
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Educational Leadership and Counseling, Department of

6 Goals     6 Objectives     17 Indicators     21 Criteria     25 Findings     10 Actions

GOAL: Customer Satisfaction

Objective Customer Satisfaction
Measure customer satisfaction in all EDLC masters and doctoral level programs and specializations.
Associated Goals: Customer Satisfaction

Indicator Assess Employer Satisfaction At Year 3
At the end of the third year, survey employers of graduates from the EDLC masters and doctoral programs to determine their level of satisfaction with the professional performance of graduates.
Criteria Employer Satisfaction measure
Survey measurement of employer''s satisfaction with graduates and preparation programs. Needed for SACS, CACREP and other accreditations
Finding Results of employer satisfaction survey
Employers will be surveyed at year 3 assess their level of satisfaction with graduates from the EDLC master''s and doctoral programs.
Indicator IDEA Evaluations Of Faculty
Students complete the IDEA Evaluation during fall and spring semesters to assess faculty.
Criteria IDEA scores of faculty
IDEA assessments completed by students, evaluating the effectiveness of instruction in class at both the master''s and doctoral level.
Finding Average IDEA scores for department
All full-time and adjunct faculty in the EDLC Department meet or exceed the University''s average score on the IDEA Evaluation.
Indicator Student Intern Evaluation Of Supervisor
Criteria Student evaluation of supervisors
Students in master''s and doctoral level internships, for both counseling and educational leadership, evaluate their field supervisors
Finding Evaluations of intern supervisors
At the end of the internship courses, students completed an evaluation of their field supervisor and the field site.
Indicator Student Satisfaction, Exit And 3 Year
To determine student satisfaction with the EDLC programs, students complete an assessment when they complete the program and at 3 years after graduation.
Criteria Student satisfaction measure
Between 30% to 50% of all students completing a master''s or doctoral degree will complete a survey assessing their satisfaction with the EDLC program and department.
Indicator Survey Advisory Committee Members
Survey members of the advisory committee for all master's and doctoral level programs concerning their satisfaction with the EDLC programs and specializations.
Criteria Program effectiveness and customer satisfaction
Advisory committees of master''s and doctoral programs provide feedback on program effectiveness and customer satisfaction
Finding Feedback from advisory committees
Advisory committee members attending the annual advisory meeting participated in a discussion of recommendations for improvement to program. The suggestions offered by the committee members have been implemented in the program.s
Actions for Objective:

Action Create employer satisfaction surveys
Create surveys to assess employer satisfaction for all Department programs.
Action Create intern evaluation of supervisor surveys
Create intern evaluation of supervisor surveys for educational leadership programs
Action Create new student program satisfaction surveys
Create student program surveys for all programs in the Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling

GOAL: Enhance Academic Program Quality

Objective Enhance Academic Program Quality
Students will pass certification exams with 100% level for all programs.
Associated Goals: Enhance Academic Program Quality

Indicator Successful Completion Of Certification Exams
EDLC students will pass the certification exams with 100% level for all programs.
Criteria Certification Exams for EDLC Students
All EDLC students will successfully complete the certification examination at the 100% level.
Finding Pass Rates for Certificaton Exams
During 2006, the pass rate for EDLC students taking a Certification Exams was between 96% and 100% based on specific programs.
Actions for Objective:

Action Alignment of curriculum
EDLC faculty will continue to evaluate and align curriculum with performance standards of the certification exam.
Action Pass Rate on LPC and LMFT exam
Monitor program to maintain 90% pass rate for LPC and LMFT Texas state Board Exam

GOAL: Excellence In Teaching, Research, And Service

Objective FES
All faculty will meet or exceed expectations in each FES area: research, teaching, and service.
Associated Goals: Excellence In Teaching, Research, And Service

Indicator Clearinghouse Website
Clearinghouse for faculty research and published articles on dept. website: The Center for Research in Counselor Education and the Center for Research and Doctoral Studies in Educational Leadership
Criteria Clearinghouse
A clearinghouse for each doctoral program area should have been developed for the website by September, 2007.
Finding Clearinghouse Website
A website was developed for the Center for Research in Counselor Education, but not in the Center for Research and Doctoral Studies in Educational Leadership. That site will be completed by October, 2007.
Indicator Mentor Assignments
Mentors were assigned to new faculty members during 2006-2007.
Criteria Mentor Assignment
One mentor per new faculty member should be assigned.
Finding Mentor Assignments
Each faculty member who was new to the department was assigned a mentor.
Actions for Objective:

Action Clearinghouse Website
Complete the website for the clearinghouse for the program in Educational Leadership by mid-October, 2007.

