
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Curriculum and Instruction, Department of

3 Goals     11 Objectives     11 Indicators     24 Criteria     32 Findings     46 Actions

GOAL: Academic Programs

Objective AA Faculty Recruitment
Recruit and hire faculty to fill the two available positions.
Associated Goals: Academic Programs

Indicator A Hire New Faculty
Both positions filled with professors who meet or exceed the stipulated job requirements
Criteria A Faculty positions
Two tenure track professors with emphais in social studies and in technology
Finding Faculty positions
A highly qualified professor with an emphasis in technology related to use in the classrom has been hired.
Finding Faculty positions
An outstanding social studies professor was hired with a strong scholarly background
Actions for Objective:

Action Hire new faculaty
Develop improved guidelines for mentoring new faculty.
Action Hire new faculaty
Develop plan to support research and writing efforts

GOAL: Academic Programs

Objective AB Adjunct Orientation
Develop and provide orientation sessions for all adjuncts
Associated Goals: Academic Programs, Faculty Excellence

Indicator A Orientation
Orientation sessions will be held.
Criteria  A Orientation sessions
An oritation held each semester with attendance by all adjuncts
Finding Orientation session
Each adjunct received a newly created Adjunct Handbook
Finding Orientation sessions
An orientation session was held each semester with attendance by all new adjuncts
Actions for Objective:

Action Orientation sessions
Add additional training at regular intevals during the semester.
Action Orientation sessions
Develop a plan to provide more specific course related expectations and procedures
Action Orientation sessions
Create more specific training on Unit and SPA assessments; and how to use TK20 as related

GOAL: Academic Programs

Objective AC Introduce Teacher Work Sample
All C & I faculty teaching in the certificaion program will incorporate the appropriate TWS elements
Associated Goals: Academic Programs

Indicator A Teacher Work Sample
Faculty incorporate TWS instruction into courses
Criteria A TWS
Faculty attend seminars in TWS and incorporate into classes
Finding Teacher Work Sample
All faculty members attended seminars on Teacher Worksample
Finding Teacher Work Sample
All courses have been assigned responsibilities for teaching certain components of the Teacher Work Sample
Finding Teacher Work Sample
Instruction of TWS in courses needs improvement
Actions for Objective:

Action Teacher Work Sample
All teachers will participate in scoring a minimum of 5 TWS.
Action Teacher Work Sample
TWS training inbedded in faculty and program meetings
Action Teacher Work Sample
Develoop modules with CD''s on the overall TWS with components for entry level C & I courses primarily 374, 385, 383.
Action Teacher Work Sample
Include specific TWS related assignments to syllabi in all courses which is an important part of their grade
Action Teacher Work Sample
ACS Methods Block develops a written plan for teacing TWS at each site with a modified complete TWS as the result.

GOAL: Academic Programs

Objective AD NCATE & SPA
Faculty will receive training in NCATE and SPA development.
Associated Goals: Academic Programs

Indicator A NCATE & SPA
Attendance of selected faculty at the national conference
Criteria A NCATE & SPAS
SPA authors attended the NCATE National Conference
Finding A NCATE & SPA
Potential SPA authors attended the NCATE National Conference
Criteria B NCATE & SPA
ACS jFaculty attended NAEYC seminars
Finding B NCATE & SPA
ACS facaulty attended multiple NAEYC seminars
Criteria C NACATE & SPA
ACS standards incorporated into ACS syllabi
Finding C NAEYC & SPA
NAEYC standards on syllabi
Finding C NCATE & SPA
NAEYC standards assigned to courses
Actions for Objective:

Action  A NCATE & SPA
Development of a plan for comunicating process and expectations to facaulty
Action A NCATE & SPA
Autors lead teams in writing and implementation
Action A NCATE & SPA
Additional training for SPA authores in writing SPA REPORTS
Action B NCATE & SPA
Improve alignment of course assessments with NAEYC seminars
Action C NCATE & SPA
Additional training for faculty in the use of UNIT AND spa assessments
Action C NCATE & SPA
Additional training in implementing TK 20 as a scoring tool
Action C NCATE & SPA
Additional guidelines for students performance on the Unit and SPA assessments

