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AGR 530 Advanced Fusing and Joining Metallic and Non-Metallic Materials.** Principles and techniques of bonding and fusing metallic materials by the electric and oxyacetylene processes. Study of fluxes, chemicals, and oxidants used in joining metal. Joining of non-metallic materials by mechanical and chemical means.

AGR 531 Mechanized Harvesting and Handling of Agricultural Products. Fundamentals of selection, service, and operation of agricultural harvesting machines. Analysis and development of mechanical systems to feed and care for livestock. Storage and handling facilities for agricultural products.

AGR 533 Advanced Rural Utilities. Selection and use of electrical equipment as related to effi ciency and economy in agricultural production, processing and storage of feeds, forage crops and grain in connection with livestock enterprises.

AGR 534 Advanced Animal Growth and Performance. This course is an advanced study of physiological and endocrine factors affecting growth and performance of domestic animals.  The course includes the study of meat animal growth and developmental processes as they affect body and carcass composition, carcass quality and retail value.  Prerequisite:  Graduate standing.  Credit 3.

AGR 535 Advanced Principles of Livestock Management. Survey of current knowledge and concepts of beef production with emphasis on the stocker/feedlot segment. Includes feeding, management, marketing and disease control of stocker and feedlot cattle.

AGR 536 Contemporary Issues in Agricultural Business. Analysis and discussion of current issues in agricultural business with appropriate principles and theories. Issues may include marketing, management, finance, policy, international, legal and ethical topics. Student participation is expected via reports throughout the semester or term reports.

AGR 560 Agricultural Policy. Advanced analysis of government policies and programs important to agriculture. Topics include: the policy making process and leaders, interest groups, organization and functions of federal and state agencies, policies relevant to production agriculture and natural resources, rural development, consumer and food safety, international marketing and food distribution.

AGR 562 Principles of Crop Protection. Diagnosis, epidemiology, and control of plant pests. Causative and limiting factors are stressed. Designed for prospective or practicing teachers and technicians in the agro-chemical industry or in federal or state plant pest control agencies.

AGR 564 Agricultural Internship. A directed study utilizing industry to develop an understanding of agricultural production and management principles.

AGR 569 Special Topics in Agricultural Science.* This course will examine advanced special topics/issues and (or) subject matter in the field of Agricultural Science.  The sub-divisional fields offered are: Agriculture, Animal Science, Agricultural Business, Horticulture and Crop Science, and Agricultural Mechanization.  This course may be repeated as topics and subject matter change.

AGR 570 Food and Fiber Crops. A study of traditional plant breeding techniques and an overview of contemporary crop improvement methods. The physiology, adaptation, classification, taxonomy, and utilization of major crop species used for production of food and fiber are covered. Genetic and environmental influences on crop quality are discussed.

AGR 575 Statistical Methods in Agriculture. Applications of statistical methods for making meaningful interpretations of qualitative and quantitative data from experiments in agriculture. Instruction includes sampling and randomization, correlation and regression, analysis of variance and testing of hypotheses of means and variances, and design of experiments in agriculture.

AGR 582 Nutritional and Physiological Inter-Relationships. Physiological functions of various body processes in domestic animals with emphasis on the metabolic relationships among minerals, vitamins, amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, enzymes, hormones and non-nutritive feed additives and the effect of nutritional antagonists.

AGR 586 Capital Management in Agricultural Business. This course provides an in-depth understanding of capital marketing, capital budgeting, financial planning, and appraisal principles important in the field of agribusiness.

AGR 598 Economics of Agricultural Production. Agricultural production principles applied to the use of resources; cost analyses of production enterprises; linear programming of enterprises for maximizing returns; elements of depreciation schedules; evaluation for income tax purposes.

AGR 614 Graduate Seminar. This course is designed to provide students a forum for presentation of their graduate project and to provide an opportunity for faculty to present seminars relative to contemporary issues in agriculture. The project is an agreement between student and his/her committee. Course cannot be repeated.

AGR 635 Techniques and Interpretation of Research. A course designed to develop the competencies needed to interpret and utilize agricultural research. Topics will include: the philosophy of the scientific method, formats for agricultural research data, interpretation of data, and application of information to specific situations.

AGR 698, 699 Thesis. In addition to the preliminary study of the techniques of research, these courses involve completion of a bibliography, organization of material, selection of a suitable problem, a digest of related literature, selection of appropriate procedures, formulation of a plan of investigating and reporting, collection and organization of data, and the writing of the thesis.

* Subject to action by the Board of Regents, The Texas State University System and/or the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

**Course title change subject to action by the Board of Regents, The Texas State University System and/or the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

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