
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
University Advancement

3 Goals     7 Objectives     11 Indicators     29 Criteria     11 Findings     7 Actions

GOAL: Improve Performance Of Staff

Objective Create Positive Work Environment To Retain A Quality Staff
Vice President provides encouragement to all staff with periodic walk-thru of departments
Associated Goals: Improve Performance Of Staff

Indicator Maintain Low Turnover Rate In Staff (employee Retention)
Maintain low turnover rate in staff
Criteria Few employees leaving because of lack of job satisfaction
Employees committed to their position.
Criteria Few employees leaving due to work conditions
Provide employees with proper tools and materials.
Finding Less than one percent turnover
Indicator Provide Opportunities For Better Compensation And More Responsibility
Assign additional and appropriate responsibility
Criteria Additional merit awarded to high performers
Reward high acievers with additional merit
Criteria Annual increments provided to all staff
Annual review and evaluation of staff performance using the annual merit review form.
Criteria Broader responsibilities allocated to deserving staff
Additional responsibilities are given to staff who are capable of contributing more and have the desire to do so
Finding Completed criteria for compensation
Helped staff earn annual increments, awards to high performers
Indicator Provide Staff The "tools" To Do Their Jobs
Keep office equipment and technology updated and in good working order
Criteria Provide updated and innovative computer software and hardware
Purchase latest software on a need basis. Mantain up-to-date software, train staff
Criteria Purchase other equipment for meetings and support of staff
As budget allows, purchase equipment which will allow staff to conduct quality meetings.
Finding Purchased equipment
Purchased software, hardware as budget allowed
Actions for Objective:

Action Maintain positive work environment
Will continue to provide encouragment, compensation and proper equipment for employee satisfaction of work environment.

GOAL: Improve Performance Of Staff

Objective Performance Goals To Measure Effectiveness
Measurable annual goals set by department leaders to evaluate the activity of staffers
Associated Goals: Improve Performance Of Staff

Indicator Progress Toward Achievement Of Annual Goals
Department leaders review actual performance versus performance goals
Criteria Monthly submissions by Directors of their areas numbers
Department leaders collect data for monthly report to the Vice President.
Criteria Preparation and distribution of monthly Performance Measure Reports
Vice President for Advancement collects and reviews data submitted by departments and distributes to team leaders.
Finding Monthly performance measure reports were completed
Indicator Yearend Review And Goal Setting
Vice President and department leaders review fiscal year performance and establish future goals
Criteria Directors work with Vice President for Advancement to determine goals
Department leaders and Vice President analyze performance data to set specific, measurable goals
Criteria Meetings with President and Directors to review goals
Vice President for University Advancement reviews goals and strategies to achieve goals
Criteria Vice President for Advancement discuss with President and seeks his approval
President reviews and approves goals set by department leaders, making suggestions where necessary.
Finding Goals reviewed and division continues improvement
Compliance to monthly submissions, reports and performance data was achieved.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue performance measures for departments
Performance goals measures reviewed to set goals for 2007-2008 year

GOAL: Improve Performance Of Staff

Objective Provide Ongoing Training And Support For Staff
Staff opportunities for professional development, training for continuing education, professional and personal growth
Associated Goals: Improve Performance Of Staff

Indicator Annual Participation In Professional Development
Participation by staff in professional conferences, seminars, or other related training
Criteria Directors attend at least one development program
Attend professional development activity specific to professional area of expertise
Criteria One or more department members attend one development program
Attend professional development activity specific to work area
Finding Directors and staff members attended one or more
Indicator Support And Encouragment From Vice President For Advancement
Meet with staff to provide encouraging support
Criteria Vice President for Advancement accessible to directors and other staff as needed
Vice President for Advancement available to directors and staff for advice and direction through open-door policy and periodic walk-through of office for observation and morale building.
Criteria Vice President for Advancement chair one or more monthly team meetings with directors
Meet with department leaders for Vice President to provide leadership and to discuss projects, tasks and duties. Keep staff working as a team.
Criteria Vice President for Advancement hold one or more one-on-one meetings with directors monthly
Meet with directors on individual basis, review workloads set direction, access performanace and achievements.
Finding Meetings occurred, V.P. available to staff
Actions for Objective:

Action Training and staff support
Staff attended training and Vice President met regularly with staff and team leaders. Will continue for 2007-2008.

GOAL: Provide Leadership For Securing Private Support For University

Objective Capital Campaign Progress
Monitor the efforts of the capital campaign that started in 2005
Associated Goals: Provide Leadership For Securing Private Support For University

Indicator VP For Advancment Work With President And Exec. Dir. For Develpment To Increase Private Giving
Develop strategies to increase private giving from prospective donors, friends, and foundations
Criteria Specific dollar amount goals set annually
Research and evaluate potential gifts and determine attainable amount. Develop a plan and execute.
Criteria Specific donor base goals set annually
Research and evaluate potential donors, including faculty and staff, alumni and friends
Criteria Weekly review of progress via reports and meetings
To track activity, progress and success of development team reports are created. Weekly reports are reviewed to measure progress.
Finding Reports kept weekly
Reports are current
Actions for Objective:

Action Capital Campaign progess reported
Weekly reports for the progress of the capital campign were kept. Will continue reports next year.

GOAL: Provide Leadership For Securing Private Support For University

Objective Cultivate The Interest And Involvment Of Major Donors
Vice President for University Advancement and development officers make frequent contact with major donors
Associated Goals: Provide Leadership For Securing Private Support For University

Indicator Work With President And Executive Director Of DevelopmentTo Schedule Meetings With Prospects
Plan and execute routine visits and contacts with prospective donors, especially involving the President with prospective donors of $ 100,000 and more. Visits both on and off campus and invitations to University events
Criteria Number of prospects attending development-related events
Track number of prospects attending alumni and development events.
Criteria Number of prospects attending events with and for President
Track number of prospects attend events hosted by or for the University President.
Finding Data recorded
Number of prospects attended events
Actions for Objective:

Action Contact with major donors
Continue to make contacts with major donors next year.

GOAL: Work With Directors To Enhance Image Of University

Objective Promote And Maintain High Standards For Publications And Events
All events and publications held or produced will be quality
Associated Goals: Work With Directors To Enhance Image Of University

Indicator Advocate For Continuous Improvement Of Quality
Vice President for Advancement and appropriate director will analyze and review to maintain quality
Criteria Appearance of all publicity and promotional material
Media and publications will meet highest standards.
Criteria Event preparation and agendas
Logistics for the event will be prepared and agenda will befit attendees.
Criteria Post event evaulations and recommendations with Directors
Following event, Vice President for Advancement and directors evaluate and suggest improvements to meet high standards set.
Criteria Selection of first-rate event venues
Event venues will meet high standards.
Finding Quality of Publications and Events
The quality of of publications and events improved through the efforts of departmental team work.
Actions for Objective:

Action Publications and Events improved
Publications and events met high quality standards and will continue next year.

GOAL: Work With Directors To Enhance Image Of University

Objective Promote Improved Public Relations And Marketing Of University
Vice President for University Advancement will encourage and provide leadership to directors for continued improvment in specified areas
Associated Goals: Work With Directors To Enhance Image Of University

Indicator Advocate With All Directors The Importance Of Better Exposure
Make recommendations and provide leadership to directors for continuous improvement
Criteria V. P. work with P.R. and Marketing for the chance for officials to meet
Vice President for Advancement provides leadership to Public Relations and Marketing departments for effective relationship building and communication with on-campus individuals and significant off-campus media.
Criteria V.P. work with Director of Public Relations for scheduled contacts with College Deans
Vice President for Advancement provides leadership for Director of Public Relations to make regular contact with the College Deans
Criteria Vice President for Advancement encourage more staff contact with faculty for unique stories
Public Relations staff will contact university faculty for media information.
Finding Public Relations staff divided up colleges
Phone and email contact with media regarding publication of news
Actions for Objective:

Action Media updates improved
Contacts with faculty/deans of each of the colleges will continue.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111