Sam Houston State University Undergraduate Catalog 2006-2008
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Political Science Course Descriptions

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Required Introductory Course

POL 261 Principles of American Government — National and State. [GOVT 2301] This course deals with the origin, development, and Constitution of the American governmental system, citizenship and civil rights, suffrage, the national party system, the national executive, organization of congress, national judiciary, federal-state relations, and the Constitution of the State of Texas. This course meets the legislative requirement for a course on the Constitutions of the United States and Texas. Credit 3.

Other Introductory Courses

POL 231 Local Political Systems. An introduction to the structure, process, and politics of local governments in Texas and the nation. Topics covered range from Metropolitan governments to special districts to county government. Rural and small town politics are also a focus of attention, along with urban and suburban political structures. Home rule, leadership recruitment and behavior, local elections, budgeting, services, and intergovernmental relations are addressed. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

POL 232 State Political Systems. A comparative analysis of politics in the fifty states, including Texas. Variations and similarities in state politics are examined, described, and related to other features of the states. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

POL 235 Politics of Ethnic Minorities and Gender. A study of political theory, behavior, beliefs, and public policy as they relate to race, ethnicity, and gender in the United States. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

POL 265 Comparative Survey of World Political Systems. A survey of important issues and trends in world political systems that places American government and politics in a comparative context. Included will be terminology, concepts, and methods of comparative politics. Topics may include institutions, behavior, constitutional processes, political parties and interest groups, public policy, political development, transitions from authoritarianism to democracy and from statist to market economies, sources of domestic violence, and other major concerns of the field. Prerequisite POL 261. Credit 3.

POL 266 Introduction to Public Administration. A survey of national public administration with emphasis on the political processes within the surrounding administrative agencies. Topics include development of the administrative function, policy formulation and budgeting, the relations of administrators to Congress, interest groups, courts and the public. State and local topics may be included. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

POL 281 American Foreign Policy. This course examines the domestic and international forces which influence the development of American foreign policy. The course emphasizes the post-World War II era and includes discussion of such major issues of U.S. foreign policy as the settlement of World War II, the politics and crises of the Cold War, and America’s role in the post-Cold War world order. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

POL 285 American Public Policy. [GOVT 2302] This is a study of national and state policy. Both the policy process and the substance of selected policies will be examined. Topics may include foreign policy, civil liberties, health care, social issues, economic problems, environmental policy, and/or others. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

American Politics

POL 334 Judicial Systems. An orientation course for pre-law students and others interested in the legal aspects of government. Emphasis is placed on the development of judicial systems and the policy making role of courts. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

POL 336 The Presidency and Executives. A study of the office of President including the institutionalization of the presidency along with a consideration of state governors and the heads of local governing bodies in the United States. Emphasis is placed on comparative development, roles, structures, processes, and functions. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

POL 337 The Congress and Legislatures. An examination of the powers, organization, procedures, and operations of legislative bodies in the United States. Consideration is given to such matters as selection of legislators, legislative leadership, influence of lobbyists, political parties, legislative committees, executives, and legislative roles and norms. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

POL 360 Political Parties and Interest Groups. This course is a survey of the development of the party system from the founding of the republic to the present, together with an examination of party processes, party machines, pressure groups, party finances, the electorate, nominating techniques, political campaigns, and elections. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

POL 364 Politics and the Media. The primary focus of this course is on the role and impact of the media on US politics. The relationship between the media and politics in other nations may also be considered. (Media is defined broadly to include the Internet, radio, television, and the various forms of print media.) Some of the topics that may be explored in the course include: the impact of the media on campaigns and election outcomes, the media as a source of political information, the agenda setting power of the media, the role of the “free press” in a democracy, and citizens’ relationship to the media. The course makes use of textbooks but also relies heavily on media product being offered each day through the various contemporary media. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

POL 433 Constitutional Law. An analysis of the development of constitutional principles and doctrines with emphasis on the influence of courts in the exercise of judicial review. Particular attention is given to the issues of civil liberties, the attempts to adjust the constitutional system to the requirements of large scale industrialization and the urbanization of life in the United States. Prerequisites: 6 hours of Political Science. Credit 3.

POL 472 Political Attitudes and Behavior. An examination of political socialization, political recruitment, voting behavior, and public policy outputs. The approaches examined include role, group, political culture, systems analysis, and functional analysis. Prerequisites: 6 hours of Political Science. Credit 3.

Political Theory and Methodology

POL 377 Introduction to Political Theory. An introduction to the political ideas, philosophers, and relevant historical events in Western Europe over the past two thousand years. Representative political writings from the time of Plato to Nietzsche are surveyed. Political ideas and values are addressed in their original historical context as well as independently of any particular historical or cultural limitations. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

POL 378 American Political Thought. This course surveys American political ideas and movements from colonial times to the present. Prerequisites: 6 hours of Political Science. Credit 3.

POL 379 Research and Writing in Political Science. This course has two primary objectives. First, students will gain knowledge of basic research methods and design in the social sciences. Particular attention will be given to survey research. Second, students will learn research and writing skills including: how to locate, evaluate, and cite electronic and printed sources; how to conduct a literature review; how to write proposals, reports, and research papers; and how to edit proposals, reports, and papers. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

International Relations

POL 376 International Politics in the Post-Soviet Era. A study of the relations among nations and states in the wake of the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the disintegration of communism. Problems such as internal stability, national conflicts, and internal security will be given particular emphasis. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

POL 380 Introduction to International Relations. An analysis of the relations between nation-states in the international system and the factors influencing their behavior. The changing nature of the international system is analyzed, as are the political and economic sources of tension, war and diplomacy, international law and organization, and the bases of power. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

POL 385* International Organization and International Law This course is a comprehensive overview of the role of international organizations and law. Specifically it examines the evolution of the United Nations and its precursors, its structure and governance role in international peace and security, emerging human rights law, laws governing war, and issues of development and the global environment. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

POL 482 International Conflict and Terrorism. This course examines cases and theories of international and domestic conflict, as well as methods of their resolution. Interstate violence, terrorism, guerilla warfare, and revolution are given special emphasis. Prerequisite: 6 hours of Political Science. Credit 3.

Comparative Politics

POL 361 Central and Eastern European Politics. A comparative study of the political systems of Central and Eastern European states, including the European portions of the former Soviet Union, with emphasis on the problems of transition from communism to democracy and market economy. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

*Subject to action by the Board of Regents, The Texas State University System, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

POL 368 Asian Politics. A comparative survey of contemporary politics and government in Asia. The course encompasses most of the countries of East Asia: China, Japan, the Koreas, and Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Vietnam and Cambodia. Time permitting, the course may also include India and South Asia. Considerable attention is given to the history and culture of each country as well as the dynamics of change in the region. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

POL 369* Religion and Politics This course examines the historical and contemporary relationship between religion and politics. Topics include politics and religion in the United States, the proper role of religion in American public life, the relation between religion and state in the Islamic world, religion and conflict situations, and the role of religion in conflict resolution. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

POL 370 Western European Politics. A comparative survey of contemporary politics and governments in Western Europe. The course typically concentrates on Britain, France, Germany, and Italy, but usually includes other important and interesting countries, such as Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, and the Scandinavian countries. The European Union - its policies, institutions, and expansion - is fully treated in the course. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

POL 375* Politics of the Middle East A comparative survey of contemporary patterns of government and politics in the Middle East. The course encompasses most of the countries of the Middle East, including Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, Iraq, Iran, and Turkey. North Africa may also be included. Considerable attention is given to the historical legacies and continuing impact of colonialism and nationalism, political Islam and secularism, challenges of authority, and legitimacy. The impact on the region and U.S. foreign policy of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and regime change in the region is covered at length. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

POL 387 Latin American Politics. A survey of contemporary patterns of government and politics in Latin America with emphasis on institutions, processes, behavior, and problems of democracy, authoritarianism, and political development in selected nations. Historical, social, and economic background factors are also considered, along with major issues of U.S.-Latin American relations. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

Public Administration and Public Policy

POL 338 Victims’ Rights: Politics and Policies. This course introduces students to the politics and policies of victims’ rights. The course examines the emergence of victims’ rights as a political issue and as a social movement. The course surveys victims’ rights policies and programs at the local, state, national, and international level and analyzes their development, their implementation, and their impact. This is the introductory course for the Victim Studies Program. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

POL 339 The Roles of Nonprofit Organizations. This course introduces students to the history, roles, and types of nonprofit organizations and offers students an overview of the development of nonprofit organizations. Topics covered in the course include: nonprofit and government relations, nonprofit and business relations, nonprofits and policymaking, nonprofits in an international context, and organizational issues. Prerequisites: 6 hours of Political Science. Credit 3.

*Subject to action by the Board of Regents, The Texas State University System, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

POL 391 Government Organization and Management. Comparison of governmental organizations within society and analysis of the differences and their impact upon practices of administration in public agencies. Consideration is also given to the management tools available to governmental agencies and their capabilities and limitations. Prerequisites: 6 hours of Political Science. Credit 3.

POL 392 Economic Policy. A general study of the role of modern government in the economy and society. Particular attention is given to governmental activity in regulating and promoting business activity. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

POL 393 Social Policy. A general study of the roles, actions, and problems of modern governments in dealing with social issues such as education, health, housing, transportation, and welfare services. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

POL 395 Environmental Policy. A survey of the major environmental issues and policies existing in the United States and the world today. An in-depth investigation of such environmental policy areas as clean air and water, endangered species, invasive alien species, public land management, ecosystem management, the conservation of biodiversity, nuclear power, waste disposal and energy production and use. Prerequisite: POL 261. Credit 3.

POL 438 Grant Research and Writing. This course teaches students grant research and writing skills as well as introduces students to the many sources for grants. Topics covered in the course include: identifying key grant sources, matching grant proposals to grant sources, planning grants, and writing successful grant proposals. Prerequisites: 6 hours of Political Science. Credit 3.

General Courses

POL 410 Seminar in Political Science. Discussions of current literature and developments in political science. Required of Political Science majors and minors. Prerequisites: 12 hours in Political Science and junior or senior standing. Credit 1.

POL 481 Problems in Political Science. This course is designed to examine special topics which cut across the usual areas of concentration in government. A single topic will be considered each semester this course is offered. Topics may include political socialization, ethnic politics, crises in political systems, research techniques, and other subjects. May be repeated when topic varies. Prerequisites: 6 hours of Political Science. Credit 3.

POL 495 Directed Studies and Internships in Political Science. This course is designed especially for advanced students in Political Science who are capable of independent study. Work may involve advanced readings, directed research, or assignment as an intern in a political or government office. Registration is upon the approval of the Chair of the Department of Political Science and the instructor directing the course. This course may be taken for Academic Distinction Credit. Prerequisites: 12 hours of Political Science and departmental permission. Credit 1-3.

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