GOAL: Increase Enrollment

Objective Increase Enrollment
To increase enrollment via recruitment and retention of qualified and motivated students by 3%.
Associated Goals: Increase Enrollment

Indicator Enrollment And Retention
Enrollment numbers and retention rates and persistence.
Criteria Content Analysis
A content analysis of websites is complete by September, 2007.
Finding Content Analysis
A content analysis of 13 Texas websites were reviewed. Reported comparisons were made in Degree offerings, hours, online courses.
Finding Evaluation of Competitors
Doctoral Assistants surveyed websites of all Texas Universities offering similar programs to those offered in the EDLC Department. Results indicated that many courses and some entire master''s programs are offered online.
Criteria Enrollment and Retention Growth
Increase enrollment by 3%and maintain current retention rate (99%)
Finding Enrollment and Retention
In the ADM program there was a 31% increase in enrollment from completion year 2006 to completion year 2007.
Finding Enrollment and Retention
In the ADM program there was a 31% increase in enrollment from Fall 2006 to Fall 2007.
Finding Enrollment and Retention
In the ADM program there was a 31% increase in enrollment from Fall 2006 to Fall 2007.
Criteria Promotional DVD
Promotional DVDs (3) are made for various programs within the department for recruitment to use in recruitment and to air on television.
Finding Promotional DVD
Promotional DVDs are in progress and should be completed by ending Fall, 2007.
Criteria Travel Packets
Travel packets are developed by the travel assistants and professors take these packets to all conferences to recruit.
Finding Travel Packets
Travel packets have not been made and made available to each professor upon traveling.
Indicator Promotional Materials
Promotional videos and glossy professionally designed brochures will be developed.
Criteria Promotional Brochures
A glossy professionally designed brochure will be developed for each EDLC master''s and doctoral program.
Finding Promotional Brochures
Glossy professionally designed brochures have been developed for each EDLC master''s and doctoral program.
Indicator Travel Packets For Recruitment
Faculty will consistently carry travel packets to professional conferences and site visits.
Criteria Faculty carry Travel Packets
Faculty in the EDLC Department will carry Travel Packets to 100% of the conferences attended.
Finding Travel Packets carried to conferences
EDLC faculty did not carry Travel Packets to conferneces because the packets are not ready for distribution.
Actions for Objective:

Action Promotional DVD
Promotional DVDs will be reviewed by faculty by mid-Octber, 2007, and approved for the Marketing Department. Final DVDs will be delivered by ending of Fall semester, 2007.
Action Travel Packets
Committee for this goal will followup by ending September 2007 with the travel assistants and will train the faculty on use of the packets by no later than mid-October, 2007.

GOAL: Increase Visibility

Objective Increase Visibility
Implement strategies to increase visibility
Associated Goals: Increase Visibility

Indicator Collaborate With Professors
Collaborate across campus, across programs, and/or outside the university on writing and grant projects.
Criteria Collaborate on Publications
To have faculty collaborate with other faculty across campus and programs.
Finding Collaboration of EDLC Faculty
EDLC faculty collaborate within and outside the department on research and writing projects.
Indicator Committee Membership
Via determination of important committees and roles in the university and college, faculty members will serve in important and influential positions.
Criteria EDLC Faculty Committee Membership
All full-time EDLC faculty serve on various departmental, college, and unviersity committees.
Finding EDLC Faculty in Strategic Positions
The President of the Faculty Senate, Dr. Stacey Edmonson is faculty in the EDLC Department. Dr. Edmonson and Dr. Watts are members of the doctoral advisory council and provide feedback to the provost.
Indicator Design A Marketing Program
Design and implement a marketing program to increase visibility and enrollment
Criteria Marketing Plan
Design and implement a marketing plan.
Finding Marketing Plan
A marketing plan was designed during Summer 2006 and was implemented during Summer 2006. A graduate student was hired to implement the marketing plan.
Indicator Design Website
Design, implement, and maintain an effective website to support program development
Criteria Design a website
Design and maintain a website for EDLC
Finding Design Website
A website was designed and launched May, 2007.
Indicator Increase Departmental Credibility
Increase departmental credibility among the university programs to sustain and increase resources, staffing, and support.
Criteria Assignment of EDLC Faculty
Place EDLC faculty in strategic positions and influential committees across the university and in the College.
Finding Committee Membership
All full-time faculty in the EDLC Department serve on committees across the campus. The president of the Faculty Senate is faculty in the EDLC Department.
Criteria Increase deparmental credibility
Increase departmental credibility in order to increase and sustain resources, staffing, and support
Finding Collaborate with Professors
Many of the EDLC faculty collaborate with faculty members within and outside have published articles or presentations with faculty in other departments or programs.
Finding Departmental Strategic Positions
By Fall, 2007, one faculty member was elected as Chair-Elect of the Senate. Awaiting the announcement of others.
Finding Increase Departmental Credibility
Graduate Studies funded two Recruiters from the Department. Graduate Studies funded professional development for faculty and for graduate students. Graduate Studies funded exhibit booths for national conferences.
Actions for Objective:

Action Increase Departmental Credibiltiy
Faculty in the EDLC Department will continue to be encouraged to service on departmental, college, and university committees. In additon, faculty will continue to be encouraged to serve on state-wide committees and hold officer positions within professional organizations.

GOAL: Plan And Promote Quality

Objective Plan And Promote Quality
Plan and promote quality by offering faculty professional sessions based on identified needs.
Associated Goals: Plan And Promote Quality

Indicator Professional Development Seminars
EDLC Department will offer professional development seminars throughout the year to support scholarly effector of faculty.
Criteria Schedule of Professional Develoment Seminars
Professional development seminars as "brownbag" lunch sessions will be planned throughout the year for faculty and doctoral students. All faculty and doctoral students in the COE will be invited.
Finding Brownbag Professional Development Seminars
Brownbag Professional Development Seminars have been scheduled monthly with two offered during some months through the year.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Credibility
Continue to support faculty efforts for research, presentation, publications, and professional development.

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