Sam Houston State University Undergraduate Catalog 2006-2008
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Major in Theatre - Acting and Directing | Major in Theatre - Theatre Design and Technology | Major in Musical Theatre, Theatre Emphasis | Major in Theatre - Secondary Teaching Certification | Theatre Minor

Course Descriptions

Chair: Penelope Hasekoester (936) 294-1330

Faculty: Gregg Buck, Ron Destro, Kristina Hanssen, Maureen McIntyre, Thomas Prior, Eric Marsh , David McTier


Theatre reflects the human condition in the study of a wide range of behavior, relationships, periods of history, social configurations and aesthetic styles. Involvement in this collaborative art form finds students growing in theatre skills and techniques, better understanding themselves, solving problems, working within a group and meeting production deadlines.

A theatre major first studies each area of the theatre to gain substantial knowledge of acting, technical theatre, costuming, lighting and scenic design, stage makeup, history, criticism, and directing. From that background, a person can specialize in one of these areas with additional coursework in theatre, and in such fields as music, dance, art, industrial education, radio and television, or teacher education. Bachelor of Fine Arts degree programs are available in musical theatre, acting and directing, design and technical theatre, and secondary education.

Students have the opportunity to act in shows every semester. As they develop expertise in areas of their primary interests, advanced students are chosen to stage manage, to design lights, sets, costumes, sound, makeup, and to direct for major productions. Productions are staged in either the large, 396-seat proscenium theatre or the 90-seat thrust theatre. The theatres themselves, as well as the scene and costume shops are equipped with excellent technical equipment. Guest directors and professional workshops provide students additional contacts with other people in professional theatre. The proximity to Houston also allows students exposure to many venues of professional theatre, opera, dance, film and other forms of entertainment.

Academic Programs

  • BFA in Theatre
  • BFA in Musical Theatre


The Theatre and Musical Theatre programs at Sam Houston State University:

  • are active in the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival.
  • have been invited to participate at the Regional Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival five times in the last four years.
  • were invited to perform The Laramie Project at the National Festival in Washington, D.C. in 2003.
  • have an apprenticeship program with the Theatre Under the Stars in Houston. Two musical theatre students are selected to participate each semester.
  • have private auditions on the Sam Houston State University campus for SHSU theatre and musical theatre students by the Broadway Theatre Project.
  • have guest artists in the areas of acting, directing, playwriting, and design. These have included Edward Albee, Mark Ramont, Kevin Cooney, Luc LaFortune, Rod Caspers, Andrew Campbell, James McLure, Penny Arcade, James Black, and Judy Dolan.

The program also holds memberships and participates in:

  • Texas Educational Theatre Association (TETA)
  • United States Institute of Theatre Technology (USITT)
  • Texas Nonprofit Theatres (TNT)
  • Southwest Theatre Association (SWTA)

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the theatre program are well prepared for rewarding careers in professional or educational theatre or for graduate school.

Suggested Minors

There is no minor required for a BFA in Theatre.

Student Organizations

  • Alpha Psi Omega - honorary drama fraternity
  • United States Institute of Technology


The Sam Houston State University Department of Theatre and Dance has a professional apprenticeship program with Theatre Under The Stars, Houston. This apprenticeship allows Sam Houston State University students to work with the Humphrey’s School of Musical Theatre and to work with Theatre Under The Stars in a performance as well as an arts administration capacity.


Scholarships are available through the theatre program for theatre and musical theatre majors. Performance, technical and design auditions are held each spring for freshman and transfer students entering in the fall. Continuing scholarships are available for application toward the end of each semester. Contact the Department or visit the website for further information.

Student assistantships are available for advanced theatre students who work in scenery, properties, costuming, lighting and management.


Required Courses for Major

All theatre majors are required to register for THR 114 or 314, theatre workshop, for 6 semesters. Musical theatre majors with a theatre emphasis are required to register for 4 semester hours of production crew. Musical theatre majors with a dance or music emphasis are required to register for 2 hours of production crew. These semester hours do not reduce the requirements for 3-hour courses necessary for the major.

A Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with an emphasis in Acting and Directing consists of the following requirements: 66 hours of theatre, 114 for two semesters, 314 for four semesters, 160, 161, 162, 164, 230, 231, 232, 265, 268, 337, 360, 369, 370, 372, and 433, one design course from 334, 430 or 461; 460 or 471, 463, 466, 467, 3 hours of advanced theatre electives, 6 hours of art, 3 hours of music and 6 hours of dance, plus a 42 hour core and 9 additional hours of English. A minor is not required in this degree program.

Major in Theatre, Acting and Directing Emphasis
Bachelor of Fine Arts

First Year Credit Second Year Credit
THR 114 (2 semesters) 2 THR 314 (2 semesters) 2
THR 160, 161, 162, 164, 230 15 THR 231, 232, 265, 268 12
ENG 164, 165 6 Component Area 4 (Literature) 3
HIS 163, 164 6 MTH 164 or 170 3
DNC 126 2 ENG (Literature, Adv.) 3
KIN 215 1 CS 133 3
  32 POL 261, POL (200-level) 6
Third Year Credit Fourth Year Credit
THR 314 (2 semesters) 2 THR 433, 460, 463, 466, 467 15
THR 337, 360, 369, 372 12 THR electives from 431, 432, 462, 468, 469, 487, 489, 492 3
THR 334, 430, 461 (any two) 6 ART 6 hrs. from 163, 164, 260, or 370 6
Component Area 5 3 ENG (Literature, Adv.) 6
Component Area 3 (Natural Science, 8   30
Music 165, 166 or 265 3    

Major in Theatre – Design and Technology
Bachelor of Fine Arts

A Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with an emphasis in Design and Technology consists of 66 hours of theatre. 114 for two semesters, 314 for four semesters, 160, 161, 162, 164, 230, 231 or 268, 260, 261, 331, 334, 337, 360, 362, 460 or 471, 463, 465, and 466, 9 hours of advanced theatre electives, 9 hours of art, an additional 9 hours of english, 2 hours of dance, plus 42 hours of core. No music is required.

First Year Credit Second Year Credit
THR 114 (2 semesters) 2 THR 314 2
THR 160, 161, 162, 164, 230 15 THR 231 or 268 3.
ENG 164, 165 6 THR 260, 261 6
HIS 163, 164 6 ART 163 3
DNC 126 2 Component Level 4 6
KIN 215 1 MTH 164 or 170 3
  32 CS 133 3
    POL 261, POL 200 Level 6
Third Year Credit Fourth Year Credit
THR 314 2 THR 463 3
THR 331, 334, 337 9 THR 362,465 6
THR 360, 460, or 471 6 THR 466 3
Component Area 5 3 THR Electives from 330, 335 365, 461, 475, 430, 492, 12
Component Area 3 8 ART 370 3
ART 260 3 ENG(Literature, Advanced) 3
ENG(Literature, Advanced) 3   30

Major in Musical Theatre, Theatre Emphasis
Bachelor of Fine Arts

A Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in musical theatre is available with an emphasis in theatre, music, or dance. The theatre emphasis requires 48 hours of theatre, 16 to 27 hours of dance and 24 hours of music. The dance emphasis requires 30 to 48 hours of dance, 31 hours of theatre, and 24 hours of music. The music emphasis requires 40 hours of music, 31 hours of theatre, and 19 to 27 hours of dance.

Entry into the musical theatre program is by audition only, and those auditions are scheduled toward the end of every semester. Contact the Theatre Program for information.

First Year Credit Second Year Credit
THR 114 (2 semesters) 2 THR 314 (2 semesters) 2
THR 161, 162, 164 9 THR 230, 231, 268 9
THR 317* Musical Theatre Workshop (2 semesters) 2 THR 317* Musical Theatre Workshop (2 semesters) 2
DNC 126 or 233 (2 semesters) 4-6 DNC 126, 233 or 234 (2 semesters) 4-6
MUS 161, 265, 111X, 112X 8 MUS 122, 123, 124, 125 8
VOI 101X (2 semesters) 4 VOI 101X (2 semesters) 4
HIS 163 3 Component Area 4 (Literature) 3
ENG 164,165 6 HIS 164 3
  38-40   35-37
Third Year Credit Fourth Year Credit
THR 317* Musical Theatre Workshop (2 semesters) 2 THR 317* Musical Theatre Workshop (2 semesters) 2
THR 369, 370 6 THR 432, 466, 467, 471 12
DNC 232 3 DNC 333 or 433 (2 semesters) 6
DNC 333 (2 semesters) 6 VOI 301X (1 hour each semester) 2
VOI 301X (1 hour each semester) 2 Component Area 3 (Natural Science) 8
MTH 164 or 170 3 Component Area 4 (Cultural Studies) 3
POL 261, POL (200-level) 6 Component Area 5 3
CS 133 or equivalent 3   36

* Repeated for credit every semester.

Major in Theatre
Secondary Teaching Certificate
Bachelor of Fine Arts

A Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with secondary teaching certification requires a minor in another academic area (18-24 hrs.) beyond the courses listed below.

First Year Credit Second Year Credit
THR 114 (2 semesters) 2 THR 314 (2 semesters) 2
THR 160, 161, 162, 164, 230 15 THR 231, 232, 265, 268, 369 15
ENG 164, 165 6 Component Area 4 (Literature) 3
HIS 163, 164 6 CS 133 or 138 3
MTH 164 or 170 3 POL 261, POL (200-level) 6
DNC 126 2 Component Area 3 (Natural Science) 8
KIN 215 1   37
Third Year Credit Fourth Year Credit
THR 314 (2 semesters) 2 THR 463, 460 or 471, 6 hrs. electives at 400 level 12
THR 337, 360, 466, 467 12 SED 394, 464, 480, 496, 497 15
THR 334, 430, 461 (any two) 6 SCM 384 3
Component Area 4 (Cultural Studies) 3 Component Area 5 3
SED 374 3   33
SED 383, RDG 392 6    

Theatre Minor. A minor in theatre usually consists of the following courses: 2 courses from 160, 161 or 162; 164, 230, 231, 268, 460 and 466, plus 3 hours of THR 114 or 314.

University Theatre: Auditions for productions are open to all students. The Theatre operates in conjunction with theatre workshop for which one hour of credit per semester may be received.


Course Descriptions: