
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Graduate Studies, Office of

2 Goals     7 Objectives     8 Indicators     8 Criteria     8 Findings     9 Actions

GOAL: Effective And Efficient Administrative Practices

Objective Effective Shared Governence
Graduate programs are best served when the faculty and administration take joint responsibility for program quality. The Office of Graduate Studies will create procedures that promote shared governance.
Associated Goals: Effective And Efficient Administrative Practices

Indicator Develop/Maintain Avenues For Shared Governance
Creating multiple venues for input promotes faculty buy-in and encourages the sharing of ideas. The number of official venues for input is a measure of success.
Criteria Avenues for Shared Governance
The number of avenues for input providing avenues for seeking disseminating information is an indicator of progress/success.
Finding Maintained Venues for Shared Governance
The Graduate Council Membership was expanded in 2005-2006 and was maintained in 2006-2007. The Doctoral Advisory Committee was created late in the 2005-2006 academic year and continues to function. Doctoral Advisors for pending programs were invited to attend as non-voting members. Minutes for both groups are posted online via the Office of Graduate Studies website. Once a semester, the Dean of Graduate Studies meets with the entire group of graduate advisors.
Indicator Number Of Policies Reviewed
A regular review process is an essential component of maintaining currency and effectiveness. The Office of Graduate Studies, in conjunction with the Graduate Council will review policies directly impacting graduate education and make recommendations to the Council of Academic Deans.
Criteria Number of Policies Reviewed
A regular review process should ensure that over a designaged period of time, all policies directly impacting graduate studies are reviewed for currency and relevancy to the intstitution''s mission. At least one-third of the policies related to graduate studies should be reviewed each year.
Finding Policies Reviewed
Two policies were reviewed. Recommendations to the Graduate Faculty Status Policy, APS 801014, were finalized at the end of AY 05-06 and submitted to the CAD during this academic year. The recommendations were approved and the policy changes were implemented. APS 930129, Enrollment in Thesis or Disseratation Courses, was reviewed with no recommended changes.
Actions for Objective:

Action Maintain Existing Shared Governence Venues
The current combinations of shared governence venues is providing ample opportunities for input. Continue with the same processes for the upcoming 2007-2008 academic year.
Action Policy Review
Over the past two years, all of the policies directly impacting graduate studies have been reviewed. For the upcoming 2007-2008 academic year, the Council will not plan on reviewing any of these recently reviewed policies and will only consider them if issues arise. The review process will continue in the 2008-2009 academic year.

GOAL: Effective And Efficient Administrative Practices

Objective Maintain An Effective Records System
The administration of graduate studies requires an information system that promotes effecient and effective input and use of data. The Office of Graduate Studies will work with Computer Services to develop and maintain an information system that promotes the effective and efficient administration of graduate programs.
Associated Goals: Effective And Efficient Administrative Practices

Indicator Maintain/Improve Records System
The ability to track studnet progress, whether in the admission process or during their academic career, is an essential component in administering gradaute education. The Office of Graduate Studies will regulary monitor the records system and suggest/make improvements, as needed.
Criteria Records System Related Initiatives and/or Improvements
Evidence that intiatives and/or improvements took place is indicative of developing and/or maintaining an adequate records systemt
Finding Implement Document Imaging
To increase efficiencies the Office of Graduate Studies starting scanning official transcripts. Using a color scanner to keep the integrity of the official transcript, the document imaging process is the start of a move to a paperless system. Advisors can now access official transcripts from on or off campus. Furthermore, as all computer information is backed up daily, once scanned the transcript cannot be lost.
Actions for Objective:

Action Expand Components of Paperless Process
During the 2007-2008 academic year the Office of Graduate Studies will move more of the admission materials to the document imaging process. Targeted items are the reference letters, essays, and personal statements.

