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MGT 530 Foundations of Strategic Management This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of both Management and Strategic Management. Topics include the management functions of planning, organizing, leading, motivating, and controlling as well as SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis, strategy assessment and implementation, and strategy evaluation and control. This course does not apply to the 36-hour graduate credit hour requirement of the MBA degree program or the MS in Finance degree.

MGT 560 Seminar in Operations Management The operations management function in a business enterprise has always been central to the activities of the organization. Achieving world-class competitiveness in either the manufacturing or service sectors demands that modern managers understand how to apply the fundamentals of operations management. Knowledge of these fundamentals will be developed through a combination of literature research and application in either case studies or actual consulting with local organizations.

MGT 561 Management of Innovation and Technology. A study of current topics in the management of creativity, innovation, technology, and quality assurance. Guest speakers and experiential exercises will be utilized in addition to lectures, student presentations, and class discussion of topics. The major project in the course will be the development of a technology forecast in a particular technology area through the use of the literature and contact with researchers and leaders in the selected field.

MGT 562 Project Management. This course focuses on the planning, implementation, and control of projects. Coverage will include project scope and definition, time and cost management, conflict resolution and team processes, resource allocation, scheduling and lifecycle management. The appropriate intellectual foundation will be established so that students can work individually and in teams to solve project related problems.

MGT 566 Seminar in Team Leadership. A systematic review, critique and application of findings of the behavioral sciences to the understanding, prediction and management of individual and group behavior in business organizations.

MGT 567 Seminar in Strategic Management and Policy. This capstone course is concerned with advanced principles and methods used in the strategic management of organizations. Thus, the primary focus is the evaluation of external environmental factors and internal organizational strengths and weaknesses for formulating strategies for organizations. Readings, simulation, and the case method are used to further develop the student's executive knowledge, skills and abilities for future independent learning and success. Prerequisites: ACC 564, BAN 568, FIN 537, GBA 587, and MKT 570.

MGT 568 Services Management and Marketing. This course examines the unique challenges of managing and marketing services. A review of the literature covering service theory and practical experience in designing and maintaining quality services are the foci of the course. Prerequisite: MKT 570.

MGT 571 Leading Organizational Change and Development. This course focuses on advanced theoretical concepts and applications in the areas of leadership, organizational development, and change management. Of particular importance are the concepts of organizational culture and leading organizational change initiatives. The application of specific tools for conducting organizational change initiatives will be explored.

MGT 573 Social Responsibility of Business. An in-depth study of the many dimensions of social responsibility in business which include the intellectual foundations supporting the economic, moral, and sociopolitical institutions of democratic capitalism. Case studies will be used to familiarize students with the literature in social responsibility, and students will be required to perform independent analyses of current events to understand the reasoning behind decisions on social responsibility in the workplace. A basic background in business disciplines is required Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

MGT 574 Seminar in Human Resource Management. This cornerstone human resource management seminar presents relevant background literature, fundamental principles, technical tools, and case studies to develop the student's proficiency for future independent learning and research in the following areas of personnel: employee recruitment and selection, human resource development, labor relations, wage and salary administration, and employee services.

MGT 575 Readings in Mangement. This course is designed for directed study of individual students who wish intensive study in some specific area of Management. Prerequisite: Approval of Department Chair and Graduate Coordinator.

MGT 595 ERP Business Process Integration. This course utilizes the SAP R/3 information system paradigm as a model for examination and development of integrated business process solutions. The course examines the conceptual background, rationale, methods, and procedures commonly employed by businesses in developing and configuring integrated business systems. The course provides practice and training through cases and hands-on experience using SAP R/3 by requiring students to configure business process solutions through integration of financial, controlling, production, materials management, sales and distribution, manufacturing, and other ERP process modules. Prerequisites: Prerequisites: Thirty-six hours of business related courses of which twelve must be at the graduate level, completion of the MBA core courses and ACC 564 or ACC 569, or permission of the instructor.

MGT 765 Organization Theory in Education. The course focuses on the design and management of successful educational organizations. Different approaches to organization theory will be applied to the education context. Current management literature that contributes insights into effective strategic and operational decision making in educational organizations will be reviewed and applied to public schools.


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