SACS Reaffirmation
Objective | Maximize Profits | |
The Vending Office will maximize profits through vending sales. Associated Goals: Efficiency in the Vending Operations |
Indicator | Increase Net Profit The Vending Office will increase net profit 5% over the prior year. |
Criteria | Increase in profit The Vending Office plan to increase net profit by 5%. |
Finding | Net Profit The Vending Office did not increase net profit by 5% over the prior year. |
Action | Net profit Net profits for Vending will have to be re-evaluated. Drinks have increased three times and snacks have increased seven times since the last time vending raised prices. |
Objective | Provide Monetary Support | |
The Vending Office provides monetary support to other SHSU departments. Associated Goals: Supporting Other Campus Departments |
Indicator | Provide Monetary Support The Vending Office provides monetary support for the SHSU Golf Course and Development Office per the SHSU budget. |
Criteria | Budget Balance Report The funds provided to the SHSU golf course is on the budget balance report for the fiscal year as of 8/31/07. |
Finding | SHSU Golf Course The amount of funds provided to the SHSU golf course from Vending is $88,438. |
Criteria | Budget Balance Report The funds that the Vending Office provided the SHSU Development office is on the budget balance report for fiscal year as 8/31/07. |
Finding | SHSU Development Office The amount of funds provided to the SHSU Development Office from Vending is $24,096.29. |
Action | Provide Monetary Support Due to decrease in vending profits support to other SHSU departments will not be available. |