GOAL: Effective And Efficient Administrative Practices

Objective Maintain Currency Of Policies
Policies should be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that policies are alligned to promote university and college objectives.
Associated Goals: Effective And Efficient Administrative Practices

Indicator Number Of Policies Reviewed
A regular review process is an essential component of maintaining currency and effectiveness. The Office of Graduate Studies, in conjunction with the Graduate Council will review policies directly impacting graduate education and make recommendations to the Council of Academic Deans.
Criteria Number of Policies Reviewed
A regular review process should ensure that over a designaged period of time, all policies directly impacting graduate studies are reviewed for currency and relevancy to the intstitution''s mission. At least one-third of the policies related to graduate studies should be reviewed each year.
Finding Policies Reviewed
Two policies were reviewed. Recommendations to the Graduate Faculty Status Policy, APS 801014, were finalized at the end of AY 05-06 and submitted to the CAD during this academic year. The recommendations were approved and the policy changes were implemented. APS 930129, Enrollment in Thesis or Disseratation Courses, was reviewed with no recommended changes.
Actions for Objective:

Action Policies Reviewed
Over the past two years, all of the policies directly impacting graduate studies have been reviewed. For the upcoming 2007-2008 academic year, the Council will not plan on reviewing any of these recently reviewed policies and will only consider them if issues arise. The review process will continue in the 2008-2009 academic year.

GOAL: Effective And Efficient Administrative Practices

Objective Promote Program Assessment
Graduate programs should develop and maintain processes and procedures to assess their effectiveness. The Office of Graduate Studies will promote the development of a university-wide process for program reviews.
Associated Goals: Effective And Efficient Administrative Practices, Quality Graduate Programs

Indicator Development/Maintenance Of Systematic Process For Program Review
A systematic process for program review promotes quality. A process that encourages a self-study to include an external component contributes to a continuous improvment process.
Criteria Creation of program review process
The creation of a program review manual for doctoral programs is the targeted end product for this objective.
Finding Program Review Manual for Doctoral Programs
The Doctoral Advisory Council and the Graduate Council voted to recommend a mandatory program review for doctoral programs that included and external review program. The Doctoral Advisory Committee created a sub-committee to write the self-study manual. Creation of the manual is in progress and will be completed in the 2007-2008 academic year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Doctoral Program Review Manual
The Doctoral Advisory Committee will complete the draft version of the Doctoral Program Review Manual and submit it to the Graduate Council. The Council will reivew (and modify as needed) the document and submit to the Council of Academic Deans. Pending approval of that body, the cycle of doctoral program review will begin in the 2008-2009 academic year.

GOAL: Quality Graduate Programs

Objective Promote Faculty Research
Faculty that are active researchers are better prepared to be mentors and bring an expertise to the classroom that promotes knowledge of the literature, appreciation of research and emphasize the scientifice practioner model. Creating and disseminating knowledge is a key component of graduate programs. The Office of Graduate Studies shall contribute to an environment that promotes faculty research.
Associated Goals: Quality Graduate Programs

Indicator Funds For Faculty Travel
Funding for faculty travel will promote faculty research and development. The amount of funding the Office of Graduate Studies can provide the academic colleges is an indicator of success with respect to promoting faculty reaserch.
Criteria Increase in funding for faculty travel
An increase in funding from the Office of Graduate Studies will be indicative of continued and expanded support.
Finding Funds Supporting Faculty Travel
In academic year 2006-2007, the Office of Graduate Studies provided $102,000 in funds to support research related travel members of the graduate faculty. This was a 20% increase over the funds provided in the 2005-2006 academic year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Increase funding for Faculty Travel
The funds from the Office of Graduate Studies have contributed to an increase in the research productivity of the graduate faculty. The Office of Graduate Studies will continue to support faculty travel and hopes to increase its level of support in the 2007-2008 academic year.

