
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Management and Marketing, Department of

3 Goals     4 Objectives     6 Indicators     7 Criteria     7 Findings     7 Actions

GOAL: Department Strategic Plan

Objective Strategic Planning
The department will engage in strategic planning.
Associated Goals: Department Strategic Plan

Indicator Planning Process
The department will meet and continue to refine its strategic plan.
Criteria Strategic Plan Completion
Progress will be made on the strategic plan by August 2007
Finding Strategic Planning Update
Committees continued work on the strategic plan. A Mid-year Progress Meeting was held on February 16, 2007. End of year reports were submitted by May 2007.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continuous Planning
The strategic planning process will continue indefinitely.

GOAL: Mission Driven Faculty

Objective Faculty Composition
The composition of the department’s faculty will reflect the mission of the college and department and be sufficient to maintain AACSB International accreditation.
Associated Goals: Mission Driven Faculty

Indicator Academically Qualified And Professionally Qualified Faculty
The percent of classes taught by Academically Qualified and by both Academically Qualified and Professionally Qualified faculty.
Criteria Academically Qualified Faculty
Fifty percent of all classes must be taught by Academically Qualified faculty.
Finding AQ Faculty
In the Fall of 2006, 61.8% of classes were taught by faculty that were Academically Qualified. In the Spring of 2007, 60.5% of classes were taught by Academically Qualified faculty
Criteria Academically or Professionally Qualified Faculty
Ninety percent of all classes must be taught by Academically Qualified or Professionally Qualified faculty.
Finding AQ or PQ Faculty
In the Fall of 2006, 65% of classes were taught by faculty who were Academically Qualified or Professionally Qualified. In the Spring of 2007, 67% of classes were taught by Academically or Professionally Qualified faculty.
Actions for Objective:

Action AQ Faculty Percentages
Even though the established target was met, the Department was able to fill three vacant positions with Academically Qualified faculty. Only one of these positions was held by an Academically Qualified person. A new position was also filled by an Academically Qualified person. These actions should increase the percent of classes taught by Academically Qualified faculty for the next academic year.
Action AQ or PQ Percentages
The department fell short of the established target. However, we were able to fill three vacant positions with Academically Qualified faculty. Only one of these positions was held by an Academically Qualified person. A new position was also filled by an Academically Qualified person. The Department employs adjunct faculty which are neither Academically or Professionally Qualified. Efforts will be made to have these individuals become Professionally Qualified.

GOAL: Mission Driven Faculty

Objective Teaching, Research, And Service Expectations
Faculty will meet or exceed Departmental expectations related to teaching, research, and service.
Associated Goals: Mission Driven Faculty

Indicator Effective Researcher
The percentage of faculty who meet or exceed acceptable scores on FES 3.
Criteria Research
Each faculty member will publish at least once per year in a refereed journal or a conference proceedings.
Finding Effective Researcher Percentages
The Department fell short of the target. Seventy-eight of the faculty published at least one refereed journal article or a conference proceedings. However, all of the tenure track faculty had at least one publication. Those individuals who did not publish were individuals with terminal contracts or adjunct faculty.
Indicator Effective Service Provider
The percentage of faculty meeting or exceeding acceptable scores on FES4.
Criteria Service
Each member of the department faculty will be a member of a University, College, or Department committee. In addition, each faculty member will hold membership in a professional organization related to his/her teaching field.
Finding Effective Service Percentages
One hundred percent of the faculty were a member of a committee and held membership in a professional organization.
Indicator Effective Teacher
The percentage of faculty meeting or exceeding acceptable scores on the IDEA teaching evaluation instrument.
Criteria Teaching
Each faculty member will have a Discipline Adjusted Weighted Average score above "45" for the IDEA Diagnostic Form Report “Summary Evaluation. In addition, at least 75% of the departmental faculty will have a Discipline Adjusted Weighted Average score above "50" for the IDEA Diagnostic Form Report "Summary Evaluation".
Finding Effective Teaching Percentages
Ninety three percent of the faculty scored above a "45" on the IDEA teaching evaluation system. Sixty percent of the faculty scored above a "50" on the IDEA teaching evaluation system.
Actions for Objective:

Action Researcher Percentages
Adjuncts will be encouraged and given assistance in order to publish. This will also move them toward becoming Professionally Qualified.
Action Service Percentages
The faculty met the target for being an effective service provider to both the University and their professional organizations.
Action Teaching Percentages
One faculty member has not met the target of achieving a "45" on the IDEA evaluation system. Members of the Department are working with this faculty member to improve his teaching performance.

GOAL: Quality Academic Programs

Objective Relevant Curriculum
The Department of Management and Marketing will provide a relevant curriculum for its students in the various degree programs.
Associated Goals: Quality Academic Programs

Indicator Curriculum Review
The Department of Management and Marketing will regularly review the curriculum of the degree programs.
Criteria Annual Review
An annual review of degree programs will be conducted by the faculty who teach in those programs.
Finding Review Conducted
A review of the curriculum was conducted in the spring semester of 2007. The review resulted in recommendations to change the name of one course, delete four course and add three new courses. See attached supporting files.
Actions for Objective:

Action Curriculum Changes
Approved curriculum changes. The recommendation to add three new graduate courses was approved by the committee. The committee also approved dropping three of the four recommended courses from the course inventory.

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