Course Descriptions

Administrative Officers

Dean, College of Criminal Justice and Director, The Criminal Justice Center
Vincent J. Webb, Ph.D.
Associate Dean
Janet L. Mullings, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies
Michael S. Vaughn, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies
Holly A. Miller, Ph.D.

Degrees Offered

Criminal Justice M.S.
Criminal Justice and Criminology M.A.
Criminal Justice Leadership and Management M.S.
Forensic Science M.S.
Security Studies M.S.
Criminal Justice Ph.D.


Degree Programs

The College of Criminal Justice offers a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Criminal Justice, a Master of Arts degree in Criminal Justice and Criminology, a Master of Science degree in Criminal Justice Leadership and Management, a Master of Science degree in Criminal Justice, a Master of Science degree in Forensic Science, and a Master of Science in Security Studies. The Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Arts programs are designed primarily to prepare graduate students to conduct research in the various areas of criminological theory, crime control, correctional and police administration, social rehabilitation, and the legal aspects of criminal justice. These programs are based on a multidisciplinary study of the behavioral and social sciences as they apply to these specialized areas.

The Master of Science degree in Criminal Justice Leadership and Management is designed to serve the needs of the experienced professional in criminal justice. Course content is aimed at developing and enhancing managerial skills. This program is offered in an intensive semester time frame. To be considered for admission, the applicant to the Master of Science in Criminal Justice Leadership and Management program must be currently employed in a criminal justice occupation in a management position or aspiring to become employed in a management position, with a minimum of three years experience.

The Master of Science in Criminal Justice is available to students with or without previous employment experience in criminal justice. Course content is aimed at providing a base of knowledge and skills necessary to administer criminal justice-related programs. Courses are typically offered in residence at The University Center in The Woodlands
and via distance education.

The deadline for submitting applications to the Master of Arts program, and the Master of Science in Criminal Justice program is February 1 for the fall semester and September 1 for the spring semester. Admission to the Doctor of Philosophy program is normally made only for the fall semester, with a deadline of February 1.   Applications to the Master of Science in Criminal Justice Leadership and Management and the Master of Science in Criminal Justice are on a rolling basis, where the fall semester deadline is August 1, spring semester November 1, and summer session May 1. 

The Master of Science in Forensic Science is a non-thesis degree program which includes a support sequence in biological sciences, chemistry, and criminal justice. Additional coursework in a more specialized area of forensic science is provided as well. The deadline for submitting applications to the Master of Science in Forensic Science program is December 31 for the fall semester only. Though applicants are considered after the deadline, priority is given to those applicants who have submitted their applications on time.

The Master of Science in Security Studies is a degree program offered by only a few universities. Students will be required to complete 36 graduate semester hours that can be finished in approximately two years. Students have the option of completing a thesis or an internship with a capstone course, CJ 688. The deadline for submitting applications to the Master of Science in Security Studies is February 1 for the fall semester and September 1 for the spring semester.

Graduate students in the College of Criminal Justice are expected to maintain a minimum 3.0 grade point average. Two grades of “C” are grounds for dismissal from the program. All students, regardless of program degree, must complete a declaration of official major form and submit it to the Graduate Admissions Coordinator.

Doctor of Philosophy Degree Program in Criminal Justice

The degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice is designed to produce students of crime and justice who possess (1) a deep and extensive awareness of the body of knowledge in the field of criminal justice and, (2) the intellectual and methodological skills necessary for the continuing process of discovery and understanding of crime and justice related issues. The graduate should be capable of integrative and analytical thinking, competent at transmitting knowledge, able to engage in various accepted modes of research, and should possess skills in problem-solving.

To accomplish this, the College of Criminal Justice has a faculty of over 40 diverse scholars committed to the study of crime and justice issues. The curriculum includes courses that provide theoretical and applied knowledge of the phenomena of crime and criminal justice. In addition to the demonstration of excellence in the classroom, students are expected to engage in research in accordance with personal specialized interests beyond specified courses.

