needs to have the capability to add an information posting location as well as be able to accept distance learner ID requests and special event forms. The new website will also have need an area for staff photos and contact information
Finding Redesign & Website Updates Completed
The Bearkat OneCard web page was redesigned and updated in the Fall of 2006 and Spring 2007
Actions for Objective:

Action Website Update Completion
The website was updated and completed as requested. Administrators in the Bearkat OneCard Office have been given update privileges for the website and will update and modify text and information as needed for the website. No further action is needed for this objective.

GOAL: Goal 1a - Marketing Plan

Objective Development Of Bearkat OneCard Design Element/Logo
Develop a design element or logot to promote brand awareness for Bearkat OneCard program.
Associated Goals: Goal 1a - Marketing Plan

Indicator Graphic Design Element
Development of camera ready graphic design element (4-color, 2-color, and black and white versions)
Criteria Development of (1) Integrated Graphic Design
Develop a minimum of (1) Integrated Graphic Design that will integrate the color and themes of SHSU while providing brand awareness.
Finding Completed Design Element Fall 2006
The first design element and logos were custom created for the Bearkat OneCard Operations area in Fall 2006. Several versions of the logo were developed including text only, vertical and horizontal elements, and custome Sammy the Bearkat artwork.
Actions for Objective:

Action Utilize Design for Marketing
The new design elements and logos were developed and are being utilized for departmental and campus wide marketing pieces. No further action is needed for this objective.

GOAL: Goal 1a - Marketing Plan

Objective Incoming Freshman Campaign
Develop an email and marketing campaign to communicate with all incoming freshman on how to obtain a Bearkat OneCard and why it is important and necessary to have one.
Associated Goals: Goal 1a - Marketing Plan

Indicator Freshman Campaign Mass Email
The Bearkat OneCard Services will measure the active Bearkat OneCards of incoming freshman for the Fall 2007 semester by utilizing the 2007 Orientation Participants data report (Policy & Procedure Manual Appendix I) and the RHISO2RG Sam Menu report.
Criteria Freshman With Active ID Cards
The criteria of this objective is to have 85% of all incoming freshman with active Bearkat OneCards as of 8/20/07.
Finding 85% of Freshman Successfully Carded
Utilizing the 2007 Orientation Participation Data report (Appendix I), the Bearkat OneCard office reported 85% of Fall 2007 incoming freshman had an active Bearkat OneCard as of 8/20/07.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continuation of Freshman Mass Email Campaign
As a result of the email campaign to notify students of how to obtain a Bearkat OneCard, 85% of all incoming freshman for Fall 2007 were able to request, receive, and activate a Bearkat OneCard as of the first day of class. Because this process was so successful, the Bearkat OneCard Services Office will continue to utilize the Incoming Freshman email campaign and utilize this as an objective for the 2007-08 fiscal year.

GOAL: Goal 1b - Services & Programs

Objective Extended Office Hours
Implement extended office hours to accomodate more students.
Associated Goals: Goal 1b - Services & Programs

Indicator Posting Of Office Hours
Announcement of Bearkat OneCard Services hours of operation posted on office door and departmental websites.
Criteria Increased Office Hours
Expand Bearkat OneCard Services operating hours from 8am to 5pm Monday thru Thursday to 8am to 7pm Monday thru Thursday each week during the academic calendar/semester. This will increase office hours by 8 hours each week during the semester.
Finding Staffing of Extended Operating Hours
The Bearkat OneCard Services Office was staffed from 8am to 7pm Monday through Thursday throughout the Fall 2006 & Spring 2007 semesters in order to assist customers. Additionally the office was open late on Thursday nights during Summer Orientations from 8am to 7pm to accomodate students. The additional hours allowed students to come in after class/work to conduct business matters related to their student ID, disbursement preferences, or OneAccount. The additional hours also allowed distantance learning and working students to come in and request and ID card if they were unable to do so via the website or standard operating hours.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continuation of Extended Hours
Implementation of this objective has been completed for fiscal year 2006-07. however, after assessment and review of student participation, though our extended office hours will continue in Fiscal Year 2007-08, office hours will be reduced to 8am to 6pm rather than 7pm. This action is a result of the slow volume of traffic between 6pm-7pm each day and the increase in student labor costs.

