
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Economics and International Business, Department of

2 Goals     4 Objectives     7 Indicators     10 Criteria     10 Findings     5 Actions

GOAL: Mission Driven Faculty

Objective Excellence In Research

Associated Goals: Mission Driven Faculty

Indicator Academically Qualified Faculty
All tenured and tenure-track faculty should be academically qualified
Criteria Academic Qualification (AQ)
All probationary faculty are AQ; all tenured faculty with at least 2 refereed articles and 2 refereed presentations are AQ
Finding 89 percent of faculty are AQ
16 of 18 tenured or tenure track faculty meet AQ qualifications
Indicator Faculty Intellectual Contributions
Includes refereed journal articles, presentations, and other published work
Criteria Articles in Tier 1 & 2 Journals
Tier 1 & 2 are defined to be the union of journals so designated by various ranking systems. The department seeks to have at least 6 Tier 1 or 2 publications each year
Finding Six Tier 1 or 2 articles
Six Tier 1 or 2 articles
Criteria Published articles per faculty member
Each faculty member submits at least one article or case study for publication in a professional journal every year.
Finding Two published or accepted articles per faculty
The department had 36 articles published or accepted for publication during 2006-2007, an average of 2 per faculty
Indicator Student Research
Student research is submitted each year for competitive awards.
Criteria Two Student Papers Submitted per Year
Papers submitted to conferences or journals
Finding Two student papers submitted 2006-2007
Two student papers were submitted to conferences during academic year 2006-2007
Actions for Objective:

Action AQ Development PLan
Faculty who do not meet AQ qualifications are required to submit a development plan indicating how they will meet AQ requirements. In addition, no non-qualified faculty will be scheduled for summer classes

GOAL: Mission Driven Faculty

Objective Excellence In Service

Associated Goals: Mission Driven Faculty

Indicator Service Measure
Faculty score on FES 4
Criteria Service Measure
All faculty will score at least 100 on FES 4
Finding Service Measure
71 % of faculty scored 100 or better on FES 4 in 2007
Actions for Objective:

Action Service Measure
Add service goals to the annual faculty development plan; develop ways for faculty to add service within the department

GOAL: Mission Driven Faculty

Objective Excellence In Teaching

Associated Goals: Mission Driven Faculty, Outstanding Programs

Indicator  Ranking In EBI Survey
The departmental programs are ranked in the top 25 percent of schools evaluated in the EBI survey.
Criteria 75th Percentile Ranking of Business Analysis in EBI
Finding EBI Statistics Rank: 16/41, 61% percentile
Rank among Carnegie Class Institutions, as reported by EBI Respondents
Criteria 75th Percentile Ranking of Economics in EBI
Ranking by "Satisfaction with Quality of Teaching"
Finding EBI Economics Rank: 16/41: 61% percentile
Rank among Carnegie Class Institutions, as reported by EBI Respondents
Criteria 75th Percentile Ranking of Int''l Business in EBI
Finding EBI Iternational Business Rank: 27/41, 34 pcntile
Rank among Carnegie Class Institutions, as reported by EBI Respondents
Indicator Academically Qualified Faculty
All tenured and tenure-track faculty should be academically qualified
Criteria Academic Qualification (AQ)
All probationary faculty are AQ; all tenured faculty with at least 2 refereed articles and 2 refereed presentations are AQ
Finding 89 percent of faculty are AQ
16 of 18 tenured or tenure track faculty meet AQ qualifications
Indicator Scores On IDEAS System
Every faculty member has a Discipline Adjusted score above 45 for the IDEA Diagnostic Form Report in all main categories
Criteria Discipline adjusted score on IDEAS
Each Faculty member has a disciplne adjusted score of at least 45
Finding Discipline adjusted score on IDEAS
13 of 18 full-time faculty met or exceeded a score of 45 on IDEAS
Indicator Student Research
Student research is submitted each year for competitive awards.
Criteria Two Student Papers Submitted per Year
Papers submitted to conferences or journals
Finding Two student papers submitted 2006-2007
Two student papers were submitted to conferences during academic year 2006-2007
Actions for Objective:

Action Initiate Classroom Observations
The department has initiated classroom observations whereby tenured faculty observe non-tenured faculty instruction and provide reports to the department chair.

