Management Course Descriptions
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MGT 374 Human Resource Management. Personnel policies and administration, job classification and analysis, wage plans
and employment procedure, employment interviewing and testing, employee training
and evaluation, labor turnover, and legislation affecting labor problems are studied.
Prerequisites: MGT 380. Credit 3.
MGT 380 Principles Of Management. This course is concerned with the principles and methods used in managing and
operating organizations, both domestically and abroad. Course coverage includes
analysis of the organization’s environment and the managerial functions of planning,
organizing, leading, motivating, and controlling. Credit 3.
MGT 381 Organizational Behavior. Advanced study of individual and group behavior in organizations and how it affects
the achievement of organizational objectives. Prerequisite: MGT 380. Credit 3.
MGT 430 Problems In Management. The credit in this course varies according to the work performed. The student may
pursue special studies for which a special course is not organized. Prerequisites: 30
hours in Business and Economics and consent of the instructor. This course may be
taken for the Academic Distinction Program. Credit 1, 2, or 3.
MGT 434 Small Business Development. A comprehensive study of all areas of operations and management of the small
business enterprise. Topics covered include: ownership form, site analysis, planning,
organizing, staffing, financial control, inventory control, and marketing tactics.
Prerequisite: MGT 380. Credit 3.
MGT 466 Services Marketing Management. This course examines the characteristics of the service domain. The planning, organization,
production, and marketing of quality services will be the focus of the course.
Prerequisites: MGT 380 and MKT 371. Credit 3.
MGT 471 International Management And Marketing. A study of the decisions that managers must make in the planning, organizing, and
operating of companies in cross-cultural environments. Prerequisite: MGT 380, MKT
371. Credit 3.
MGT 472 Compensation. A study of the design and functioning of the entire compensation system with emphasis
on wage and salary determination, individual and group incentives, employee
benefits, and non-economic rewards. Prerequisite: MGT 380. Credit 3.
MGT 475 Operations Management. This course addresses issues pertaining to the operations function within manufacturing
and service firms competing in a global environment. The relationship of operations
to other organizational functions will be investigated. Topics include decision
making, project management, forecasting, capacity planning, facilities design and
location, process and product design, inventory management, and quality assurance.
Prerequisites: MGT 380, BAN 363. Credit 3.
MGT 476 Strategic Management And Policy. The evaluation of external environmental factors and internal organizational strengths
and weaknesses for the purpose of formulating organization strategies. Prerequisites:
MGT 380, MKT 371, FIN 367, and senior standing. Credit 3.
MGT 477 Supply Chain Management. A study of the marketing channels of distribution and the management of the integrated
supply chain for products and services. The course addresses both upstream
(suppliers) and downstream (channels of distribution) organizational members. Topics
include purchasing, supplier selection/development, inter-organizational information
systems, risk management, physical distribution, logistics, warehousing, channel relationships,
and inventory management. Prerequisites: MGT 380, MKT 371. Credit 3.
MGT 478 Management And Labor Relations. A study of the legal perimeter of management labor relations, the collective bargaining
process, and problems of union contract compliance. Prerequisites: MGT 380.
Credit 3.
MGT 479 Human Resource Development. Provides an overview of the training discipline, identifies current issues for researchers
and practitioners, and highlights coming changes in the work place and their impact
on training and development in organizations. Prerequisite: MGT 380. Credit 3.
MGT 480 Social Responsibility Of Management. A study of the role business plays in our society and the obligations and responsibility
it has to society. The course examines the ethical, environmental, and cultural implications
of industrial/technological societies and their history. Prerequisites: MGT 380.
Credit 3.
MGT 481 Quality Management. A study of current topics in quality assurance management to include total quality
control, statistical quality control, statistical process control, quality circles, and
Deming’s methods. Emphasis will be placed on the systems approach to quality assurance.
Prerequisites: MGT 475 (or IT 478), and BAN 363. Credit 3.
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