GOAL: Academic Programs

Objective AE Field Experience
Appropriate field experiences will be designed that are highly structured and connect practice (field experience) to theory (what is being taught) with a considerable increase in the total number of hours of field experience.
Associated Goals: Academic Programs

Indicator A Field Experience
Extended field experience along with highly structured, focused field experiences
Criteria A Field Experience
All courses in C & I have a field experience component.
Finding A Field Experience
All courses now have a field experience component.
Criteria B Field Experience
Course syllabi contain specific field experience assignments correlating field experience (practice) with theory (classroom instruction)
Finding B Field Experience
All course syllabai have a refereance to field experience but are not specific,
Finding B Field Experience
Some field experience assignments are not specific.
Criteria C Field Experience
Field experience extended to 50% of time and grade in methods courses.
Finding C Field Experience
Field experience makes up 50% of the time for the course and grade.
Criteria D Field Experience
Field experience activities and expectations are clearly explained.
Finding D Field Experience
Not all field experiences are clearly explained with a written explanation.
Actions for Objective:

Action A Field Experience
All Level I field experience placements use the Office of Field Experience
Action B Field Experience
All course syllabi will be specific concerning the tpe of field experience, the placements for field experience, and the assignment.
Action B Field Experience
Course syllabi will have specific field experiences using a rubric for assessment.
Action C Field Experience
Improve the quality of the field experience activities.
Action C Field Experience
Improve the coordinaation of field experience activities among the courses.
Action C Field Experience
Improve the feedback on field experiences with improved rubrics.
Action D Field Experience
All field experieances will be clearly explained in a written format like the TWS prompt.
Action D Field Experience
Rubrics will be provided that are specific to assess the field experience products.

GOAL: Academic Programs

Objective AF Assessments
Unit and SPA assessments are in place.
Associated Goals: Academic Programs

Indicator A Assessment
Assessment data is being collected systematically.
Criteria A Assessment
Assessments assigned by courses.
Finding A Assessment
Assessments have been assigned by courses but are not part of all syllabi or evaluation.
Criteria B Assessment
Assessments are in, assigned, and scored in TK20.
Finding A Assessment
Assessments are in TK20.
Finding B Assessment
Not all professsores made asignments for the assessments in TK20 and students were not required to complete them when assigned.
Finding B Assessment
Not all assessments made in TK20 were scored in TK20.
Criteria C Assessment
Data on student performance on the Unit and SPA assessments are in TK20.
Finding C Assessment
Limited data in TK20 and reports on students data have not been available.
Actions for Objective:

Action A Assessment
All professors will have the assessments in their syllabi and an accompanying evaluation
Action B Assessments
Professors will make assignments on assessments in TK20.
Action B Assessments
All professors make the appropriate assessments in TK20 and students are required to submit these assignments in TK20.
Action C Assessments
All data in all courses will be assigned assesments will be submitted and scored in TK20.
Action C Assessments
Reports from TK20 will be requested and analyzed by faculty to make programmatic decisions.

GOAL: Faculty Excellence

Objective AB Adjunct Orientation
Develop and provide orientation sessions for all adjuncts
Associated Goals: Academic Programs, Faculty Excellence

Indicator A Orientation
Orientation sessions will be held.
Criteria  A Orientation sessions
An oritation held each semester with attendance by all adjuncts
Finding Orientation session
Each adjunct received a newly created Adjunct Handbook
Finding Orientation sessions
An orientation session was held each semester with attendance by all new adjuncts
Actions for Objective:

Action Orientation sessions
Add additional training at regular intevals during the semester.
Action Orientation sessions
Develop a plan to provide more specific course related expectations and procedures
Action Orientation sessions
Create more specific training on Unit and SPA assessments; and how to use TK20 as related

GOAL: Faculty Excellence

Objective BA Conferences
Eacah tenured, tenure track professor will attend and present at a minimum of two conferences per year
Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence

Indicator A Conferences
Travel documents indicate that each professor has made a minimum of two conference presentations.
Criteria A Conferences
Travel documents have been submitted indicating presentations at conferences
Finding A Conferences
Travel documents requesting conference travel to present papers were honored.
Criteria B Conferences
Recognition for presentations in minutes from department and program minutes.
Finding C Conferences
Limited references recognizing faculty presentation in minutes.
Actions for Objective:

Action A Conferences
More specific information related to conference presentations such as copies of papers provided with documentation of travel.
Action C Conferences
Develop plan for recognizing presentatins of faculty members
Action C Conferences
Develoop system for following up on progress of translating presentations into manuscript submissions.