GOAL: Goal 2 - Programming And Education

Objective OneReward Program
Continue to build the OneAccount Rewards program along the I-45 corridor.
Associated Goals: Goal 2 - Programming And Education

Indicator Higher One OneSupport Progess Report
Quarterly a request is made to Higher One OneSupport Administrators to request a quarterly update/progress report for the Division of Student Service Performance indicators. Included in this report is the request and status for participating OneRewards merchants. This report includes the number of participating merchants in our local area.
Criteria OneReward Merchants
Increase the number of participating OneReward merchants to 30.
Finding 19 One Reward Merchants
The original criteria for this objective was 30 merchants. However at the end of the 2006-07 fiscal year only 19 merchants were actively participating in the OneRewards Program. Currently due to staffing levels and the reliance on Higher One for assistance with this program, the Bearkat OneCard Office is unable to actively work with Higher One on this program at this point. Therefore the success and recrutiment of merchants is based solely on Higher One at this point.
Actions for Objective:

Action Reduce Criteria for OneRewards
As a result of the 2006-07 fiscal year findings and the fact that staffing will not change in the upcoming 2007-08 fiscal year, the Bearkat OneCard Services Office will reduce the criteria for this goal/objective for the 2007-08 Strategic Plan.

GOAL: Goal 2a - Inclusive Representation

Objective Creation Of Advisory Board
Development of an advisory board for the Bearkat OneCard program that would recommend administrative goals, new programs, policies, purchase considerations, plan future implementation projects, seek funding sources, and hear complaints/concerns for the Bearkat OneCard program.
Associated Goals: Goal 2a - Inclusive Representation

Indicator University Recognized Listing Of Official Committees
Advisory Board to be listed on the University's Official Listing of Recognized Committees log located under the Committee Book on the SHSU website. This list includes all official commitees that have been approved by the President's Office.
Criteria Inclusive Departmental Representation
Have a minimum of (1) representative from each of the administrative/departmental areas who have direct involvement in Bearkat OneCard programs, services, and policies.
Finding Bearkat OneCard Advisory Committee Formed
Completed: Implemented recognized University committee October 2006. Committee formation approved by President''s Office and appointments recommendations sent and approved by the Vice President for Student Services. Letters of appointment sent and accepted by members.
Actions for Objective:

Action Maintain & Update Appointments
Maintain and update Bearkat OneCard Advisory Appointments for 2007-08 as needed.

GOAL: Goal 2a - Inclusive Representation

Objective Participation & Appointments
Monitor participation and appointments on committees, boards, focus groups, and task forces to ensure a representative participation.
Associated Goals: Goal 2a - Inclusive Representation

Actions for Objective:

Action Continuation of Diversity on Committees
With the appointment of (3) student representaties for the 2006-07 fiscal year, the criteria for this objective was met and exceeded. Though completed, this objective will continue in fiscal year 2007-08 with the continuation of student appointees for the next fiscal year to ensure student representation and input is given on OneCard committee decisions.

GOAL: Goal 3 - Assessment Methods

Objective Assessment Manual
Development of the Bearkat OneCard Assessment Programming Manual. This manual will include all assessment programs conducted in the Bearkat OneCard Services Office including participation, satisfaction, and learning outcomes of programming. Sample instruments and instructions are also included in the manual.
Associated Goals: Goal 3 - Assessment Methods

Indicator Final Copy Of Assessment Manual
Distribution of completed Bearkat OneCard Assessment Manual.
Criteria Completion & Distribution of Manual
Once the manual is completed for the assessment program for an entire fiscal year, including measurement for participation, satisfaction, and learning outcome, including instruments, the manual should be distributed and copies provided to all professional staff members and the Vice President for Student Services Office.
Finding Completion & Distribution of Manual
The Bearkat OneCard Assessment Programming Manual was completed based on the SACS assessment plan for the Bearkat OneCard Services office for each fiscal year. The manual was then distributed to all Bearkat OneCard professional staff members and the Vice President for Student Services Office for review. This item was complted Spring 2007.
Actions for Objective:

Action Update of Assessment Manual
The Bearkat OneCard Assessment Programming Manual will be updated on an as needed basis, but will be reviewed quarterly for any necessary corrections or additions.

GOAL: Goal 4 - Financial Money Management

Objective Money Management Programs
Develop a money management educational program where students can obtain information on matters related to personal finance, budgeting, retirement savings, identity theft, and other personal financial matters.
Associated Goals: Goal 4 - Financial Money Management

Indicator Calendar Of Events & Event Tracking Attendance Log
Money Managemnet program dates posted on the Division of Student Services Calendar of events on the SHSU website as well as information provided in the Bearkat OneCard Services monthly VPSS report. The Bearkat OneCard Event Tracking attendance log will also be utilized to measure the number of students in attendance.
Criteria Minimum of 2 Co-Sponsored Events
Sponsor or co-sponsor a minimum of 2 financial workshops, seminars, or guest speakers each semester.
Finding (3) Co-Sponsored Events
Bearkat OneCard Services co-sponsored Funny Money and Ultimate Money Skills programs with Student Activities in 2006-07.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue Money Management Programming
Though the objectives for this fiscal year were exceeded for this objective, due to the success of the events and the interest among students Bearkat OneCard Services will continue money management educational programming for the 2007-08 fiscal year. In addition, the office will begin the process for implementing a full service Student Financial Management Center on the campus of SHSU.

GOAL: Goal 5 - Communication

Objective Staff Development
In an effort to share ideas and information to improve current programs and services and collaborate on new and innovative programs available to students, all professional staff members will attend a minimum of (1) local, regional, board sponsored, state wide conference or professional development meeting during the fiscal year.
Associated Goals: Goal 5 - Communication

Indicator Conference Registration & Staff Report
We will use the conference/workshop registration along with the staff report following the staff members return from the conference. Both indicators will be documented in departmental minutes and reported in the VPSS monthly report.
Criteria Professional Staff Attend Training
Have all professional staff members in the Bearkat OneCard Services Office attend a minimum of (1)local, regional, board sponsored, state wide conferences, or national conference or staff development program.
Finding Professional Training Completed
All professional staff members attended a training or workshop. Therefore this objective was completed for the fiscal year 2006-07. Kristy Vienne attended the TACUSPA conference in October 2006, NACCU National Conference in Spring 2006, & Higher One Conference in Fall 2006. Kari Zella & Vivian Carlson both attended a leadership conference in Houston, Tx in Spring 2007.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue Professional Development
Because of the importance of staff development and life long learning, this objective will remain in place for the 2007-08 fiscal year.

GOAL: Goal 5a - Customer Service

Objective Train Staff & Student Workers
To train Bearkat OneCard office staff and student employees to be responsive to the needs of clientele.
Associated Goals: Goal 5a - Customer Service

Indicator Daily Office Satisfaction Surveys
Daily satisfaction surveys that are a likert scaled design instrument with room from student supplied responses are available every day for comments, suggestions, and ratings of surveys. Students are encouraged to complete these surveys and rate the service they received. Surveys are anonymous and are placed in the suggestion box for review each month.
Indicator Professional Staff Meetings
Input and minutes from the weekly Bearkat OneCard Professional staff meeting notes.
Criteria Professional Staff meetings
Conduct a minimum of (1) weekly professional staff meeting.
Finding Completed Professional Meetings FY 2007
The criterion for both the professonal staff members and the students staff members of (1) weekly and (1) monthly meeting held, respecitvely, for this objective was completed for fiscal year 2006-07.
Indicator Student Staff Meetings
Monthly Student Staff Meeting agenda and minutes
Criteria Student Staff Meetings
Conduct a minimum of (1) monthly student staff meetings.
Finding Completed Student Staff meetings 2006-07
The criterion for both the professonal staff members and the students staff members of (1) weekly and (1) montly meeting held, respecitvely, for this objective was completed for fiscal year 2006-07.
Actions for Objective:

Action Responsive to Clientele
Due to the importance of being responsive to the needs of our clients and the ever changing environment, this objective will remain in place for the 2007-08 fiscal year.

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