GOAL: Quality Graduate Programs

Objective Promote Program Assessment
Graduate programs should develop and maintain processes and procedures to assess their effectiveness. The Office of Graduate Studies will promote the development of a university-wide process for program reviews.
Associated Goals: Effective And Efficient Administrative Practices, Quality Graduate Programs

Indicator Development/Maintenance Of Systematic Process For Program Review
A systematic process for program review promotes quality. A process that encourages a self-study to include an external component contributes to a continuous improvment process.
Criteria Creation of program review process
The creation of a program review manual for doctoral programs is the targeted end product for this objective.
Finding Program Review Manual for Doctoral Programs
The Doctoral Advisory Council and the Graduate Council voted to recommend a mandatory program review for doctoral programs that included and external review program. The Doctoral Advisory Committee created a sub-committee to write the self-study manual. Creation of the manual is in progress and will be completed in the 2007-2008 academic year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Doctoral Program Review Manual
The Doctoral Advisory Committee will complete the draft version of the Doctoral Program Review Manual and submit it to the Graduate Council. The Council will reivew (and modify as needed) the document and submit to the Council of Academic Deans. Pending approval of that body, the cycle of doctoral program review will begin in the 2008-2009 academic year.

GOAL: Quality Graduate Programs

Objective Promote Student Research
Creating and disseminating knowledge is a key component of graduate programs. The Office of Graduate Studies will encourage and facilitate student research.
Associated Goals: Quality Graduate Programs

Indicator Funds For Student Travel
Funding for students to travel to present their work at professional conferences serves to promote and reward research. The amount of funding the Office of Graduate Studies can provide the academic colleges is an indicator of success with respect to promoting knowledge of the literature and research among the students.
Criteria Increase in funding for student travel
An increase in funding from the Office of Graduate Studies will be indicative of continued and expanded support.
Finding Funds Supporting Student Travel
In the 2006-2007 academic year, the Office of Graduate Studies provided approximately $74,500 to support student travel to present at professional meetings. This represented an increase of more than 60% compared to the funds provided in the 2005-2006 academic year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Increase Funding for Student Travel
The funds from the Office of Graduate Studies have contributed to an increase in the research productivity of the graduate students. The Office of Graduate Studies will continue to support student travel and hopes to increase its level of support in the 2007-2008 academic year.

GOAL: Quality Graduate Programs

Objective Promote The Recruitment Of Quality Students
Successful graduate programs must have quality faculty and students. The Office of Graduate Studies will encourage the academic colleges and programs to actively pursue high quality students.
Associated Goals: Quality Graduate Programs

Indicator Financial Assistance For Students
While the primary funding source for financial assistance lies within the college and departmental budgets, the Office of Graduate Studies should promote quality and student development by offering supplemental funds. Additionally, funds from the Office of Graduate Studies serve as seed money for development of new programs and initiatives within existing programs.
Criteria Increase in funding for financial assistance
An increase in funding from the Office of Graduate Studies will be indicative of continued and expanded support.
Finding Funds Supporting Financial Assistance
In the 2006-2007 academic year, the Office of Graduate Studies provided approximately $155,000 in scholarships and/or assistants. This represented an increase of more than 180% compared to the funds provided in the 2005-2006 academic year.
Indicator Recruitment Funds
While the primary responsibility for recruitment of graduate students lies with the respective academic departments and colleges, the Office of Graduate Studies should encourage the recruitment of quality students by providing funds to do so.
Criteria Increase in funding for recruitment of students
An increase in funding from the Office of Graduate Studies will be indicative of continued and expanded support.
Finding Funds for Student Recruitment
In the 2006-2007 academic year, the Office of Graduate Studies provided $55,000 in funding to support the academic college''s recruitment efforts. The 2005-2006 budget did not itemize recruitment efforts, so the 2006-2007 figure will represent the benchmark for future years.
Actions for Objective:

Action Increase Funding for Financial Assistance
The Office of Graduate Studies will continue to provide funds to supplement the efforts of the academic deans.
Action Increase Funding for Student Recruitment
SHSU''s graduate programs have enjoyed steady enrollment growth. It is anticipated that the rate of growth will decline. Additional funds will be allocated to help with recruitment.

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