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SED 533 The Professional Educator's Role. This course is designed to assist teachers in understanding the structure, organization, and management of public schools. This will include school history, law, diversity, and special populations.

CI 560 Advanced Techniques and Methods of Instruction.
Study is made of current teaching techniques, strategies, and materials. Students will identify, research, and develop approaches to problems pertaining to their teaching field.

SED 790 Assessment of Mathematics Learning.
 This course will be one of four education classes used in the doctoral program in mathematics education. Topics will include classroom assessment, standardized tests, and assessment instruments for research in mathematics education.

SED 793 Research in Mathematics Education.
 This course will be one of four education classes used in the doctoral program in mathematics education. Topics will include selecting a research topic, research instruments, research statistics, and writing the paper.

SED 795 Current Issues in Math Education.
This course will be one of four education classes used in the doctoral program in mathematics education. Topics will include curriculum, textbooks, standards, accountability, parental involvement, legal issues, ethics, and testing.

SED 796 Theories of Learning Mathematics.
This course will be one of four education classes used in the doctoral program in mathematics education. Topics will include theories of learning mathematics, information processing, cognitive theories, and constructivist theories.


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