
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :

4 Goals     4 Objectives     4 Indicators     4 Criteria     4 Findings     4 Actions

GOAL: Accurate Property Inventory Records

Objective Accurate Property Inventory Records
Ensuring accurate inventory records and receiving maximum return on surplus items.
Associated Goals: Accurate Property Inventory Records

Indicator Ensuring Accurate Inventory Records And Receiving Maximum Return On Surplus Items.
Property will dispose of 100% of all equipment belonging to the University that is no longer needed on campus through a minimum of two public auctions or public bids per year. Property will increase the number of buyers in attendance at the surplus sale by 10 percent of the average attendance of 125 buyers. Property will develop new means of advertising, such as a web page for surplus property for this fiscal year.
Criteria Ensuring Accurate Inventory Records
Percentage of Surplus sold with a minimum of two public auctions or public bids per year. Increase buyers in attendance.
Finding Inventory Records
100% of surplus was sold in both sales. Surplus sale dates were 10/28/2006 and 4/28/2007. On 10/28/2006 150 buyers attended and on 4/28/2007 114 buyers attended.
Actions for Objective:

Action Accurate Inventory
Surplus Sale added to Walker County Alliance web page to increase attendees.

GOAL: Provide Support For Enhancing Campus And Community Atmosphere And Culture

Objective HUB Goals
Meet mandated State Goals for utilizing Historically Underutilized Businesses.
Associated Goals: Provide Support For Enhancing Campus And Community Atmosphere And Culture

Indicator Good Faith Effort With Texas Certified Historically Underutilized Businesses
HUB training will be provided in conjunction with Purchasing training biannually or upon request to all Academic/Administrative Departments. A Purchasing representative will attend a minimum of four Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs) Spot Bid Fairs annually and provide a minimum of three spot purchases to be solicited at each Spot Bid Fair. A Purchasing representative will meet with the Small Business Development Center at least once a year to assist businesses on "How to do Business with State Agencies".
Criteria Good Faith Effort
A total of 56 training certificates were given for HUB training in conjunction with Purchasing Training. A minimum of three spot purchases were solicited at all five spot bid fairs attended. On March 12, 2007, the Purchasing Director met with the Small Business Development Center regarding the upcoming 11th Annual HUB Vendor Show.
Finding HUB Training
Of the 104 departments, a total of 56 training certificates were given for HUB training, a minimum of three spot purchases were solicited at all five Spot Bid Fairs and on March 12, 2007 John Hitzeman met with the Small Business Development Center regarding the upcoming 11th Annual HUB Vendor Show.
Actions for Objective:

Action Good Faith Effort
No Change Warranted.

GOAL: Provide Support For Enhancing University Image And Exposure

Objective Update Policies/Procedures
Update policies and procedures as required due to changes at the State and System levels.
Associated Goals: Provide Support For Enhancing University Image And Exposure

Indicator Updates To Policies And Procedures
Purchasing will update the Policies and Procedures annually or as necessary. Property maintains records of spot inventory checks on departments across campus.
Criteria Maintain Policies/Procedures
Make policy changes as needed due to statue, University or System policies. Percentage of inventory checks completed.
Finding Policies/Procedures
Changes were made as needed to policies in FY 2007. Four departments will receive spot checks, which will equal 100%. Spot Check dates: Student Legal Services 3/22/2007; Chair of Banking 2/15/2007; Dean of Students 12/7/2006 and Admissions 11/7/2006.
Actions for Objective:

Action Policies/Procedures
Made changes as needed.

GOAL: Provide Support For Increasing Academic Standards And Programs

Objective Training For University Employees
To ensure that employees across campus comply with State and University policies, training will be directed toward the Academic/Administrative departments, Purchasing, Property and Stores staff. Each Purchaser will attend one procurement training class per year. A staff employee from each academic/administrative department will receive purchasing training at least once every two years. University Warehouse personnel will attend a minimum of two safety related classes annually and will be certified on forklift safety.
Associated Goals: Provide Support For Increasing Academic Standards And Programs

Indicator Training For University Employees
Each Purchaser will attend one procurement training class per year. A staff employee from within each academic and administrative department will receive purchasing training at least once every two years. University Warehouse personnel will attend a minimum of two safety related classes annually and will be certified on forklift safety.
Criteria Provide Training
We will measure the percentage of Purchasers attending training, the number of departments on campus to the number of certifications issued to each department and the percentage of Warehouse personnel attending.
Finding Training
100% of purchasers attended training in FY 2007. Of the 104 departments, a total of 56 employees were given Purchasing Training. 100% of the Warehouse employees received two safety related classes and were certified on forklift training.
Actions for Objective:

Action Training
No Change Warranted.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111