SACS Reaffirmation
Objective | Program Development | |
Develop a doctoral proposal for SPD. Associated Goals: Constituency Satisfaction, Quality And Effectiveness |
Indicator | SPD Doctoral Proposal Completed proposal ready for the curriculum committee. |
Criteria | Program Development one proposal |
Finding | SPD Doctoral program The SPD faculty has not completed the proposal. It is approximately 2/3 completed. |
Action | SPD Doctoral Program More attention will have to be paid to reaching faculty concensus on the program''s focus and meeting deadlines. |
Objective | Faculty | |
Seek reallocation and hire faculty in BSL, ECE, and RDG. Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence, Institutional Effectiveness |
Indicator | Faculty Signed contracts for 3 new faculty. |
Criteria | Faculty Three new Faculty. |
Finding | Faculty We interviewed several candidates for the BSL position but did not find a qualified person who was a good match for our program. We did hire a person for ECE and we Hired a person for the RDG position, but this individual decided not to come in August. |
Action | Faculty We will seek reallocation of the BSL and RDG positions and will launch an aggressive search for these positions focussing heavily on minority candidates. |
Objective | Grants | |
Send interested faculty to grant writing workshops. Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence |
Indicator | Grants Completed travel reimbursement requests |
Criteria | Grants Three faculty to grants workshops. |
Finding | Grants Five faculty members participated in an outside workshop. At least three grants have been written and/or modified based on the information learned from this workshop. |
Action | Grants We will continue to provide resources to support faculty in their grant writing. |
Objective | New Faculty Orientation | |
Establish consistent and regular meetings for new faculty orientation and induction. Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence |
Indicator | New Faculty Orientation Agendas and minutes from meetings. |
Criteria | New Faculty Orientation One meeting per month. |
Finding | New Faculty Orientation We have had monthly new faculty orientation sessions this year and all faculty were invited. Many of the faculty made presentations but, by far, the best received meetings were those when we discussed the teaching strategies we were using and how to build a learning community with a large class. I believe these orientation meetings have done a lot to build community among the new faculty—and the new faculty has been meeting on their own to discuss their experiences with transitioning to Sam. |
Action | New Faculty Orientation This was a successful venture that provided needed support for our new faculty. We will continue meeting with new faculty until their third year assessment with DPTAC. |
Objective | Facilities Development | |
Build 3 additional offices to house new faculty. Assess and order new furniture. Associated Goals: Institutional Effectiveness |
Indicator | Facilities Development Three new offices with furniture in them. |
Criteria | Facilities Development Three new offices with furniture. |
Finding | Facilities development Three offices are complete and furnished. |
Action | Facilities Development No additional action required. |
Objective | Faculty | |
Seek reallocation and hire faculty in BSL, ECE, and RDG. Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence, Institutional Effectiveness |
Indicator | Faculty Signed contracts for 3 new faculty. |
Criteria | Faculty Three new Faculty. |
Finding | Faculty We interviewed several candidates for the BSL position but did not find a qualified person who was a good match for our program. We did hire a person for ECE and we Hired a person for the RDG position, but this individual decided not to come in August. |
Action | Faculty We will seek reallocation of the BSL and RDG positions and will launch an aggressive search for these positions focussing heavily on minority candidates. |
Objective | OBA System | |
Develop an outcome based assessment system that interfaces with the Educator Prep system. Associated Goals: Institutional Effectiveness, Quality And Effectiveness |
Indicator | OBA System Graduate assignments and rubrics on TK20. |
Criteria | OBA System An operational system |
Finding | OBA System Our graduate programs (RDG and SPD) are completed and this next year we will begin OBAS for our undergraduate programs. All rubrics have been standardized across program areas and faculty is inputting their own data into ExCel which is then sent to Eric. Once TK20 is fully operational faculty will be placing their data directly into this system. |
Action | OBA System Though the TK20 system is up and running, it is not a user friendly system and students and faculty alike are needing one-to-one instruction on using the system. I will coninue monitoring this situation with Eric to see if some way can be found to simplify its use. |
Objective | Policies And Procedures | |
Create a Faculty Handbook that incorporates the Tenure and Promotion Handbook. Revise the format for reporting FES. Prepare departmental policies and procedures portable files for all faculty. Associated Goals: Institutional Effectiveness |
Indicator | Faculty Handbook Faculty handbook for each tenure-track faculty member. |
Criteria | Policies and Procedures Handbook |
Finding | Policies & Procedures This is complete |
Action | Faculty Handbook Update faculty handbook as needed. |
Objective | Technology Development | |
Explore classroom projection systems that take up less space. Associated Goals: Institutional Effectiveness |
Indicator | Technology Bids on new projector systems. |
Criteria | Technology One bid. |
Finding | Technology Bob Garrett has order 5 new presentation stations for the classrooms on first floor that will use flat screen and smart board technology. This means that the floor space needed will be much less that the old system. We will be able to place 5-10 more seats in each of the small classrooms. |
Action | Technology Development No action is needed. |
Objective | OBA System | |
Develop an outcome based assessment system that interfaces with the Educator Prep system. Associated Goals: Institutional Effectiveness, Quality And Effectiveness |
Indicator | OBA System Graduate assignments and rubrics on TK20. |
Criteria | OBA System An operational system |
Finding | OBA System Our graduate programs (RDG and SPD) are completed and this next year we will begin OBAS for our undergraduate programs. All rubrics have been standardized across program areas and faculty is inputting their own data into ExCel which is then sent to Eric. Once TK20 is fully operational faculty will be placing their data directly into this system. |
Action | OBA System Though the TK20 system is up and running, it is not a user friendly system and students and faculty alike are needing one-to-one instruction on using the system. I will coninue monitoring this situation with Eric to see if some way can be found to simplify its use. |
Objective | Program Development | |
Develop a doctoral proposal for SPD. Associated Goals: Constituency Satisfaction, Quality And Effectiveness |
Indicator | SPD Doctoral Proposal Completed proposal ready for the curriculum committee. |
Criteria | Program Development one proposal |
Finding | SPD Doctoral program The SPD faculty has not completed the proposal. It is approximately 2/3 completed. |
Action | SPD Doctoral Program More attention will have to be paid to reaching faculty concensus on the program''s focus and meeting deadlines. |
Objective | RDG MEd | |
Propose an RDG strand that would not lead to Reading Specialist certification. Associated Goals: Quality And Effectiveness |
Indicator | RDG MEd Strand RDG MEd written proposal approved by college curriculum committee. |
Criteria | RDG MEd One proposal |
Finding | RDG MEd This has been completed and approved by the college curriculum committee. |
Action | RDG MEd No action needed. Monitor program for enrollment. |
Objective | Recruitment And Retention | |
Complete re-design of graduate and undergraduate program brochures. Continue and expeand ads for graduate programs in national professional journals. Develop an easy to carry packet of information for faculty to take to confernces to publicize and recruit for our programs. Associated Goals: Visibilty And Impact |
Indicator | Recruitment & Retention Completed graudate and undergraduate brochures. Copies of ads in the professional journals. Information packets. |
Criteria | Recruitment and Retention 4 brochures. |
Finding | Recruitment & Retention The graduate brochures were completed this summer. We have designed new ads and Dr. McCauley is tracking “hits” based on these ads. Kris Ruiz is helping us design attractive wall boards for our portable screens. Thanks to Dr. Muehsam was have a portable Lite-pro and graduate materials that we take on the road with us. We have purchased table space at conferences and are actively recruiting both students and faculty. |
Action | Recruitment and Retention Continue the ads in professional journals and purchasing table space at professional organizations annual meetings. |