Industrial Education Course Descriptions
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IE 430 Aims and Objectives of Vocational Industrial Education. A study of the history and philosophy of Vocational Industrial Education. Credit 3.
IE 431 Human Relations for Vocational Industrial Teachers. This course is designed to prepare the student to develop interpersonal skills and a
better understanding of working relationships with people. Writing enhanced. Credit 3.
IE 463 Preparation of Instructional Materials. This course is designed to prepare a student in the selection, development, organization,
and effective use of instructional materials in Industrial Education classes. It
involves the study of types, values, limitations and sources of instruction sheets and
other teaching aids. Credit 3.
IE 464 Methods of Teaching Industrial Subjects. A study of the objectives and the selection, organization and presentation of the subject
matter of the various areas of Industrial Education including the organization of
units of work, and demonstration teaching. Writing enhanced. Credit 3.
IE 479 Occupational Analysis and Curriculum Development. This course is designed to enable a student to analyze trades, occupational pursuits
and jobs for divisions, operations and information in order to develop a curriculum
compatible to his/her teaching field. Writing enhanced. Credit 3.
IE 482 Work-Based Learning. This course is to prepare the Work-Based Learning teacher to implement and teach a
Work-Based Learning co-operative education class. The content will cover methods
of student selection, work station qualifications, training plans, state and federal laws,
and integration of the school and industrial work experience. Credit 3.
IE 491 Laboratory Management, Organization and Control. This course is designed to prepare students to successfully manage laboratory activities,
organize their labs in accordance with contemporary concepts, and to control
materials/supplies within their laboratories. Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent
of instructor. Credit 3.
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