Program Links: MA in Health - Thesis, MA in Health - Non-thesis, MED in Health, Kinesiology

Course Descriptions

The Master of Arts Program in Health prepares students as certified health education specialists in the four broad areas of employment that define the discipline: community health, medical or clinical health, school health, and worksite health promotion. Experienced individuals in the field of health may serve as program directors in the voluntary or governmental health setting; administer programs and operations in the geriatric, hospital, and pediatric clinical setting; teach at the community college and pre-K through 12th grade level; and coordinate comprehensive wellness programs for employees in the corporate setting. This program of study incorporates the principles, practices, and the development of a working philosophy of Health Education. Program content focuses on the American Association for Health Educations Responsibilities and Competencies for Health Educators:
Ґ      Assessing individual and community needs for Health Education
Ґ      Planning effective Health Education programs in the four areas of the discipline
Ґ      Implementing Health Education programs to meet the needs of diverse populations
Ґ      Evaluating the effectiveness of Health Education programs
Ґ      Coordinating the provision of Health Education services in the four areas of health
Ґ      Acting as a resource person by utilizing Health Education theories and technology
Ґ      Communicating health and Health Education needs, concerns, and resources

Entrance Requirements Admission into the Health Master’s Programs requires that a student must:

    1.  submit Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores, and when applied to the following formula, 250 (undergraduate grade point average) + GRE scores, attain a minimum of 1500 for regular admission.
    2.  have completed an undergraduate degree (major or minor) in Health Education or have at least 18 hours of field related coursework.
    3.  complete the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and score at least 550 (paper-based), 213 (computer-based) or 79 (internet-based) if that individual is from a non-English speaking country.

Students who do not meet the entrance requirements may be conditionally admitted for one semester, and are allowed to complete a maximum of 6 graduate hours.

Program Requirements

All students are required to pass a comprehensive written examination covering all coursework at the conclusion of the program, exclusive of the thesis, if applicable. Those selecting the thesis option are also required to successfully complete an oral defense of that research study. The comprehensive examination can be taken when the student is within their final 6 hours of coursework, and must be completed at least three-weeks prior to the graduation date. Students must be enrolled during the semester that the comprehensive examination is taken.

For a 30-hour program, a maximum of 6 hours of coursework can be transferred from another institution, or applied to the graduate program from an area of study outside of Health. For a 36-hour program, a maximum number of 9 hours can be transferred from another institution, or applied from disciplines outside of Health.
The Master of Arts in Health (thesis option) is a 30-hour program designed to prepare individuals for health positions requiring formalized research, teaching at the university/community college level, and for students who wish to pursue doctoral studies in the future.

Master of Arts in Health
(Thesis Option)

Core Coursework
HED 531Foundations of Community Health3 SCH
HED 532Human Ecology3 SCH
HED 574Research Seminar3 SCH
HED 575Statistical Design in Health and Kinesiology3 SCH
Electives 6 SCH
Select from: HED 533, 534, 538, 563, 565, 577
HED 696Health Program Planning-Pre-Internship3 SCH
HED 697Internship in Health Education3 SCH
HED 698Thesis3 SCH
HED 699Thesis3 SCH
Total Hours30 SCH

The Master of Arts in Health (non-thesis option) is a 36-hour program designed to prepare students to enter into the corporate, community, medical, or school health setting. The foundation of this degree prepares students to become a Certified Health Education Specialist.

Master of Arts in Health
(Non-thesis Option)

Core Coursework12 SCH
HED 531Foundations of Community Health3 SCH
HED 532Human Ecology3 SCH
HED 574Research Seminar3 SCH
HED 575Statistical Design in Health and Kinesiology3 SCH
Electives 18 SCH
Selected from: HED 533, 534, 538, 560, 563, 565, 577
HED 696Health Program Planning-Pre-Internship3 SCH
HED 697Internship in Health Education3 SCH
Total Hours36 SCH


Course Descriptions: