
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Accounting, Administrative

4 Goals     6 Objectives     8 Indicators     6 Criteria     5 Findings     8 Actions

GOAL: Glacier Software

Objective Glacier Software
Utilize the Glacier software to its full potential for processing tax filing documentation for non-resident alien students and vendors by providing more staff training and providing more information to departments.
Associated Goals: Glacier Software

Indicator Non-Resident Alien Data Reported Correctly
Glacier software in-house reports compared to reports from registrar to determine that non-resident alien students are included; in-house reports utilizing vendor number tracking compared to Glacier reports to determine that vendors are included.
Criteria Glacier Software
Process 100% of non-resident alien stduents and vendors using the Glacier software.
Finding Glacier Software
Software was implemented and staff received first level of training. More difficulty encountered than expected with tracking all non-resident alien students into the glacier system.
Actions for Objective:

Action Glacier Progam
Continue with training. Work with vendor until we have the program set-up in a way that we can use it as intended - all non-resdient aliens entered and run through the program to determine if the correct documents are filed.

GOAL: Processing Of Transactions More Efficiently Including HigherOne & ACH

Objective Continue Improving HigherOne Functions
Continue to improve functionality of HigherOne Card. Work with OneCard office to enhance services such as travel advances going to the card and student payroll.
Associated Goals: Processing Of Transactions More Efficiently Including HigherOne & ACH

Indicator Reports Of Success Of HigherOne For Student Payroll
Review success of student payroll on HigherOne.
Criteria 20% Improvement in Views about HigherOne
Debra and Ivanette can attest to whether complaints have been slower since we have settled in to having HigherOne process student payroll and travel advances for coaches.
Finding HigherOne Student Payroll Well Received
Student payroll on HigherOne is now completely smooth.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue adding features to HigherOne usage
Request information and services from HigherOne to offer students who have payroll and other refunds on OneCard.

GOAL: Processing Of Transactions More Efficiently Including HigherOne & ACH

Objective Process Local Account Vendors By ACH
Per Board mandate, we must strongly encourage all local vendors to get their payments by ACH. We must implement this system and provide all the progamming by the deadline.
Associated Goals: Processing Of Transactions More Efficiently Including HigherOne & ACH

Indicator Number Of Employees Using ACH For Reimbursement
Report of employees choosing ACH for reimbursement other than payroll could lead to info on why others don't choose ACH
Indicator Number Of Significant Problems Per Month With ACH Transactions
Run reports to detail the number of transactions that failed due to our programming or keypunch so we can determine where we need ot improve.
Indicator Number Of Vendors Signed Up For ACH
Run reports detailing the number of vendors who switched to ACH from paper check.
Criteria 20% Increase in vendor use of ACH
Compare vendor use of ACH before mailout to after.
Finding Vendor ACH Medium Success
Need to do a second mailout. No complaints from those who did switch, to that is a good selling point to those who didn''t switch the first time.
Actions for Objective:

Action Vendor ACH 2nd Mailout
In 08-09, a second mail-out will be done to encourage sign-up for ACH.

GOAL: Student Accounts Office

Objective Student Accounts Activities
The Student Accounts Officee will get involved in activities involving students and increase exposure by participating in beginning of the semester student participation games, etc.
Associated Goals: Student Accounts Office

Indicator Increase In Visiblity Of Student Accounts Office
Traffic in Student Accounts office. Hits to website.
Criteria Student Accounts Activities
15% increase in Student Accounts Office participation in campus events like Destination Graduation, Scavenger Hunt, etc.
Actions for Objective:

Action Student Accounts Activities
Student Accounts was more likely to get involved in activities where students come to the office for prizes or to complete a step in a competition. That definitely increased visibility and helped perception of office. Need to find more activities.

GOAL: Student Payments And Debt

Objective Collections Activity
Increase collections of overdue accounts by utilizing a collection agency that specializes in collecing debts in the higher education field.
Associated Goals: Student Payments And Debt

Indicator Consistent Increases In Collection Activity
The collection agency provides detailed reports of accounts collected.
Criteria Collections Activity
Student debt is successfully reported to the collection agency and reports show steady increases in collections in aged debt.
Finding Collections Activity
The first submission was sent July, 2007 by the end of Fiscal 2007, the files had been set up and collecting was in place. The collection agency collected over $ in just 4 weeks.
Actions for Objective:

Action Collections Activity
Continue submitting accounts to collection agency.
Action Collections Activity
Re-institute sending to the warrant hold program for accounts that are determined to be uncollectible.

GOAL: Student Payments And Debt

Objective Credit Card Payment
Expand usage of credit card payment on the web and by telephone by increasing ease of use and increasing publicity.
Associated Goals: Student Payments And Debt

Indicator Increase In Credit Card Usage
Reports from the Business Office are utilized to track credit card usage by phone and web.
Criteria Credit Card Usage
An increase of 10% in electronic payments (by phone and web combined)is the desired result for satisfying the target outcome.
Finding Web Credit Card Usage
Payments by credit card did increase by as much or more than our goal.
Actions for Objective:

Action Web Credit Card Usage
Promote payment by credit card in conjunction with promotion of the Student Accounts Office.
Action Web Credit Card Usage
Discuss calculation of credit card fee with Collection Agency.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111