GOAL: Faculty Excellence

Objective BB Publications
Each tenure, tenure track professor will submit at least one article for publication.
Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence

Indicator A Manuscript Submission
Record of manuscript submissions by professors
Criteria A Publication
Manuscript submissin informtion available in office
Finding A Manuscript Submission
No record of manuscript submissions
Criteria B Sharing publication information
Recognition of publications will occur in various venues.
Finding B Manuscript Submissions
Publications were rarely shared within the department.
Criteria B Writing and Research Group
The group along witht the leadership team will develop a plan for increasing the recognition of the group members and accomplishments
Actions for Objective:

Action A Manuscripts submissions
Develop a plan for submitting information relaated to manuscript submissions.
Action A Manuscripts submissions
Develop a plan for sharing information related to manuscripts submissions and results
Action B Sharing Manuscripts
Develop a plan for recognizing and sharing publications.

GOAL: Faculty Excellence

Objective BC Writing/research Group
A research/writing group will be formed to stimulate and suport faculty in developing research projects, collecting data and submitting articles for publication.
Associated Goals: Faculty Excellence

Indicator A Committee Reports
The writing /research group will report the status, progress, accomplishments of the group members
Criteria A Writing Group reports
Reports reflect consist meetings and participation by members
Finding A writing / research group
Reports were limited with a diminishing of participation
Finding Writing/research Group Report
The group did not develop a plan for shaing infomation and little information about the group''s activities was shared.
Actions for Objective:

Action A Writing/Researach Report
Reactivate writing group with new leadership
Action A Writing/Researach Report
Develop a plan for increased support and devise a plan for sharing and recognizing group members and work.
Action Writing / reseach group report
Group will develop guidelines and reporting systems.

GOAL: Increase Visibility

Objective CA Recruitment
Schedule recruitment sessions targetng both graduate and undergraduate students
Associated Goals: Increase Visibility

Indicator A Recruitment Sessions
Records of Recruitment sessions
Criteria A Recruitment
Materials developed for distribution
Finding A Recruitment
New materials developed for graduate programs
Criteria B Recruitment displays
Displays developed for recruitment purposes
Finding jB Recruitment displays
Displays have been developed for recruitment sessions
Criteria C Recuritment Community Colleges
Faculty member participate in Community College advising
Finding C Recruitment Community Colleges
Two faculty members participated in Community College advising at North Harris
Actions for Objective:

Action A Recruitment
Develop a plan for improving distribution of materials
Action B Recruitment displays
ppoint a departmental recruitment committee to continue with development of promotional materials
Action C Recruitment Community Colleges
Increase the number of campuses for advising
Action C Recruitment Community Colleges
Increase the number of faculty members participating in sessions.

GOAL: Increase Visibility

Objective CB Campus Site Methods
Develop ACS and SEcondary Methods Block programs on campuses (school sites) in Conroe and Willis ISDs
Associated Goals: Increase Visibility

Indicator A School Sites Methods
Seconday and ACS methods blooks located on public school campuses.
Criteria A School Sites Methods
Secondary Methods Block housed on district campuses
Finding A School Site Methods
Secondary Methods Block held at Caney Creek High School in Conroe ISD
Criteria B School Site Methods
Elementary Method Block housed on Willis ISD
Finding B School Site Methods
Middle School Methods taught in Willis ISD at Lynn Lucas Midddle School
Actions for Objective:

Action A SChool Site Methods
Continue to have methods taught in districts.
Action A SChool Site Methods
Add additional seaction in other districts or campuses.
Action B School Site Methods
Continue to develop relationships with district and campus personnel.

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Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111