
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
General Business and Finance, Department of

2 Goals     2 Objectives     5 Indicators     2 Criteria     2 Findings     2 Actions

GOAL: Mission-Driven Faculty

Objective Faculty Composition
The composition of the department's faculty will be adequate to support the mission of the department.
Associated Goals: Mission-Driven Faculty

Indicator Effective Researchers
The faculty must meet department standards defining effective researchers.
Indicator Effective Service Providers
The faculty must meet department standards defining effective service providers.
Indicator Effective Teachers
The faculty must meet department standards defining effective teaching.
Indicator Faculty Qualifications
Percent of classes taught by academically qualified (AQ), professionally qualified (PQ), and/or both AQ/PQ faculty.
Criteria Academically Qualified
At least 50% of the faculty will meet criteria for "academically qualified".
For 2006-2007, 53.57% of the classes were taught by AQ faculty. One faculty member was on sick leave for the S07 semester that required pool faculty to teach 3 sections. The additional numbers are due to pool faculty used to teach sections to meet demand before AQ faculty can be hired.
Criteria Professionally Qualified
At least 90% of faculty will meet the criteria to be AQ, PQ, or both.
Finding AQ/PQ Faculty
There were 83.93% of the classes taught by either by AQ, PQ or both AQ and PQ faculty. The unexpected loss of an PQ adjunct and the pool faculty required to replace the 3 sections left open due to an AQ faculty member''s sick leave reduced the level below the 90% level.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Hires
Two new AQ faculty members were hired; one for Business Communications and one for Business Law/Finance to begin F07.
Action Faculty Requirements
The department requested two additional AQ faculty positions.

GOAL: Quality Academic Programs

Objective Develop Outstanding Banking, Finance And General Business Programs
All department programs will prepare graduates for jobs in their respective disciplines or for continued education at a higher level.
Associated Goals: Quality Academic Programs

Indicator Ranking In EBI Survey
Departmental programs will be ranked in the top 50% of schools evaluated in the EBI survey.
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111