Sam Houston State University Undergraduate Catalog 2006-2008
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Health Education Course Descriptions

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HED 160 Introduction to Health Education and Health Careers. This course explores the determinants of health, theories of health behavior, the nature and history of health education, and the role of the health educator as a professional in the school, work, clinical, and community settings to promote health and prevent disease. Credit 3.

HED 166 Lifestyle and Wellness. Lifestyle and Wellness explores a variety of health issues which influence the wellbeing of an individual throughout the life cycle. The student is given an opportunity to develop a personal philosophy of wellness and self responsibility for health through self assessment, investigation of factors affecting one’s health, and the examination of behavior modification strategies. Credit 3.

HED 230 First Aid: Red Cross and Instructor’s Course. A course for those who wish to acquire a knowledge of Red Cross emergency and preventive measures. Successful completion leads to CPR, first aid, and responding to emergency certification. Students may also become instructors through additional American Red Cross training. (Also listed as KIN 230). Credit 3.

HED 272 Health and Medical Terminology. This course provides medically-oriented students with the cognitive skills they need to understand the foundations of medical technology for health professionals. The content of this course focuses on the prefixes, suffixes, and roots of medical terms that are associated with multiple disease processes, medical protocols, and the human anatomical system. Prerequisite: Senior standing. Credit 3.

HED 280 Drug Use and Abuse. This course explores the use and misuse of drugs and their effects on the health of man. Credit 3.

HED 281 Consumer Health Education. A study of the factors which influence the consumer marketplace for health related products and services. Topics include fraud and quackery, advertising, health care professional services, alternative medicine, consumer protection agencies, and consumer protection through self-responsibility. Credit 3.

HED 282 Child and Adolescent Health. This course focuses on the causes of and approaches to physical, social, mental, and emotional health problems among young people. Emphasis is placed on creating an environment in which children and adolescents can learn to make prudent decisions regarding health related behaviors. Credit 3.

HED 283 Multicultural Health Issues. This course addressed health issues and problems that various ethnic groups face in the United States. Cultural differences in health behaviors, health care access, and promotion and prevention programs are emphasized. Credit 3.

HED 385 Safety Education. This course presents the foundations of accident prevention and injury control. Applications are made to motor vehicle, home, recreational, and occupational safety. Credit 3.

HED 390 Family Life and Sex Education. This course focuses on the formation of intimate relationships: family, marriage, friends. Individuals are directed into the study of their personal backgrounds, lives, and dreams in preparation for marriage. Includes problems of today’s relationships: rape, battering partners, sexually transmitted diseases, divorce. Prerequisite: Junior standing. Credit 3.

HED 391 Study of Human Diseases. Introduction to the relationship between the human body and disease, both communicable and non-communicable. Includes historical aspects of various diseases, etiology, prevention and control, prevalence, symptoms, and treatment. Credit 3.

HED 392 Communication Skills for Health Education. An exploration of different modalities of communicating health issues and information to audiences in different settings. Emphasis is given to listening, writing and speaking skills. Students will learn how to make effective presentations using computer applications to design print and visual aid materials. Prerequisites: HED 160 and 166, 3 hours of CS. Credit 3.

HED 460 Health Education Research: Methodology and Statistics. An introduction to research methodology, evaluation, and statistical analysis with direct application to health education and health promotion. Students will learn how to apply these techniques to writing a grant proposal. Prerequisites: Junior standing, 9 hours of health courses, MTH 169. Credit 3.

HED 461 Managing Health Promotion in the Workplace. A course designed to prepare the health educator to establish special programs which promote health in corporate, occupational, or industrial settings. Credit 3.

HED 470 Aids: Current Health Problems and Prevention Strategies. An examination of the intensity and magnitude of health problems due to HIV and AIDS. Student will explore the nature of HIV; its transmission and progression; and the management of AIDS. The course will focus on prevention of the spread of AIDS among school-age children and young adults, and will address the economical, sociological, and ethical issues of AIDS. Prerequisite: Junior standing. Credit 3.

HED 487 Community Health. This course is an overview of the political, social, economic, and cultural variables affecting the health of a community. Topics include: foundations of community health, health resources, health through the life span, governmental and voluntary programs, and international health initiatives. Prerequisite: Junior Standing. Credit 3.

HED 490 Environmental Health. This course is designed to investigate community environmental health problems. Topics include population problems, housing, sanitation, air and water pollution, and other environmental health issues. Emphasis is on school-community action programs to conserve the environment. Prerequisite: Junior standing. Credit 3.

HED 492 Problems in Health. A directed individual study of an approved field problem in health and/or allied fields. Prerequisites: HED 493 and departmental approval. Credit 3.

HED 493 Principles and Practices of Community Organization and Community Development. This course is designed to prepare students for their professional internship. Course content focuses on the contemporary areas of: assessing, planning, implementing, and evaluating health programs; communicating health needs; serving as a resource person; and coordinating health needs in a community. Prerequisite: 12 hours of Health including HED 487. Credit 3.

HED 494 Internship Program. This course provides the student with opportunities to demonstrate assessment, organization, group process and program planning skills in a health community setting. Prerequisites: 18 hours of Health including HED 493. Credit 3.

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