GOAL: Outstanding Programs

Objective Develop Outstanding Economics International Business, And Business Analysis Programs

Associated Goals: Outstanding Programs

Indicator  Ranking In EBI Survey
The departmental programs are ranked in the top 25 percent of schools evaluated in the EBI survey.
Criteria 75th Percentile Ranking of Business Analysis in EBI
Finding EBI Statistics Rank: 16/41, 61% percentile
Rank among Carnegie Class Institutions, as reported by EBI Respondents
Criteria 75th Percentile Ranking of Economics in EBI
Ranking by "Satisfaction with Quality of Teaching"
Finding EBI Economics Rank: 16/41: 61% percentile
Rank among Carnegie Class Institutions, as reported by EBI Respondents
Criteria 75th Percentile Ranking of Int''l Business in EBI
Finding EBI Iternational Business Rank: 27/41, 34 pcntile
Rank among Carnegie Class Institutions, as reported by EBI Respondents
Indicator Majors
Increase the number of department majors
Criteria Majors two percent of total enrollment
At least two percent of the students enrolled in the university have declared economics or international business as a major.
Finding Majors are 1.03 percent of enrollment
Indicator Scores On IDEAS System
Every faculty member has a Discipline Adjusted score above 45 for the IDEA Diagnostic Form Report in all main categories
Criteria Discipline adjusted score on IDEAS
Each Faculty member has a disciplne adjusted score of at least 45
Finding Discipline adjusted score on IDEAS
13 of 18 full-time faculty met or exceeded a score of 45 on IDEAS
Indicator Student Research
Student research is submitted each year for competitive awards.
Criteria Two Student Papers Submitted per Year
Papers submitted to conferences or journals
Finding Two student papers submitted 2006-2007
Two student papers were submitted to conferences during academic year 2006-2007
Actions for Objective:

Action Department Newsletter
Newsletter is a vehicle for informing current students of departmental development and for soliciting information and contributions from alumni
Action Recruitment Plan for Department Majors
Develop a recruitment plan to attract more majors to economics and international business.

GOAL: Outstanding Programs

Objective Excellence In Teaching

Associated Goals: Mission Driven Faculty, Outstanding Programs

Indicator  Ranking In EBI Survey
The departmental programs are ranked in the top 25 percent of schools evaluated in the EBI survey.
Criteria 75th Percentile Ranking of Business Analysis in EBI
Finding EBI Statistics Rank: 16/41, 61% percentile
Rank among Carnegie Class Institutions, as reported by EBI Respondents
Criteria 75th Percentile Ranking of Economics in EBI
Ranking by "Satisfaction with Quality of Teaching"
Finding EBI Economics Rank: 16/41: 61% percentile
Rank among Carnegie Class Institutions, as reported by EBI Respondents
Criteria 75th Percentile Ranking of Int''l Business in EBI
Finding EBI Iternational Business Rank: 27/41, 34 pcntile
Rank among Carnegie Class Institutions, as reported by EBI Respondents
Indicator Academically Qualified Faculty
All tenured and tenure-track faculty should be academically qualified
Criteria Academic Qualification (AQ)
All probationary faculty are AQ; all tenured faculty with at least 2 refereed articles and 2 refereed presentations are AQ
Finding 89 percent of faculty are AQ
16 of 18 tenured or tenure track faculty meet AQ qualifications
Indicator Scores On IDEAS System
Every faculty member has a Discipline Adjusted score above 45 for the IDEA Diagnostic Form Report in all main categories
Criteria Discipline adjusted score on IDEAS
Each Faculty member has a disciplne adjusted score of at least 45
Finding Discipline adjusted score on IDEAS
13 of 18 full-time faculty met or exceeded a score of 45 on IDEAS
Indicator Student Research
Student research is submitted each year for competitive awards.
Criteria Two Student Papers Submitted per Year
Papers submitted to conferences or journals
Finding Two student papers submitted 2006-2007
Two student papers were submitted to conferences during academic year 2006-2007
Actions for Objective:

Action Initiate Classroom Observations
The department has initiated classroom observations whereby tenured faculty observe non-tenured faculty instruction and provide reports to the department chair.

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Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111