Through the combined efforts of faculty and students, the Doctor of Philosophy program in Criminal Justice produces students capable of making contributions to criminal justice through the academic and applied components of the discipline. The curriculum is designed to ensure that graduates are well equipped to participate in criminological positions emphasizing research, theory, law, and administration.

Admission Considerations for the Criminal Justice Ph.D. Degree

  1. A master’s degree in Criminal Justice or an allied field.
  2. Test scores from the Graduate Record Examination
  3. Official undergraduate and graduate transcripts for all academic work. Grades must show evidence of the ability to do doctoral level work.
  4. Three letters of recommendation, preferably from faculty who are sufficiently acquainted with the student to comment on potential for success in the doctoral program.
  5. An original essay as described in the doctoral application form.
  6. Foreign students are required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) unless they have completed a degree in the United States. A minimum score of 550 (paper-based) or 213 (computer-based) is required.
  7. A current resume or vita.
  8. In some instances a personal interview may be requested.

A holistic review of each student’s application file will be completed on a competitive basis.

Requirements for Completing the Ph.D. Program

The following guidelines are offered to demonstrate the nature of the doctoral program and should not be misconstrued as representing the formal requirements for a Ph.D.

  1. Students should consult with the criminal justice Graduate Admissions Coordinator to design a course of study beyond the master’s degree that will provide an in-depth knowledge in the areas of research and statistics, criminological theory, criminal justice administration and legal issues in criminal justice.  See the Doctoral Program Ideal Student Schedule at the CJ Website.
  2. Students must register full-time, a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester, on campus for at least two consecutive long semesters. Transfer credit of up to a maximum of nine hours of post-master’s course work may be allowed toward electives, at the discretion of the criminal justice Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies.
  3. Students must maintain a 3.0 grade point average in all courses
  4. Students must pass the doctoral qualifying examination in the form of a Research Assessment Portfolio.
  5. Students must complete and defend a doctoral dissertation, which is the product of original scholarly research and is of such quality as to represent a meaningful contribution to knowledge in the field of criminal justice.
  6. Students who enter with a master’s degree have six years to complete the doctoral degree from the first semester they register.

The Doctoral Curriculum

The Doctoral degree requires 58 hours of 700-level coursework. Students must complete a plan of study from four areas of study: Research and Statistics, Criminological Theory, Law and Judicial Process, and Criminal Justice Administration.

Total Credits Required:

Proseminar in Criminal Justice
Research and Statistics

13 SCH

Criminological Theory
Law and Judicial Process
Criminal Justice Administration
Electives (700-level)
12 SCH
12 SCH
Total Hours
58 SCH

Possible Stem Work Required

Substantive Courses
CJ 530 Critical Analysis of Justice Administration
CJ 532 Perspectives in Criminology

Research Fundamentals
CJ 592 Survey of Research Methods
CJ 685 Statistics for Criminal Justice Research

Research and Statistics Requirements

CJ 742 Advanced Statistics I
CJ 787 Research Design

CJ 789 Advanced Statistics II
CJ 793 Computer Based Data Analysis

Criminological Theory Requirements

CJ 737 Criminological Theory
CJ 760 Advanced Seminar in Criminological Theory


Criminal Justice Administration Requirements

CJ 730 Seminar in Organizational Theory

And additionally at least one course selected from:
CJ 734 Seminar in American Policing
CJ 736 Seminar in American Corrections
CJ 738 Seminar in American Courts


Law and Judicial Process Requirements

CJ 775 Advanced Legal Aspects of the Criminal Justice System I

CJ 780 Advanced Legal Aspects of the Criminal Justice System II


Doctoral Candidacy Qualifying Examination

Admission to candidacy (authorization to proceed to the dissertation) is granted upon successful fulfillment of the requirements of a qualifying examination.  The Qualifying Examination is in the form of a defense of a Research Assessment Portfolio.  The specified requisites for each student’s Research Assessment Portfolio will be determined by portfolio committees, consisting of three faculty members on a student-by-student basis selected by the student in consultation with the criminal justice Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies.  The Portfolio must demonstrate competence to proceed to production of a research dissertation of importance to the field. 

