SACS Reaffirmation
Objective | Addition Of A Full-time Career Counselor To Career Services Staff | |
Career Services will hire a Licensed-Professional Career Counselor. Associated Goals: Career Services - Program Development, Career Services - Staff Hiring, Retention,Training And Development |
Indicator | Selection Of Career Counselor Candidate Selection of a candidate for the Career Counselor position posted with SHSU Human Resources Department. |
Criteria | Career Counselor Hired Candidate chosen in the interview process is approved for hire by the SHSU Human Resources Department. |
Finding | Career Counselor Joins Staff Ms. Rachel Phelps, M.A., LPC-S was hired and began work 11/6/06 |
Action | Career Counseling Staff Expansion Career Services programs and outreach significantly increased with the addition of the career counselor staff position. We will seek to add additional counselor positions in the near future. As an immediate solution, our Career Counselor, Rachel Phelps will become certified to supervise counseling interns from the SHSU Counselor Education program to further expand our career counseling and career education services. |
Objective | Early Major/Career Choice Identification | |
Career Services will provide support to enable students to identify a major/career path their first academic year. Associated Goals: Career Services - Program Development, Career Services - Student Recruitment/Retention Support And Graduate Success Programs |
Indicator | Collaboration To Initiate Programs To Encourage Early Major/Career Choice Will Occur. Collaboration with First Year Experience, New Student Orientation and the SAM Center to initiate programs to encourage early identification of major and/or career path choice will occur. |
Criteria | Evidence of Collaboration Program, event and/or service initiated during the 2006-2007 academic year through collaboration with First Year Experience and/or the New Student Orientation Program. |
Finding | Career Assessments Offered SAM 136 Classes Career Assessments were administered and interpreted for SAM 136 classes whose instructors chose to include this in the career-exploration segment of their syllabus. |
Finding | New Student Orientation Program Added Career Services presented a 20 minute PowerPoint presentation on "Choosing a Major That Fits" for 5 sessions at each of the nine New Student Orientations held Summer 2007 for the first time. |
Action | Early Major/Career Choice Identification Action We will continue to collaborate with the New Student Orientation, the First Year Experience Program, and the SAM Center to support early major/career choice among our first year students by developing additional programs. |
Objective | Establish A Career Services Advisory Committe | |
Career Services will establish a Career Services Advisory Committee consisting of faculty representing each of the five academic colleges. Associated Goals: Career Services - Program Development |
Indicator | Establishment Of The Career Services Advisory Committee ![]() ![]() Advisory Committee positions are filled and the inaugural meeting is planned. |
Criteria | Career Services Advisory Committee Members Attend First Meeting Advisory Committee members attend first meeting Spring 2007 semester. |
Finding | Career Services Advisory Committee Meeting Held The first Career Services Advisory Meeting was held May 3, 2007. 10 of the 13 faculty representatives were present and welcomed at a luncheon hosted by the V.P. of Enrollment Management and the Director of Career Services in the Lowman Student Center''s President''s Dining Room. |
Action | Career Services Advisory Committee Action The Career Services Director will meet with each of the Career Services Advisory Committee members individually to become better familiarized with the career-related needs and concerns of that academic area. The Committee as a whole will meet at least once each semester. |
Objective | Increase Awareness Of Career Services On Campus Through The Addition Or Enhancement Of Programs. | |
Career Services will add or enhance programs and events designed to increase awareness of Career Services on campus. Associated Goals: Career Services - Program Development, Career Services - Public Relations And Marketing |
Indicator | Scheduling And Promotion Of New Programs And Events New and/or enhanced events and programs planned during the 2006-2007 academic year designed to increase awareness of Career Services on Campus. |
Criteria | New Programs and Events Implemented Planned new programs and events designed to increase awareness of Career Services on campus are actually implemented during the 2006-2007 academic year. |
Finding | "Resume Doc Is In" Booth Program Introduced "Resume Doctor Is In" Booth was set up in the LSC Mall Area 9/13/2006-9/14/2006 for the purpose of increasing campus awareness of Career Services. 35 Resumes were critiqued at the booth. |
Finding | CSO Luncheon In an effort to increase awareness and utilization of the student employment job posting feature of Career Services'' online "Jobs 4 Kats" program, employing department representatives campus-wide were invited to attend an informative luncheon December 2006. 43 department representatives learned about the student employment applications from the CEO of the software company. |
Finding | Career Cafe Program Introduced On 2/7/2007 Career Services set up their tent in the LSC Mall Area and served Hot Chocolate and Coffee to students as they were between classes. Information about Career Services was also distributed as were materials to assist students in preparing for the upcoming COBA Business Career Fair. |
Finding | Career Expo Kick-Off Party Is Re-Instated A Career Expo Kick Off Party was held 9/19/2006 in the LSC Mall Area. The Career Services tent was set up, and door prizes contributed by employers were given away through drawings. A live DJ provided music while information about the upcoming Career Expo and Career Services was distributed. Refreshments were provided and over 510 students attended. |
