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MED in Curriculum and Instruction

Program Description | Admission | Degree Requirements | Courses

Program Description

The graduate program in Curriculum and Instruction is designed to accomplish the following basic purposes: a) to improve and extend the professional competence of early childhood, middle, and secondary teachers; b) to prepare teachers for special positions in the schools; c) and, to prepare students for doctoral work in university graduate programs. Students seeking a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction will receive an individually designed plan that best suits their interest and needs. Individualized degree plans may also be designed for persons interested in a master’s degree but not holding nor seeking teacher certification.  Additionally, a program to attain initial certification for persons holding a degree in a teaching field is offered in this department.

Students seeking initial certification may also pursue a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction. For students seeking teacher certification as part of the master’s degree, 24- certification hours are required.

Students seeking a Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction will take thesis hours while completing the thesis at the end of the master’s degree. The thesis hours will replace hours within the degree electives. The remainder of the program will be individualized.

Depending on the program, a comprehensive examination covering coursework in the major and minor field must be passed or comprehensive graduate research must be proposed and defended before Curriculum and Instruction faculty prior to graduation.  Students must be enrolled during the semester in which they take their comprehensive exam.


Student applications for admission to the graduate programs in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction are assessed holistically on multiple criteria by a faculty committee. To be considered, students should submit:
1.  An undergraduate degree from an accredited academic institution
2.  An acceptable undergraduate grade point average
3.  An acceptable score on the Verbal and Quantitative sections of the Graduate Record Examination
4.  Score on the GRE writing section
5.   A letter of recommendation referencing the applicant’s potential as a teacher leader

Students who have not yet completed their admission file (i.e. have not taken the GRE) may be approved for enrollment for one semester by the academic advisor. Students who do not meet the requirements for regular admission may be granted probationary admission for enrollment in coursework for one semester.


Degree Requirements

This program is designed to prepare students to teach duel credit courses and/or courses at the community colleges.  In collaboration with an advisor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction the student will develop an individual plan consistent with the student’s interests and needs. 

This plan offers the following options that can be tailored to fit the student’s needs. The student will design a program with the 12 core hours and the remaining 24 hours taken from a combination of additional Curriculum and Instruction courses and/or courses selected from another area(s) of interest. The minor hours may be taken in education or any teaching or interest field. Individual plans would have the following possible options:


Core Hours
1st Minor Hours
2nd Minor Hours
(Non-Certification) (C & I or teaching area) (C & I or teaching area)
12 hour core 12 12
12 hour core 18 6
12 hour core 24 0



Core Coursework 12 SCH
CI 570 Research in Teaching 3 SCH
CI 584 Curriculum Trends for Classroom Teachers 3 SCH
CI 583 Integrating Current Technologies in Teaching 3 SCH
CI 585 Current Issues in Education  3 SCH
Teaching Field/C & I Electives 12-24 SCH
C&I Electives    
CI 533 Roles and Responsibilities of the Prof. Educator 3 SCH
CI 560 Advanced Techniques and Methods of Instruction 3 SCH
CI 587 Workshop in Education 3 SCH
CI 590 Advanced Methods of Classroom Management and Discipline 3 SCH
EED 591 Problems in Teaching Elementary Mathematics 3 SCH
EED 592 Problems in Teaching Elementary Science` 3 SCH
EED 596 Problems in Teaching Social Studies 3 SCH
CI 597 Human Growth and Development Across the Lifespan 3 SCH
Total Hours   36 SCH




Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction with Certification


Students who are seeking initial certification as part of a masters program will need to complete the 30 hours of coursework listed below.  Twenty-four of the listed hours are certification courses.


Total Hours Core/Certification Electives
30 24 6



Core Coursework 12 SCH
CI 533 Roles and Responsibilities of the Professional Educator 3 SCH
CI 560 Advanced Techniques and Methods of Instruction 3 SCH
CI 587A Quantitative Research Methods I 3 SCH
CI 587B Program Evaluation 3 SCH
CI 593 Assessment of Learning 3 SCH
CI 590 Advanced Methods of Classroom Management and Discipline              3 SCH
CI 597 Human Growth and Development Across the Lifespan 3 SCH
RDG 536 Workshop in Reading (EC-4, 4-8, 8-12) 3 SCH
CI 598 Internship in Classroom Instruction 3 SCH
CI 599 Internship in Classroom Instruction 3 SCH




Curriculum and Instruction (CIED)

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