Sam Houston State University Undergraduate Catalog 2006-2008
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Early Childhood Education Course Descriptions

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ECE 273 Curriculum in the Public Schools. The curriculum in the preschool and primary grades is presented with an emphasis on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. The philosophical orientation of early learning and development, classroom arrangements, selection of material and activities, evaluation procedures, and developmentally appropriate practices will be studied. Prerequisite: 45 hours. Credit 3.

ECE 275 Study of the Preschool Child. This course is intended to provide a foundation in the basic principles and theories of child development. Field experience in child care facilities will be required. Prerequisite: 45 hours. Credit 3.

ECE 319 Guidance of Young Children: Field Experience. Students will practice behavior management techniques with children in public school pre-kindergarten or kindergarten classrooms. This course is taken concurrently with ECE 329. Prerequisite: Either ECE 273 or 275. Credit 1.

ECE 329 Guidance of Young Children. Classroom and behavior management techniques which are appropriate for young children will be presented with an emphasis on inductive discipline which leads to self-discipline. This course is taken concurrently with ECE 319. Prerequisite: Either ECE 273 or 275. Credit 2.

ECE 363 Working with Families in Diverse Communities. This course is an in-depth study of the relationships between families and schools in diverse communities. Topics addressed in this course include discussions of major theories that support partnerships with parents; models for parent, school, and community partnerships; home, school and community influences on children’s lives; parenting styles; family dynamics; parent education strategies; communication with parents; and the rights and responsibilities of parents, children and teachers. Field experience with young children, their families, and the community will be required. Prerequisites: ECE 273 and SPD 231. Credit 3.

ECE 433 Developmentally Appropriate Programs for Young Children. An in-depth study will be made of developmentally appropriate practices in schools for young children. Appropriate curriculum and instruction, thematic unit development, and a study of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills are major areas of emphasis. Field experiences is required. Prerequisites: ECE 273 and ECE 275. Credit 3.

ECE 439 Language and Literacy Development in the Early Years. This course provides a foundation in the basic principles and theories of language and literacy development. Students prepare an assessment portfolio on a preschool child. Prerequisites: ECE 273 and/or ECE 275, SPD 231. Credit 3.

ECE 475 Problems in Early Childhood Education. This course is designed to permit individual students to study specific areas of interest and need. Prerequisite: Approval of Department Chair. Credit 3.

ECE 486 Student Teaching in the Kindergarten and Pre-kindergarten. Approximately six to seven weeks of student teaching experience in a public pre-kindergarten or kindergarten is provided. Prerequisite: Admission to Student Teaching Program. Credit 3.

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