Action | Promotion of Career Services on Campus SHSU Career Services will continue to add or enhance programs to increase awareness of our resources and services on campus. |
Objective | Provide Enhanced Employer Services | |
Career Services will increase employer participation and measure satisfaction in recruitment activities. Associated Goals: Career Services - Program Development |
Indicator | Employer Evaluations And On-Campus Recruiting Activities Reports Evaluations are distributed to employers at the conclusion of the job fairs and their on-campus interview schedules. Staff reports also include statistics measuring employer participation in these recruiting events and programs. |
Criteria | Employer Overall Rating of Job Fair The majority of employers will indicate either a "5" (Excellent) or "4" (Good) response in their overall rating of the Job Fair as surveyed in the Employer Evaluation distributed at the conclusion of each event. |
Finding | Overall Rating of Career Expo Positive 91% of Career Expo Employer Evaluations returned (77) indicated positive ratings of "Excellent" (30) and "Good" (40). |
Finding | Overall Rating of Fall Teacher Job Fair Positive 100% of Fall Teacher Job Fair Employer Evaluations returned (63) indicated positive ratings of "Excellent" (53) and "Good" (10). |
Finding | Overall Rating of Spring Teacher Job Fair Positive 96% of Spring Teacher Job Fair Employer Evaluations returned (110) indicated positive ratings of "Excellent" (84) and "Good" (26). |
Finding | Overall Rating of Summer Camp Job Fair Positive 51% of Summber Camp Job Fair Employer Evaluations returned (42) indicated positive ratings of "Excellent" (5) and "Good" (18). |
Criteria | Employers'' Degree of Satisfaction with Services Coordinated by Department The majority of employers returning evaluations following on-campus recruiting visits will indicate that they found our services to be "Above Average" or "Excellent". |
Finding | Employers Satisfied with Fall OCI Services 100% of the Employer Surveys collected (17)at the end of the Fall 2006 On-Campus Interviews (OCI) indicated they found the services coordinated by the Career Services Department to be "Excellent" (10) or "Above Average" (7). |
Finding | Employers Satisfied with Spring OCI Services 86% of the Employer Surveys collected (21) at the end of the Spring 2007 On-Campus Interviews (OCI) indicated they found the services coordinated by the Career Services Department to be "Excellent" (12) or "Above Average" (6). |
Criteria | Increased Employer Participation in Recruiting Activities Staff reports will indicate an increase in employer participation in Job Fairs, On-Campus Interviews, in Resume Referral Requests, and in Job Postings from the previous academic year. |
Finding | Increased Employer Participation in Recruiting Career Services Annual Report indicates a 51% increase in employer participation in recruiting activities. Employer participation in Job Fairs, On-Campus Interviews and in Postings Job Opportunities was compared to that recorded the previous academic year |
Action | Employer Services Action In review of our findings, considering Employer Evaluations and benchmarking among other colleges, we will continue our employer services offered, but will change the time of the Teacher Job Fairs from afternoon to mornings to better accommodate recruiters travel schedules. |
Objective | Provide Enhanced Student/Alumni Services | |
Career Services will increase student and alumni participation and measure satisfaction in its programs and services. Associated Goals: Career Services - Program Development |
Indicator | Student Evaluations And Staff Reports Evaluations are collected from students at the conclusion of job fairs they attended. Staff reports also include statistics measuring student participation in Career Services events and programs. |
Criteria | Helpfulness of the Job Fair in Meeting Employer Representatives for Employment Opportunities The majority of students completing evaluations following Job Fairs will answer "Yes" to Question #2 which asks "Was the [Name of Event] Job Fair helpful to you in meeting employer representatives for employment opportunities?" |
Finding | Student Ratings of Career Expo Positive 97% of Career Expo Student Evaluations returned (174) indicated that they found the event helpful in meeting recruiters for employment/internship opportunities. |
Finding | Student Ratings of Fall Teacher Job Fair Positive 96% of Fall Teacher Job Fair Student Evaluations returned (166) indicated that they found the event helpful in meeting recruiters for employment opportunities. |
Finding | Student Ratings of Sprg.Teacher Job Fair Positive 98% of Spring Teacher Job Fair Student Evaluations returned (240) indicated that they found the event helpful in meeting recruiters for employment/internship opportunities. |
Finding | Student Ratings of Summer Camp Job Fair Positive 91% of Summer Camp Job Fair Student Evaluations returned (86) indicated that they found the event helpful in meeting recruiters for employment/internship opportunities. |
Criteria | Increased Student Participation Staff reports will indicate an increase in student participation in Career Services programs compared to participation in those same programs occuring in the previous academic year. |
Finding | Increased Student Participation The Career Services Annual Report indicates growth in student participation in Career Services programs and events. There was a 45% increase in participation as compared to that of the previous academic year. |
Action | Student/Alumni Services Action Career Services will continue to develop programming designed to enhance our student/alumni services. |
Objective | Baccalaureate Graduate Success Reporting | |
Career Services will seek a reliable source of statistical information regarding the percentage of SHSU baccalaureate graduates employed in Texas or enrolled in Texas graduate programs within one year of their graduation date to provide to prospective students, their parents and to employers interested in recruiting SHSU students and alumni. Associated Goals: Career Services - Public Relations And Marketing , Career Services - Student Recruitment/Retention Support And Graduate Success Programs |
Indicator | Locate Or Develop A Reliable Graduate Follow-Up Survey Reliable statistical information regarding SHSU graduate success, as it pertains to their employment and/or entrance into a graduate program within six months to a year of their graduation date, is developed or obtained from an external source. |
Criteria | Reliable Graduate Succes Report is Located The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board''s web site featuring the "Accountability System for Universities with Measures of Excellence - Statewide" page contains a Baccalaureate Graduate Success Report. The report lists statewide averages as well as those for individual state universities. |
Finding | THECB Graduate Success Report will be Benchmark The most recent (FY 2006)Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) Baccalaureate Graduate Success Report indicates 89.3% of SHSU baccalaureate graduates were employed in Texas or enrolled in a Texas graduate program within one year of graduation. This is greater than the 85% average of public universities state-wide . |
Action | Follow-up Graduate Survey The THECB Baccalaureate Graduate Success Report will be used, but it does not report the additional information we seek such as new graduates'' starting salaries, job or industry type, or information indicating whether or not they were employed in a field directly related to their major. We will deveop our own follow-up graduate survey which will be sent electronically, first to the May 2008 graduates and then to the August and December 2008 graduates and then to every graduating class following. |
Objective | Increase Awareness Of Career Services On Campus Through The Addition Or Enhancement Of Programs. | |
Career Services will add or enhance programs and events designed to increase awareness of Career Services on campus. Associated Goals: Career Services - Program Development, Career Services - Public Relations And Marketing |
Indicator | Scheduling And Promotion Of New Programs And Events New and/or enhanced events and programs planned during the 2006-2007 academic year designed to increase awareness of Career Services on Campus. |
Criteria | New Programs and Events Implemented Planned new programs and events designed to increase awareness of Career Services on campus are actually implemented during the 2006-2007 academic year. |
Finding | "Resume Doc Is In" Booth Program Introduced "Resume Doctor Is In" Booth was set up in the LSC Mall Area 9/13/2006-9/14/2006 for the purpose of increasing campus awareness of Career Services. 35 Resumes were critiqued at the booth. |
Finding | CSO Luncheon In an effort to increase awareness and utilization of the student employment job posting feature of Career Services'' online "Jobs 4 Kats" program, employing department representatives campus-wide were invited to attend an informative luncheon December 2006. 43 department representatives learned about the student employment applications from the CEO of the software company. |
Finding | Career Cafe Program Introduced On 2/7/2007 Career Services set up their tent in the LSC Mall Area and served Hot Chocolate and Coffee to students as they were between classes. Information about Career Services was also distributed as were materials to assist students in preparing for the upcoming COBA Business Career Fair. |
Finding | Career Expo Kick-Off Party Is Re-Instated A Career Expo Kick Off Party was held 9/19/2006 in the LSC Mall Area. The Career Services tent was set up, and door prizes contributed by employers were given away through drawings. A live DJ provided music while information about the upcoming Career Expo and Career Services was distributed. Refreshments were provided and over 510 students attended. |
Action | Promotion of Career Services on Campus SHSU Career Services will continue to add or enhance programs to increase awareness of our resources and services on campus. |
Objective | Addition Of A Full-time Career Counselor To Career Services Staff | |
Career Services will hire a Licensed-Professional Career Counselor. Associated Goals: Career Services - Program Development, Career Services - Staff Hiring, Retention,Training And Development |
Indicator | Selection Of Career Counselor Candidate Selection of a candidate for the Career Counselor position posted with SHSU Human Resources Department. |
Criteria | Career Counselor Hired Candidate chosen in the interview process is approved for hire by the SHSU Human Resources Department. |
Finding | Career Counselor Joins Staff Ms. Rachel Phelps, M.A., LPC-S was hired and began work 11/6/06 |
Action | Career Counseling Staff Expansion Career Services programs and outreach significantly increased with the addition of the career counselor staff position. We will seek to add additional counselor positions in the near future. As an immediate solution, our Career Counselor, Rachel Phelps will become certified to supervise counseling interns from the SHSU Counselor Education program to further expand our career counseling and career education services. |
Objective | Staff Training And Professional Development | |
Career Services will provide training and professional development opportunities and encourage staff to attend these programs throughout the 2006-2007 academic year. Associated Goals: Career Services - Staff Hiring, Retention,Training And Development |
Indicator | Staff Participation In Training And Professional Development Career Services staff submits registrations and, if necessary, travel applications to attend training and professional development programs and events. |
Criteria | Participation Level of Career Services staff attending training and professional development events 100% of the Career Services staff will attend at least one training or professional development program or event during the 2006-2007 academic year. |
Finding | 100% Staff Participation 100% of Career Services staff participated in at least one training and professional development event or program during the 2006-2007 academic year. |
Action | Professional Development and Training Career Services will continue to promote staff development and training by encouraging individuals to attend at least one program or event each academic year. |
Objective | Baccalaureate Graduate Success Reporting | |
Career Services will seek a reliable source of statistical information regarding the percentage of SHSU baccalaureate graduates employed in Texas or enrolled in Texas graduate programs within one year of their graduation date to provide to prospective students, their parents and to employers interested in recruiting SHSU students and alumni. Associated Goals: Career Services - Public Relations And Marketing , Career Services - Student Recruitment/Retention Support And Graduate Success Programs |
Indicator | Locate Or Develop A Reliable Graduate Follow-Up Survey Reliable statistical information regarding SHSU graduate success, as it pertains to their employment and/or entrance into a graduate program within six months to a year of their graduation date, is developed or obtained from an external source. |
Criteria | Reliable Graduate Succes Report is Located The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board''s web site featuring the "Accountability System for Universities with Measures of Excellence - Statewide" page contains a Baccalaureate Graduate Success Report. The report lists statewide averages as well as those for individual state universities. |
Finding | THECB Graduate Success Report will be Benchmark The most recent (FY 2006)Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) Baccalaureate Graduate Success Report indicates 89.3% of SHSU baccalaureate graduates were employed in Texas or enrolled in a Texas graduate program within one year of graduation. This is greater than the 85% average of public universities state-wide . |
Action | Follow-up Graduate Survey The THECB Baccalaureate Graduate Success Report will be used, but it does not report the additional information we seek such as new graduates'' starting salaries, job or industry type, or information indicating whether or not they were employed in a field directly related to their major. We will deveop our own follow-up graduate survey which will be sent electronically, first to the May 2008 graduates and then to the August and December 2008 graduates and then to every graduating class following. |
Objective | Early Major/Career Choice Identification | |
Career Services will provide support to enable students to identify a major/career path their first academic year. Associated Goals: Career Services - Program Development, Career Services - Student Recruitment/Retention Support And Graduate Success Programs |
Indicator | Collaboration To Initiate Programs To Encourage Early Major/Career Choice Will Occur. Collaboration with First Year Experience, New Student Orientation and the SAM Center to initiate programs to encourage early identification of major and/or career path choice will occur. |
Criteria | Evidence of Collaboration Program, event and/or service initiated during the 2006-2007 academic year through collaboration with First Year Experience and/or the New Student Orientation Program. |
Finding | Career Assessments Offered SAM 136 Classes Career Assessments were administered and interpreted for SAM 136 classes whose instructors chose to include this in the career-exploration segment of their syllabus. |
Finding | New Student Orientation Program Added Career Services presented a 20 minute PowerPoint presentation on "Choosing a Major That Fits" for 5 sessions at each of the nine New Student Orientations held Summer 2007 for the first time. |
Action | Early Major/Career Choice Identification Action We will continue to collaborate with the New Student Orientation, the First Year Experience Program, and the SAM Center to support early major/career choice among our first year students by developing additional programs. |
Objective | Increase Utilization Of Career Services' Online Career Assessments | |
Career Services offers a relatively new service providing the online administration of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Newly Revised Strong Interest Inventory and will increase awareness and utilization of this free service among SHSU students. Associated Goals: Career Services - Technological Maintenance And Advancement |
Indicator | SkillsOne Online Inventory And Use History Report SkillsOne's "Inventory and Use History" feature reports administrations of online Myers Briggs Type Indicator and The Newly Revised Strong Interest Inventory assessments. |
Criteria | Number of Online Career Assessments Taken Increases The SkillsOne Online Inventory and Use History Report will indicate an increase in the number of assessments administered when compared to the number administered the previous academic year. |
Finding | Career Assessment Administrations Increased 1,047 Career Assessment online administrations were reported during the 2006-2007 academic year as compared to 266 administered during the 2005-2006 academic year. |
Action | Online Career Assessments Career Services will continue to promote the availability at no cost of online career assessments during New Student Orientation, through SAM 136 classes, our web site and through professors. |