
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Student Services, Vice President

5 Goals     6 Objectives     15 Indicators     22 Criteria     25 Findings     23 Actions

GOAL: Inclusive Community

Objective Collaborative Programs
Create opportunities for departments within the division to develop collaborative programs with internal and external constituents.
Associated Goals: Inclusive Community

Indicator Number of Programs Submitted
Number of programs that are submitted to the Vice President by the departments.
Criteria Approve Collaborative Programs
Submit two program proposals that highlight collaborative efforts with internal or external constituents to the Vice President for approval.
Finding Data Collection
Began data collection during the 2007-2008 academic year.
Indicator Number of Promotional Publications
Number of weekly e-mails, newsletters, and brochures used to market and promote department programs.
Criteria Create Division Brochure
Create division brochure annually.
Finding Publish Division Brochure
Created Volume VIII, Number 8 of the Student Services Division Booklet.
Criteria Create Newsletters
Create one newsletter per long semester with one news clip submitted from each department.
Finding Number of Newsletters Published
Created two division newsletters, one during Fall 2006 and one during Spring 2007.
Criteria Create Weekly E-Mails
Create 10 weekly e-mails per long semester.
Finding Number of E-Mail Messages
Created 14 e-mail messges during Fall 2006 and 18 e-mail messages during Spring 2007 to students, staff, and faculty promoting various department program and event opportunities. The Computer Services Workorder Report detailing e-mail information and distribution processes is attached.
Criteria Submit Department Brochures
Submit one department brochure to the Vice President annually.
Finding Submission of Department Brochure
All departments have submitted a department brochure that highlights the activities provided and services available.
Indicator Percentage of Staff on University Committees
Percentage of staff recommended for committee service.
Criteria Committee Service
50 percent of staff will serve on committees.
Finding Percentage of Committee Service
Approximately 66 percent of staff members serve on University and/or division committees. A report detailing staff committee service is attached.
Actions for Objective:

Action Committee Service
Increase the criteria percentage to involve a minimum 60 percent of staff members serving on University and/or division committees in 2007-2008.
Action Department Brochures
Continue to submit one department brochure to the Vice President annually.
Action Division Brochure
Continue to create the division brochure annually.
Action Findings for Collaborative Program
Report findings at the completion of the 2007-2008 academic year.
Action Newsletters
Continue to create two division newsletters, one during Fall 2007 and one during Spring 2008, however the criteria for 2007-2008 will be revised because one news clip submitted from each department exceeds the space available in the document.
Action Weekly E-mails
Change the criteria to create a minimum of 14 e-mail messages per long semester in 2007-2008.

GOAL: Innovative Programs and Services

Objective Division Resources
Increase the availability of division resources to the departments for development of new and innovative programs and services.
Associated Goals: Innovative Programs and Services

Indicator New Program Proposals
Number of new program proposals submitted to the Vice President for approval.
Criteria Resources for Programs and Services
Identify two new programs and services in need of resources.
Finding Bearkat OneCard Financial Center
Research funding for the Bearkat OneCard Financial Center.
Finding Funding for "Ask the Raven"
Request 100 Percent funding for "Ask the Raven".
Actions for Objective:

Action "Ask the Raven" Funding
Funding was provided and the service will be available online in the Dean of Students'' Office for the 2007-2008 academic year.
Action OneCard Services Fee Proposal
A proposal for the implementation of a onecard services fee will be forwarded to the President for approval.

GOAL: Staff Professional and Personal Development

Objective Staff Development
Provide opportunities for intellectual, physical, and spiritual development for employees.
Associated Goals: Staff Professional and Personal Development