A Portfolio must include material developed by the student demonstrating their:  sophisticated understanding of the research literature in an area of study (identified by the Portfolio Committee), including Focus on the important theoretical and research questions about that topic that remain unanswered and need to be addressed; Ability to critically evaluate and integrate knowledge across the significant domains of interest within their specified area of concentration; and Proficiency as writers with expert working knowledge of the research and analytical tools necessary to contribute to the scholarly literature in their research areas.


Students must form a Portfolio Committee after completion of eighteen credits applicable to their doctoral coursework. Students are eligible to defend their Portfolio during the semester they are enrolled for completion of all required coursework. See the criminal justice website for the appropriate portfolio forms.


A doctoral dissertation must be the product of original scholarly research and must be of such quality as to represent a meaningful contribution to knowledge in the field of criminal justice. It is expected that much time and effort will be devoted to the dissertation phase of the doctoral program.


Academic Advisement

The criminal justice Graduate Admissions Coordinator conducts academic advisement. At least one month before the end of each semester, graduate students should contact the college’s graduate office for advisement for the next term. All readings courses, special projects, internships, practicums, and workshops for students must be coordinated by the criminal justice Graduate Admissions Coordinator and approved by the criminal justice Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies. Doctoral students are authorized to enroll in courses only at the 700/800-levels. If it is necessary for a student to do stem work in order to meet the prerequisites for graduate courses, those credit hours will be in addition to the classroom hours required for the doctoral degree. The normal course load during the fall or spring semester is 9 hours. During a summer session, the maximum permissible load is 6 hours.  A 3.0 GPA is required for funding and for teaching; funding is granted up to a maximum of four years, given adequate budgets.  In exceptional cases funding may be extended longer than four years for students conducting research. 


Master of Arts Degree Program

Criminal Justice and Criminology

The Master of Arts degree is designed to prepare graduate students to conduct research and actively participate in the development of knowledge in the areas of criminological theory, crime control, and correctional and police administration. The curriculum is broad enough to satisfy these various interests. Students who are planning careers in law enforcement, corrections or rehabilitation, or who wish a deeper understanding of crime and the criminal justice system should confer with the Graduate Program Advisor to develop a combination of elective courses which will support their particular career interests.

Admission Considerations for the M.A. in Criminology and Criminal Justice Degree

Admission to the Master of Arts program is based on the Admissions Committee's assessment of the applicant's scores on the Graduate Record Examination, the undergraduate academic record, and letters of recommendation from undergraduate professors. In some instances a personal interview will also be requested. Admission considerations include the following: (1) that the applicant has, or will soon have, an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution in an allied field; (2) official transcripts of all academic work previously undertaken; (3) test scores from the Graduate Record Examination; (4) at least two letters of recommendation from undergraduate professors; (5) an original essay of the applicant’s career goals and aspirations, and (6) foreign students are required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language. A minimum score of 550 (paper-based), 213 (computer-based), or 79 (internet-based) is required.

A holistic review of each student's application file will be completed on a competitive basis.

The deadline for submitting applications to the Master of Arts program is February 1 for the fall semester and September 1 for the spring semester. The Master of Arts degree in Criminal Justice and Criminology is a 36-hour degree which includes a thesis. No minor is required.

Required Substantive Courses: 9 hours

CJ 530 Critical Analysis of Justice Administration
CJ 532 Perspectives in Criminology
CJ 593 Legal Aspects of the Criminal Justice System

Required Support Sequence: 6 hours

CJ 592 Survey of Research Methods
CJ 685 Statistics for Criminal Justice Research

Electives: Fifteen (15) hours of graduate coursework at the 500-, 600-, or 700-level.

Thesis: Six (6) hours (CJ 698, CJ 699)

The Master of Science Degree Program
Major in Criminal Justice Leadership and Management
Intensive Weekend Program

The Master of Science in Criminal Justice Leadership and Management is designed for persons in mid-management positions in criminal justice agencies, or for those who have a reasonable expectation of being promoted to such a position. It serves practitioners whose jobs and family commitments prevent them from returning to campus as full-time students. The Master of Science program restructures classroom hours allowing the fully-employed person to earn a Master of Science degree in Criminal Justice Leadership and Management Intensive Weekend program in two years. On-campus classroom attendance requires about five weekends each spring and fall semester and during the combined summer sessions. A student in full-time attendance earns six credit hours in each of the fall and spring semesters and combined summer sessions, totaling 18 credit hours per year.

Applications to the Master of Science in Criminal Justice Leadership and Management Intensive Weekend program are on a rolling basis, where the fall semester deadline is May 1.

Admission Considerations for the M.S. in CJ Leadership and Management Intensive Weekend Program

Admission considerations include the following: (1) an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution in an allied field; (2) official transcripts of all academic work previously undertaken; (3)an acceptable undergraduate degree grade point average.  A prima facie acceptable GPA is a 3.0 for the final 60 baccalaureate credits.  A GRE score may be required to demonstrate graduate study readiness if the GPA is inordinately low; (4) one letter from the applicant’s employment agency, indicating awareness of the time commitment involved over the next two-year period, and a willingness to enable the employee to keep his/her weekend commitments; (5) a completed College of Criminal Justice Master’s Degree Applicant Questionnaire; (6) a personal essay regarding career background and goals; (7) current employment in a criminal justice occupation with a minimum of three years experience; (8)  foreign students are required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). A minimum score of 550 (paper-based), 213 (computer-based), or 79 (internet-based) is required.

A holistic review of each student’s application file will be completed on a competitive basis.

The Master of Science degree in Criminal Justice Leadership and Management Intensive Weekend program is a 36-hour degree. No thesis is required, but the student must complete a capstone course (CJ 688) with a grade of B or better to satisfy the University’s comprehensive examination requirement.


Schedule of Courses: M.S. Criminal Justice Leadership and Management Degree In-tensive Weekend Program

Required Courses:

Year One

CJ 530 Critical Analysis of Justice Administration
CJ 633 Seminar in Organization and Administration

CJ 634 Research Methods and Quantitative Analysis in Criminal Justice
CJ 663 Psychology in Criminal Justice Leadership

CJ 632 Resource Development in the Organizational Context
CJ 665 Community Theory and the Administration of Justice

Year Two

CJ 635 Seminar in Leadership and Management
CJ 696 Legal Aspects of Criminal Justice Management

CJ 636 Computer /Technology Applications for Criminal Justice
CJ 692 Program Evaluation for Criminal Justice

CJ 694 Special Topics (currently CJ 687-may change as deemed necessary)
CJ 688 Emergent Issues in Criminal Justice Leadership

Other elective special readings courses may be substituted with the approval from the criminal justice Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies

The Master of Science Degree Program
Justice Leadership and Management
Distance/Online Program

The Online Master of Science program in Criminal Justice Leadership and Management is designed to provide easy access to high-quality graduate education and professional development for criminal justice professionals.  The College of Criminal Justice is one of the nation’s largest academic programs in the field with a national and international reputation for excellence.  We are proud of our reputation for quality, and we bring that commitment to quality to our online master’s program for practitioners. 

We have offered a Master of Science in Criminal Justice Leadership and Management for over 30 years in an intensive weekend format (previously described in catalog).  The new online format allows students to enroll in two 7-1/2 week courses per semester.  This enables them to complete the program in two years, either from home or wherever they have access to the internet.  The program also uses a student-friendly course delivery and learning platform that includes access to technical support 24 hours a day, each and every day of the week. 

Another exciting feature of the new online program is that students can choose to mix and match the online and the intensive weekend formats to best fit their schedules or learning styles.  This allows them to either complete the entire program online, or complete some semesters online and others in the intensive weekend format.  Compared to other distance learning degree programs, we offer a financially competitive program for the working professional from the highly reputable, prestigious College of Criminal Justice at Sam Houston State University. 

Applications to the Master of Science in Criminal Justice Leadership and Management Online Program are on a rolling basis, where the fall semester deadline is August 1, spring semester November 1, and summer session May 1.

Admission Considerations for the M.S. Criminal Justice Leadership and Management Degree Distance/Online Program

Admission considerations include the following: (1) an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution in an allied field; (2) official transcripts of all academic work previously undertaken; (3) an acceptable undergraduate degree grade point average.  A prima facie acceptable GPA is a 3.0 for the final 60 baccalaureate credits.  A GRE score may be required to demonstrate graduate study readiness if the GPA is inordinately low; (4) a completed College of Criminal Justice Master’s Degree Applicant Questionnaire; (5) a personal essay regarding career background and goals; (6) current employment in a criminal justice occupation with a minimum of three years experience; (7)  foreign students are required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). A minimum score of 550 (paper-based), 213 (computer-based), or 79 (internet-based) is required.

A holistic review of each student’s application file will be completed on a competitive basis.

The Online Master of Science degree in Criminal Justice Leadership and Management is a 36-hour degree. No thesis is required, but the student must complete a capstone course (CJ 688) with a grade of B or better to satisfy the University’s comprehensive examination requirement.

Graduates of the Leadership Command College (LCC)

College credit will be awarded to graduates of the Leadership Command College (LCC) through the Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas (LEMIT).  Students will receive 6 hours of graduate credit (CJ 694) to replace CJ 632 (Resource Development in the Organizational Context) and CJ 639 (Police in Society) or CJ 672 (Seminar in Criminology and Corrections). The college credit will be awarded three times per year.  Upon graduation of each LCC Module III, the required paperwork will be provided to the Registrar’s Office by LEMIT to be added to the student’s SHSU transcript.

Schedule of Courses:
for M.S. Criminal Justice Leadership and Management Degree
Distance/Online Program

Required Courses Signified By *

Year One
CJ 633.1     Seminar in Organization and Administration*
CJ 696.2     Legal Aspects of Criminal Justice Management
CJ 663.1     Leadership Psychology in Criminal Justice Management
CJ 634.2     Research Methods & Quantitative Analysis in Criminal Justice*
CJ 632.1     Resource Development in the Organizational Context
CJ 665.2     Community Theory and the Administration of Justice

Year Two
CJ 635.1     Seminar in Leadership and Management
CJ 530.2     Critical Analysis of Justice Administration*

CJ 636.1     Computer / Technology Applications for Criminal Justice
CJ 692.2     Program Evaluation for Criminal Justice Management*

CJ 639.1     Police in Society**
CJ 672.1     Seminar in Criminology and Corrections**
CJ 688.2     Emergent Issues in Criminal Justice Leadership*

**Students enroll in either CJ 639 or CJ 672.


Master of Science in Criminal Justice Leadership and Management: Military Only

An ideal schedule is provided below. All military personnel should enroll in both CJ 639, Police and Society, and CJ 672, Seminar in Criminology and Corrections, as electives.

  7½ Week
Course Title
Year One Fall 1 CJ 633 Seminar in Organization and Administration*
  Fall 2 CJ 696 Legal Aspects of Criminal Justice Management
  Spring 1 CJ 693 Specialized Experience:  Professional Enrichment**
  Spring 2 CJ 634 Research Methods and Quan. Analysis in Criminal Justice*
  Summer 1 CJ 639 Police in Society
  Summer 2 CJ 672 Seminar in Criminology and Corrections
Year Two      
  Fall 1 CJ 694 Building Democratic Justice Systems Abroad**
  Fall 2 CJ 530 Critical Analysis of Justice Administration*
  Spring 1 CJ 692 Program Evaluation for Criminal Justice Management*
  Spring 2 CJ 688 Emergent Issues in Criminal Justice Leadership*
  Summer 1   If no transfer credit, then choose an elective from the list below.
  Summer 2   If no transfer credit, then choose an elective from the list below.
      * Required Courses
** Sections Designed Specifically for Military Police
Distance Learning Program Courses Available as Substitute Electives:
    CJ 632 Resource Development in the Organizational Context
    CJ 636 Computer/Technology Applications for Criminal Justice
    CJ 665 Community Theory and the Administration of Justice
    CJ 670 Research and Development Internship
    CJ 635 Seminar in Leadership and Management***
    CJ 663 Leadership Psychology in Criminal Justice Management***
*** Courses may be awarded as transfer credit for American Council on Education assessment of military preparation equivalent experiences.  If not transferred, may be taken as electives.


