A student admitted into a graduate or post-baccalaureate program at SHSU may be considered for three distinct classifications. Details of the possible classifications follow.


Post-baccalaureate classification is assigned to a student possessing a baccalaureate degree who has not been regularly or conditionally admitted into a graduate program (master’s or doctoral) at SHSU. A student who is classified as a post-baccalaureate is typically:


Master’s classification is assigned to a degree-seeking student possessing a baccalaureate degree or the equivalent and who has been regularly or conditionally admitted to an approved master’s degree program at SHSU. Master’s classifi cation is also granted to a degree-seeking student admitted to a doctoral program who has not yet earned the required master’s degree or 30 hours toward the doctorate degree.


Doctoral classification is assigned to a degree-seeking student who has been regularly or conditionally admitted to an approved doctoral degree program at SHSU, and has completed a master’s degree (recognized as the equivalent of one year’s full-time work) toward the doctoral degree the student is seeking, or at least 30 graduate hours of work toward the proposed doctorate degree.