Criminal Justice Course Descriptions
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CJ 261 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System. [CRIJ 1301]
An introductory course designed to familiarize students with the facets of the criminal
justice system, the sub-systems and how they interrelate, processing of offenders,
punishment and its alternatives, and the future of the criminal justice system. Credit 3.
CJ 262 Criminology. [CRIJ 1307]
Crime as a form of deviant behavior; nature and extent of crime; past and present
theories; evaluation of prevention, control, and treatment programs. Credit 3.
CJ 264 Fundamentals of Criminal Law. [CRIJ 1310]
A course in substantive criminal law which includes definition of law, definition of
crime, general principles of criminal responsibility, elements of the major crimes, punishments,
conditions or circumstances which may excuse from criminal responsibility
or mitigate punishment, the court system of Texas and the United States, basic concepts
of criminal law with emphasis on the penal law of the State of Texas. Credit 3.
CJ 265 Correctional Systems and Practices. [CRIJ 2313]
Analysis and evaluation of contemporary correctional systems; discussion of recent
research concerning the correctional institution and the various field services. Credit 3.
CJ 267 Police Systems and Practices. [CRIJ 2328]
Philosophy and history of law enforcement; limitations imposed on law enforcement
in a democratic society in accordance with the Constitution; agencies of law enforcement;
role and place of law enforcement in the total justice process. Credit 3.
CJ 268 Criminal Investigation. [CRIJ 2314]
This course provides a brief overview of scientific crime detection and more detailed
discussion of techniques for case management and documentation, the concept of
proof, the impact of emergent technology on the investigative process, interacting
with victims and witnesses, and interviewing suspects. Particular emphasis may be
placed on the investigation of particular types of crimes, for example, homicides, sex
offenses, child abuse, hate crimes, and so forth. Prerequisite: CJ 267 or consent of
instructor. Credit 3.
CJ 273 Legal Aspects of Law Enforcement. [CRIJ 2323]
Investigation, arrest, search and seizure; study of constitutional and statutory law and
the decisions of the United States Supreme Court and the Texas Court of Criminal
Appeals. Credit 3.
CJ 274 Community Resources in Corrections. A survey and analysis of probation, parole, and other community-reintegration procedures,
halfway houses, community treatment centers, volunteer programs, and
graduated release with special emphasis upon the functions, possibilities, and problem
of community-based programs. Credit 3.
CJ 294 The Courts and Criminal Procedure. [CRIJ 1306]
Examines procedural requirements for judicial processing of criminal offenders.
Examines concepts of evidence sufficiency, standards of proof, due process, and
constitutional safeguards. Credit 3.
CJ 339 History of the Criminal Justice System. A study of the major social, economic, legal and political events which have contributed
to the formation of the American Criminal Justice System. Emphasis is on the
common roots of the different components of the present system. Prerequisite: CJ
261. Credit 3.
CJ 361 Comparative Criminal Justice Systems.
The study of criminal justice in societies other than the United States including, but not
limited to, the European region, the Asian region, and the African region. Emphasis is
on the uncommon roots of criminal justice in these regions and the effectiveness of
such systems in responding to criminal behavior. Prerequisites: CJ 261 and CJ 262.
Credit 3.
CJ 362 White Collar Crime. The study of the ideas and perspectives that are dominant in the field of white-collar
crime. Topics such as organizational crime, occupational crime, legislation aimed at
white collar crime, law enforcement, causes of white collar crime, and possible forms
of intervention will be discussed. Prerequisites: CJ 261 and CJ 262. Credit 3.
CJ 363 Violent Offenders. This course provides an introduction to psychological issues relating to understanding,
assessing, managing criminal and other abnormal behavior. An overview of
mental disorders and their relationship to criminality and violence is provided. Topics
include sanity, psychopathy, criminal profiling, serial killers, stalking, women who kill,
and threat assessment. Prerequisite: CJ 261 or CJ 262. Credit 3.
CJ 364 Special Offenders and Special Needs. The identification and study of special or unusual offenders with special or unusual
needs . Special offenders include those which rarely are covered in standard criminology
classes, such as wildlife poachers, serial killers, computer hackers, substance
abusers, and business and professional scam artists. Prerequisites: CJ 261 and CJ 262.
CJ 366 Forensic Science. This course introduces students to the process of analysis of forensic evidence and
developments in crime scene techniques. Students will gain basic knowledge of and
some practical experience in techniques concerning various types of evidence including
fingerprint, impression, hair, fiber, trace, firearms, took marks, biological, accelerant,
explosive, and drug. Credit 3.
CJ 368 Understanding Sexual Offending. This course provides an overview of the sexual offender. The origins and various
motivations for sexual offending are explored as are treatment strategies and their
relative effectiveness with different offender groups. Various approaches to community
supervision are examined as are controversial issues such as castration of sex
offenders. Prerequisite: CJ 261 or CJ 262. Credit 3.
CJ 394 Terrorism. This course provides an overview of the field of terrorism. Using a multi-dimensional
approach that draws from international relations, law, and police strategies,
the course emphasizes research and analysis. Students also gain the ability to examine
and scrutinize international strategies aimed at reducing terrorist incidents.
Prerequisite: CJ 261 or CJ 262. Credit 3.
CJ 396 Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice. Nature and extent of delinquency, explanatory models and theories: the juvenile justice
system; history, philosophy, and evaluation of the juvenile court, juvenile court
practices and procedures; the role of the police officer and the correctional officer.
Credit 3.
CJ 397 Introduction to Security. This course will focus on examining the security function and security’s role and
services provided. The origins and developments of security will be explored as well
as the evolution of security education, training, certification and regulation. Problem
identification and risk assessment in internal and external environments will be discussed.
Security and the law, workplace violence, specific security threats, and the
challenges for security in the future will also be addressed. Prerequisite: CJ 261 or
CJ 262. Credit 3.
CJ 430 Law and Society.
The nature, functions, limitations and objectives of law; civil procedure; civil law
and selected social problems, for example abortion, euthanasia; the civil courts; the
grand jury and petit jury; torts; civil liability for police and correctional officers; family
law. Credit 3.
CJ 432 Legal Aspects of Corrections. Legal problems from conviction to release; pre-sentence investigations, sentencing,
probation and parole; incarceration; loss and restoration of civil rights. Emphasis on
practical legal problems confronting the probation and parole office and the correctional
administrator. Credit 3.
CJ 436 Understanding Human Behavior. The dynamics of human behavior; analysis of the biological, cultural, sociological and
psychological factors. Credit 3.
CJ 438* Child Abuse and Neglect. Students will develop knowledge concerning key concepts and terminology related to
child abuse and neglect, related laws and court procedures, ways to address and investigate
cases, and programs available to assist in the prevention of child abuse and
neglect, as well as programs designed to protect children. This course will also provide
a foundation for students who may enter professional careers that place them in a
position to address and/or investigate suspected cases of child abuse and neglect.
CJ 462 Drug Use and Abuse.
The description, classification, and analysis of the extent of the drug problem. Credit 3.
CJ 464 Alcohol: A Social Dilemma. Overview of the most serious drug abuse problem confronting today’s society. Alcohol
education — philosophy and background; physiological, and social aspects of alcohol
use and abuse; social control measures; alcohol and public safety. Credit 3.
CJ 465 Professionalism and Ethics in Criminal Justice. The study of theories and practices in areas of legality, morality, values and ethics
as they pertain to criminal justice. Included will be such topics as police corruption,
brutality, and methods of dealing with such practices, as well as the concept of profession
and professional conduct. Credit 3.
CJ 468 Organized Crime. Historical survey of organized crime in America, areas of influence, remedial practices
and control. Credit 3.
CJ 470 Correctional Counseling. Counseling psychology with emphasis on principals and procedures; the theoretical
foundations of therapeutic psychology; therapeutic techniques and therapeutic process.
Credit 3.
CJ 473 Undergraduate Internship in Criminal Justice. A minimum of three months in an approved criminal justice or social agency setting
taken preferably between junior and senior years. Designed to provide the student
with an opportunity to apply academic learning in practical situations. See the
College’s Internship Coordinator for details about this program. Credit 9.
CJ 476 Readings and Independent Studies in Criminal Justice. Designed for advanced students in the behavioral sciences who are capable of independent
study. Registration upon approval of the appropriate Assistant Dean of
the College of Criminal Justice and the instructor directing the course. Credit to be
CJ 477 Special Topics in Criminal Justice. Designed to give the advanced undergraduate student academic flexibility. May be
repeated for credit. Credit 3.
CJ 478 Introduction to Methods of Research. Methods and techniques of research in the behavioral sciences; historical development
of psychological and social research; techniques and problems. Credit 3.
CJ 480 Victimology.
Survey of the literature, research and current trends concerning the victim in the
criminal justice system; particular attention is given to the victim rights and compensation,
fear of crime measuring victimization, and the impact of victimization on the
individual. Credit 3.
CJ 481 Administrative Concepts in Law Enforcement.
Basic principles and practices of administration and their applications to law enforcement.
Relationship of theoretical administrative concepts and practical police problems.
Credit 3.
*Subject to action by the Board of Regents, The Texas State University System, and the Texas
Higher Education Coordinating Board.
CJ 482 Social Deviance. The psychological and sociological aspects of socially deviant behavior; theoretical
overviews and implications for social control and social policy. Credit 3.
CJ 483 Family Violence. The course will address the theoretical issues, both past and present, regarding family
violence in order to provide the student with an understanding of the salient issues.
In addition, attention will be given to the impact family violence has on the victim and
society, legal aspects of family violence, key factors associated with recognition of
family violence (especially child abuse), and pertinent research focusing on the subject.
Credit 3.
CJ 484 Current Police Policies. Analysis of police policies with particular attention to the current major problem areas
from the point of view of both the administrator and the line operations officer.
Integration of established scientific knowledge with practical police experience in the
various areas of police functioning. Prerequisite: CJ 267. Credit 3.
CJ 489 Fundamentals of Interviewing.
The interaction involved in the face to face interview, knowledge of behavior reactions;
development of an awareness of likely responses to the behavior of the interviewer.
Credit 3.
CJ 493 Police-Community Relations. A basic introductory course treating the broad field of Police and Community
Relations, focusing particularly on police and community response. Prerequisite: CJ
261 or CJ 267. Credit 3.
CJ 495 Psychology for Criminal Justice Personnel. The course deals with the psychological screening and selection, career influences
and extra-career influences on criminal justice personnel and the public. Credit 3.
CJ 496 Assessment and Treatment Planning. Virtually all community and institutional programs for juvenile and adult offenders
either voluntarily or by mandate utilize an individual written treatment plan (IWTP).
In addition, drug and alcohol programs for offender and non-offender populations
use individual written treatment plans. Also, correctional personnel increasingly are
supervising more offenders with special conditions who were previously diverted to
other agencies. This course provides instruction in reading, writing and utilizing treatment
planning documents. Prerequisite: Core Courses. Credit 3.
CJ 497 Group Counseling. The goal of a helping professional in the corrections component of the criminal justice
system is developing or changing attitudes and behaviors of clients in some
socially accepted direction. Social skill development, increasing self-confidence, and
planning for the future are other focuses. Group-based methods of intervention are
effective and efficient for confronting a variety of personal and social problems and
planning for and creating change. Prerequisite: Core courses. Credit 3.
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