Master of Science Degree Program
Criminal Justice
University Center

The Master of Science program in Criminal Justice is designed primarily for persons with or without previous employment experience in the field of criminal justice.  It is designed for nontraditional students who have full-time jobs. This degree is typically available at The University Center in The Woodlands and via distance education. Courses are sequenced so that students can complete the degree in two years. The degree prepares students to work in various areas of criminal justice administration including, but not limited to, organizational management and social policy.  Applications to the Master of Science in Criminal Justice University Center Program are on a rolling basis, where the fall semester deadline is August 1, spring semester November 1, and summer session May 1.

Admission Considerations for the Master of Science University Center Degree Program

Admission considerations include: (1) an undergraduate degree from an accredited academic institution in an allied field; (2) official transcripts of all academic work previously undertaken; (3) an acceptable undergraduate degree grade point average.  A prima facie acceptable GPA is a 3.0 for the final 60 baccalaureate credits.  A GRE score may be required to demonstrate graduate study readiness if the GPA is inordinately low; (4) at least two letters of recommendation from undergraduate professors referencing the applicant’s ability to perform graduate work; (5) a completed College of Criminal Justice Master’s Degree Applicant Questionnaire;  (6) a personal essay regarding career background and goals;  and (7) foreign  students are required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). A minimum score of 550 (paper-based), 213 (computer-based), or 79 (internet-based) is required.

A holistic review of each student’s application file will be completed on a competitive basis.

There is no thesis requirement, but the student must complete a capstone course (CJ 688) with a grade of B or better to satisfy the University’s comprehensive exam requirement. Students should seek advisement from the criminal justice Graduate Admissions Coordinator in planning a course of study. The Master of Science degree in Criminal Justice is a 36-hour degree.


Required Substantive Courses: 21 hours

CJ 530 Critical Analysis of Justice Administration
CJ 692 Program Evaluation in Criminal Justice
CJ 633 Seminar in Organization and Administration
CJ 634 Research Methods and Quantitative Analysis
CJ 636 Computer /Technology Applications for Criminal Justice
CJ 665 Community Theory and the Administration of Justice
CJ 688 Emergent Issues in Criminal Justice Leadership

Electives: 15 hours
Students may choose five elective courses from 500-600 level criminal justice courses. No more than three credit hours of CJ 693 may be used as elective coursework.

Master of Science in Forensic Science

The Master of Science in Forensic Science program requires the completion of 44 graduate semester hours of core and forensic science coursework that can be completed in two years. The program is designed to provide students with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities essential to forensic science. This unique and interdisciplinary program was the first of its kind in Texas. Graduate level topics include crime scene investigation, pattern evidence, controlled substances, trace evidence, microscopic analysis, forensic biology, law/science interface, ethics, and quality assurance. These core topics are complemented with advanced coursework and laboratory instruction. The program maintains strong ties with accredited forensic laboratories in both the private and public sectors. Students are required to complete an internship in a forensic laboratory, complete an independent research project and demonstrate good oral and written skills that will prepare them for future success in both the laboratory and in the courtroom.


Admission Considerations

Admission considerations include: (1) a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution in chemistry or biology; or a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution in a forensic or natural science with the equivalent of a minor in either chemistry or biology; (2) test scores from the Graduate Record Examination; (3) three letters of recommendation, with at least two from academic sources; and (4) official transcripts of all academic work previously undertaken. Applicants should have completed instrumental analysis and molecular biology at the undergraduate level. However, exceptional students who have not taken these courses may be allowed to take these stem courses during their first year.

A holistic review of each student’s application file will be completed on a competitive basis.