Indicator Develop Staff Development Programs
Number of annual staff development programs for division employees.
Criteria Provide Educational Sessions
Provide one educational session per long semester.
Finding Number of Educational Sessions
The educational session was held on May 22, 2007, and program and assessment details are attached.
Criteria Provide Team Building Sessions
Provide one team building session per long semester.
Finding Number of Team Building Sessions
The team building session was held on December 16, 2006, and program and assessment details are attached.
Indicator Employees Attending Annual Staff Development
Percentage of employees attending annual staff development programs.
Criteria Staff Attendance at Staff Development
75 percent of employess will attend staff development programs
Finding Percentage of Staff Employees Attending
Approximately 89 percent of division employees attended the Spring 2007 staff development session. Attendance at the Fall 2006 development session was not recorded.
Indicator Evaluate Staff
Human Resources annual merit review process.
Criteria Complete Annual Staff Evaluations
Complete 100 percent of annual staff evaluations by June 30 using the annual merit review form.
Finding Complete Staff Evaluations
All direct report staff evaluations were completed by June 30 using the annual merit review form.
Indicator Meet With Directors
Number of monthly meetings with directors during long semesters.
Criteria Present Department Activity Reports
Meet as a group at least once per month for directors to present department activity reports as well as receive University updates from the Vice President.
Finding Number of VPSS Staff Meetings
The VPSS Staff Meetings were held at least once per month with information being shared among attendees and minutes for the 2006-2007 long semesters are attached.
Criteria Provide University Updates
Meet individually with department directors for the Vice President to receive department updates as well as provide University updates.
Finding Number of Meetings with Directors
The Vice President met on a regular monthly basis with department directors.
Actions for Objective:

Action Meeting with Directors
Continue to meet with department directors on an individual basis to provide and receive department and University updates.
Action Staff Development Attendance
Continue to evaluate attendance at the development sessions, however the criteria will be changed to ensure that at least 80 percent of division employees will attend the programs.
Action Staff Educational Development
Continue to provide educational development for division staff members.
Action Staff Evaluations
Continue to evaluate direct report staff by June 30 utilizing the annual merit review form.
Action Staff Team Building Development
Continue to provide team building sessions for staff members.
Action VPSS Staff Meetings
Continue to meet as a group at least once per month during the 2007-2008 long semesters and directors will continue to present department activity reports, as well as receive University updates by the Vice President.

GOAL: Student Participation and Satisfaction

Objective Evaluate Programs For Students' Perceptions And Opinions
Provide assessment tools for departments to evaluate programs that will determine students' perceptions and opinions.
Associated Goals: Student Participation and Satisfaction

Indicator Finalize Assessment Software Contract
Finalize a contract for student assessment software.
Criteria Purchase Software
Purchase StudentVoice software.
Finding Finalize StudentVoice Contract
The StudentVoice contract was signed on July 30, 2007, and access to their online assessment management system was purchased on August 1, 2007, for use during the 2007-2008 academic year.
Actions for Objective:

Action StudentVoice Software Usage
Departments are utilizing the StudentVoice assessment management system to manage their strategic planning process, as well as preparing their assessment projects. Continue to assess usage of the system to determine contract renewal for the 2008-2009 academic year.

GOAL: Student Participation and Satisfaction

Objective Evaluate Programs for Student Participation
Each department will review and evaluate current programs to encourage student participation.
Associated Goals: Student Participation and Satisfaction

Indicator Performance Indicator Report
Division of Student Services Performance Indicator Report.
Criteria Meet Performance Indicator Goal
Evaluate 25 percent of department services based on meeting their performance indicator goals.
Finding Performance Indicator Data
Based on performance indicator data, at least 25 percent of department services have met or surpassed the goal projections.
Actions for Objective:

Action Performance Indicator Report Evaluation
Increase the criteria for the evaluation of department services to 30 percent.

GOAL: Students Critical Thinking and Lifelong Learning

Objective Student Opportunities For Learning
Provide opportunities for students to explore traditional and alternative learning through newspaper readership with the USA Today Collegiate Readership Program, luncheons with University administrators, and alcohol and drug use education sponsored by the Alcohol Abuse Initiative.
Associated Goals: Students Critical Thinking and Lifelong Learning

Indicator Alcohol Initiative Budget
Alcohol Abuse Initiative budget.
Criteria Increase Budget
Increase budget by 20 percent.
Finding Alchohol Abuse Initiative Budget Increase
The Alcohol Abuse Initiative program did not receive a 20 percent budget increase.
Indicator Assess Collegiate Readership Program  
Collegiate Readership Program Student Survey. The attached survey requests information concerning civic engagement and global awareness.
Criteria Knowlege Acquired From Reading the Newspaper
75 percent of student participants indicate that the knowledge acquired from reading the newspaper has influenced their views on a political or ethical issue.
Finding Collegiate Readership Program Survey Results
The most recent results collected were from November 2005 indicating 73 percent feel that the knowledge acquired from newspaper reading influenced their views on political or ethical issues. The presentation of results, prepared by USA Today for SHSU, is attached.
Indicator Collegiate Readership Program Consumption Report
Collegiate Readership Program Consumption Report. The report provides the number of newspapers distributed and sold on campus.
Criteria Increase Student Readership
Increase student readership on campus by 25 percent.
Finding Collegiate Readership Program Consumption
During the 2006-2007 academic year, a total of 187,768 newspapers were sold. The Collegiate Readership Program Consumption Report is attached.
Indicator Increase Staff To Support Alcohol Abuse Initiative
Staff Additions/Changes Form.
Criteria Hire Full-Time Staff Member
Hire a full-time health/wellness educator.
Finding Hire Health/Wellness Educator
A full-time health/wellness educator was not hired.
Indicator Survey Information Exchange Luncheons  
Survey of students attending information exhange luncheons sponsored by the Vice President for Student Services. The survey provides information concerning what was learned and the learning experience. Throughout the fall and spring semesters the Vice President has six luncheons and randomly selected students are invited to attend. They are primarily comprised of freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior students who are leaders in student and academic organizations on campus. International students are also invited to attend. Students were provided additional space at the end of the anonymous survey for comments, as well as asked to identify what they learned at the event. A sample of the luncheon notes and survey questions and results is attached.
Criteria Survey Students for Benefits
75 percent of students surveyed indicate that meeting University administrators were of benefit to them.
Finding Information Exchange Luncheon Benefit
At the six VPSS Student Luncheons that were held, the survey question asked if the student felt that the opportunity to meet University administrators was of benefit to them. A total of 99 students were asked to complete the survey question. There were 88 students who completed the survey question, giving a response rate of 89 percent. 95 percent of respondents indicated that they completely agreed with the question.
Criteria Survey Students for Increased Knowledge
75 percent of students surveyed indicate increased knowledge of University operations.
Finding Information Exchange Luncheon Increased Knowledge
At five out of the six VPSS Student Luncheons that were held, the survey question asked if students'' questions and concerns were addressed or if they were provided information to follow up with an appropriate faculty/staff member or department to resolve their issue. There were 79 students who completed the survey question, giving a response rate of 94 percent. 66 percent of respondents indicated that they completely agreed and 27 percent of respondents somewhat agreed with the question.
Finding Information Exchange Luncheon Increased Knowledge
At the six VPSS Student Luncheons that were held, the survey question asked if the topics discussed at the luncheon were relevant to the student and/or their student organization. A total of 99 students were asked to complete the survey question. There were 88 students who completed the survey question, giving a response rate of 89 percent. 60 percent of respondents indicated that they completely agreed and 31 percent of respondents somewhat agreed with the question.
Criteria Survey Students for Valuable Experience
75 percent of students surveyed indicate luncheons were a valuable experience.
Finding Information Exchange Luncheon Valuable Experience
At the six VPSS Student Luncheons that were held, the survey question asked if the student was able to share their opinions openly and thoroughly with students and the administrator(s) at the luncheon. A total of 99 students were asked to complete the survey question. There were 88 students who completed the survey question, giving a response rate of 89 percent. 85 percent of respondents indicated that they completely agreed and 8 percent of respondents somewhat agreed with the question.
Finding Information Exchange Luncheon Valuable Experience
At the six VPSS Student Luncheons that were held, the survey question asked if the student would attend another student/administrator luncheon. A total of 99 students were asked to complete the survey question. There were 88 students who completed the survey question, giving a response rate of 89 percent. 89 percent of respondents indicated that they completely agreed and 6 percent of respondents somewhat agreed with the question.
Actions for Objective:

Action Alcohol Abuse Initaitve Budget
The Alcohol Abuse Initiative will increase its budget by pursuing grant-funded opportunities from outside agencies for the 2007-2008 academic year.
Action Collegiate Readership Program Consumption
Continue to track the number of newspapers sold for the 2007-2008 academic year to determine if there is an increase in student readership.
Action Collegiate Readership Program Survey
Survey students again during 2007-2008 utilizing The USA Today Collegiate Readership Survey.
Action Health/Wellness Educator Position
This position will no longer be pursued.
Action Information Exchange Luncheon Benefit
Continue to offer the information exchange luncheons and increase the percentage of students indicating that meeting University administrators were of benefit to them to 80 percent.
Action Information Exchange Luncheon Increased Knowledge
Continue to offer the information exchange luncheons and increase the percentage of students indicating increased knowledge of University operations to 80 percent.
Action Information Exchange Luncheon Valuable Experience
Continue to offer the information exchange luncheons and increase the percentage of students indicating that the luncheon was a valuable experience to 80 percent.

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