The Program of Study

Required courses:
CHM   585    Instrumental Forensic Analysis
BIO     595    Forensic Analysis of Biological Evidence
CHM   585    Drug Chemistry/Toxicology
CJ       560    Forensic Analysis of Pattern Evidence
CHM   585    Trace Evidence and Microscopic Analysis                  
CJ        531    Techniques for Crime Scene Investigation
CJ        537    Law and Forensic Science
CJ        561    Principles of Quality Assurance in Forensic Science
CJ        675    Forensic Science Proseminar
CJ        670    Internship
CJ        685    Statistics for Criminal Justice Research
CJ        694    Forensic Science Capstone Course
CJ        562    Seminar in Forensic Science

After consultation with appropriate advisors, students will establish a focus in either forensic biology or chemistry. Completion of additional coursework may include but is not limited to the following electives:
BIO     530    Forensic Entomology
BIO     534    Electron Microscopy
BIO     564    Cell Structure and Physiology
BIO     591    Advanced Genetics
CHM   568    Analytical Spectroscopy
CHM   572    Advanced Biochemistry I
CJ        694    Forensic Anthropology

                Note: Curriculum may be adapted to meet the Forensic Science Education Programs Accreditation Commission (FEPAC) of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS).

Master of Science in Security Studies

The Master of Science in Security Studies is a unique program that provides a comprehensive security management program to individuals wanting to advance their knowledge, skills and qualifications within the dynamic field of security. This specialized degree program will produce professionals who are best qualified to meet the intersecting demands of the criminal justice system and homeland security. The broad educational objective of the program is to graduate managers and leaders, individuals who will possess expertise in both theoretical and experiential dimensions of security management.

The Program of Study

Required Courses:

Fall Semester—Year One

CJ 530          Critical Analysis of Justice Administration                       3 hours

CJ 532          Perspectives in Criminology                                           3 hours

CJ 538          Security and Management                                             3 hours


Spring Semester—Year One


CJ 536          Legal Aspects of Private Security                              3 hours

CJ 535          Security and the Future                                             3 hours

CJ 634          Research and Evaluation Methods                             3 hours


Summer Semester—Year One


No classes offered


Fall Semester—Year Two


CJ 687          Ethics of Criminal Justice                                            3 hours

CJ 539          Global Terrorism                                                             3 hours

CJ 694          Special Topics                                                                  3 hours


Spring Semester—Year Two


CJ 698          Thesis Practicum                                                              3 hours

CJ 699          Thesis                                                                                 3 hours

CJ 688          Emergent Issues in Criminal Justice Leadership    3 hours




CJ 688          Emergent Issues in Criminal Justice Leadership    3 hours

CJ 670          Internship                                                                           6 hours


Total Hours                                                                                            36 hours


Admission considerations include: (1) an undergraduate degree from an accredited academic institution in an allied field; (2) official transcripts of all academic work previously undertaken; (3) test scores from the Graduate Record Examination; (4) at least three letters of recommendation from undergraduate professors referencing the applicant’s ability to perform graduate work; and (5) a personal essay regarding career background and goals. Foreign students are required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). A minimum score of 550 (paper-based), 213 (computer-based), or 79 (internet-based) is required.

A holistic review of each student’s application file will be completed on a competitive basis.

For application forms or further information, write or call:
     Office of Graduate Programs
     College of Criminal Justice
     Sam Houston State University
     P. O. Box 2296
     Huntsville, Texas 77341-2296
     Phone: (936) 294-3637
     FAX: (936) 294-4055

Email inquiries may be made through the College of Criminal Justice’s internet address:


George J. Beto Chair of Criminal Justice

In 1979, Houston Endowment Inc. established a fund for the George J. Beto Chair of Criminal Justice, the first endowed chair in criminal justice in the nation. Houston Endowment Inc. is a philanthropic trust established by the late Jesse H. and Mary Gibbs Jones to benefit educational, cultural and religious organizations. The award provides for the support of an annual lecture series of distinguished professors and professionals. The late Dr. George J. Beto, former Director of the Texas Department of Corrections and an internationally recognized authority on criminology and corrections, was designated by the Board of Regents, The Texas State University System, as a Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Criminal Justice at the University. In 1991, the Criminal Justice Center was renamed the George J. Beto Criminal Justice Center by action of the Board of Regents, The Texas State University System.


Course Descriptions: