Sam Houston State University Undergraduate Catalog 2006-2008
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Major in Political Science | Social Science Composite | Social Science Composite | Political Science Minor | Teacher Certification

Course Descriptions

Chair: Robert E. Biles (936) 294-1460

Faculty: Robert Biles, Robin Bittick, John Bolus, Rhonda Callaway, William Carroll, James Carter, John Domino, John Holcombe, Masoud Kazemzadeh, Corliss Lentz, Witold Lukaszewski, Mitzi Mahoney, Tamara Waggener

Information: Phone 936-294-1457, On Campus Building AB1, Rm. 315, Mail P.O. Box 2149, Huntsville, TX 77341-2149.


Web Site:

The study of political science is exciting. It mixes the drama of politics and public issues with the development of skills of analysis and communication. Students examine major problems such as the influence of interest groups on Congress’s decisions, how candidates win elections, what election results mean, and how decisions about war and peace are made. In the process, students learn tools of analysis, explore major philosophical issues, and develop their skills in writing and speaking – tools of value in any profession.


The mission of the Political Science Department is to challenge students to achieve higher levels of thinking, writing, and speaking. This is accomplished through excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service. To carry out this mission, the Political Science faculty endeavor to:

• Develop students’ analytic, writing, speaking, interpersonal, and professional skills
• Prepare students for professional careers in the 21st century
• Build students’ citizenship skills, knowledge, and activism
• Help students understand human beings in their diversity and appreciate democratic values
• Expand the frontiers of knowledge in political science and public and nonprofit administration
• Contribute to a better community within the university and the society.

Academic Programs

• BA in Political Science
• BS in Political Science
• Program in Prelaw (see Preprofessional Programs within this catalog)
• Teacher Certification

The department offers courses in five areas: American government and politics, international relations and foreign policy, comparative politics (the study of politics in other nations), public administration, and political theory. Students should consult with their advisor as to what mix of these areas best meets their needs. Political science courses can be combined with courses in other areas such as criminal justice, environmental studies, or business to prepare for careers in both the public and private sector.


Political Science faculty members bring unique backgrounds to the classroom. They have strong academic credentials, with doctorates from top schools such as Columbia, Johns Hopkins, and the University of Texas, and they write scholarly books and articles. But they also have practical experience in government and politics to bring to the classroom. They have served on local school boards and city councils, as party county chairs, members of state boards of citizens groups, U.S. Senate staff, Foreign Commercial Officer, local, state, and federal administrators, and political consultants. Visiting professors have included a Nobel Peace Prize winner and a former member of Congress and the Texas Supreme Court.

Suggested Minors

There is no preferred minor for Political Science. Students should select a minor that suits their interests and career needs. Common minors include Agriculture, Criminal Justice, English, Environmental Science, General Business, Geography, History, Journalism, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Spanish (or other foreign language), and Speech Communication.

Career Opportunities

Studying political science meets the career needs of two different sets of students. Some want a liberal arts education that provides a foundation to deal with a broad range of ideas and challenges. With today’s economy, in which most people experience several major career changes, this is a valuable foundation. Other students want to prepare for specific career goals. Most graduates work successfully in private business. Others attend the major Texas law schools, teach (from junior high to university level), work in public service (at the federal, state, county, or city level), or go into political life (such as state legislator, judge, or lobbyist). Recent graduates have held a range of positions — congressional aide, state director of a cattleman’s association, city planner, director of a local development organization, and radio talk-show host. There is an increasing need for trained people to work in nonprofit organizations, and the department has a program in administration, research, and writing that prepares graduates to enter this exciting area.

Student Organizations and Activities

Outstanding students are recognized with membership in Pi Sigma Alpha, the national political science honor society. Political Science students are active in (and often lead) the student government, the campus organizations of both political parties, the NAACP, and service organizations. A student group affiliated with the department organizes field trips to events such as the presidential inauguration and presentations by national leaders at the Bush Library. Recently, students organized a model political convention featuring speakers from the local, state, and national level. In department-sponsored events, students have listened to and questioned members of Congress, leading political scientists, and foreign scholars.

Internships and Study Abroad

Advanced students are encouraged to gain professional experience, make contacts, and explore career options through the department’s successful internship program. Recently, students have interned in city and county governments, the state legislature, the U.S. Congress, nonprofit groups, both major political parties, and the Washington office of the NAACP. The department’s Junior Fellows program allows undergraduates to work with faculty members on research and special projects. All students are eligible for the department’s summer field school in Italy and the University’s field school in Mexico.


In addition to the University’s student financial aid programs, the Department of Political Science also offers scholarships to majors and minors. For information, contact the department secretary. Information on University scholarships may be obtained from the Office of Academic Scholarships website at or telephone (936) 294-1672.

Program Specific Requirements

Political Science Majors:

• Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) 31 hours of political science, including at least 15 advanced hours; 6 hours of Fine Arts (or PHL 366), including 3 from Core; 3 hours of PHL; and 12-14 hours of a Foreign Language.
• Bachelor of Science (B.S.) 37 hours of political science, including at least 18 advanced hours; 6 hours of math (met in other requirements); 16 hours of lab science (8 from each of two fields preferred); and 6 hours of Math or Lab Science (3 met by Core CS requirement).
• All Political Science majors are required to take POL 261, 377, 379, 410, 472, and one course in International Relations or Comparative Politics.
• All Political Science majors are required to take STA 379 and one of the following courses: SCM 161, 282, 284, THR 164, or 231.
• No grade below C in a Political Science course will count toward this major or minor.
• At least 12 hours of advanced political science must be taken in residence.


Typical curriculum outlines are provided below for guidance. Adjustments, particularly in timing, may be made to suit individual needs.

Major in Political Science

Bachelor of Arts

First Year Credit Second Year Credit
POL 261 3 POL 379 3
ENG 164, 165 6 Component Area 4 (Lit. or PHL)* 3
MTH 164, 170, or approved substitute 3 Component Area 4 (Visual & Performing Arts) 3
POL (200 level) 3 Foreign Language 263, 264 6
HIS 163, 164 6 STA 379 3
Foreign Language 141, 142 8 Component Area 3 (Natural Science) 8
KIN 215 1 POL elective** 3
  30 CS 143 or accepted substitute 3
Third Year Credit Fourth year Credit
POL 377 and International Relations or Comparative Politics 6 POL 410, 472 4
Advanced POL electives ** 3 POL (Adv)** 6
PHL elective* 0-3 Minor** 9-12
Component Area 5* 3 General Elective 5-20
SCM 161, 282, 284, THR 164, or 231 3   33
Minor 9-12  
Fine Arts or PHL 366* 3    
General Electives** 0-6    

* Students may wish to take some courses that meet more than one requirement. For example, three hours of philosophy (PHL) is required for the B.A. and may be taken in any one of three places that are marked.

** Students must have 42 advanced hours. Depending on the number of advanced hours in the minor, students will generally need at least 12 advanced hours of the POL electives and 11 hours of General Electives or PHL. At least 15 hours of POL must be advanced.

Major in Political Science

Bachelor of Science

First Year Credit Second Year Credit
POL 261 3 POL (200 level) and 379 6
ENG 164, 165 6 STA 379 3
Component Area 3 (Natural Science) 8 Laboratory Science (to make 8 hrs. from each of two departments, including first year courses) 8
MTH 164, 170, or approved substitute 3 CS 143 or accepted substitute 3
Mathematics or laboratory science (from a third department) 3-4 Component Area 4 (Visual and Performing Arts) 3
HIS 163, 164 6 Component Area 4 (Lit.-or PHL) 3
KIN 215 1 Component Area 4 (Cultural Studies) 3
  30-31 Component Area 5 3
Third Year Credit Fourth year Credit
POL 377and International Relations or Comparative Politics 6 POL 410, 472 4
POL Electives* 9 POL* 9
SCM 161, 282, 284, THR 164, or 231 3 Minor* 9-12
Minor* 9-12 Electives* 7-11
General Electives* 3-6   32-33


* Students must have 42 hours of advanced classes. Depending on the number of advanced hours in the minor, students will generally need at least 12 advanced hours of the POL Electives and 11 hours of General Electives. At least 18 hours of POL must be advanced.

Minor in Political Science

Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science: 19 hours in Political Science, including 261, 379, and 410. At least 6 hours must be advanced and taken in residence. No grade below C in Political Science will count toward this minor.

Requirements for Teacher Certification

Students who want to teach in a high school or junior high school can do so with the Social Science Composite program. A graduate with the social science certification will be able to teach government, economics, history, sociology, or geography at the eighth to twelfth grade level. The ability to teach several areas makes it much more likely to find and keep a job. To teach just government, the social science composite gets the student in the door, and with time graduates can move to other areas. Under present state rules, certification in political science (government) alone is no longer available. History is the only social science for which certification is available without the social science composite.

Students may qualify for teacher certification in the social sciences under either the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degrees. Students seeking certification in the social studies for grades 4-8 should pursue the Interdisciplinary Academic Studies Major for a Bachelor of Science Degree with certification for 4-8 Social Studies. This is found in Elementary Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction.

Students interested in certification should consult with their political science advisor and a secondary education advisor in the College of Education early in their program. Because of the number of courses required, students should take as many courses as possible that meet more than one requirement. These are indicated in the model curricula. Note that for teacher certification, no grade below C in social science courses is accepted.

Social Science Composite
with Political Science Emphasis
For Teaching Grades 8-12

Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science:
Political Science: BA 24 hours; BS 27 hours: 261*; 265*; 235, 378; 379; 433; 6 hours from among 285, 336, 337, and 377. For BS: STA 379

Geography: 131/111*, 161, 265, 266, 369, 471
History: 163*, 164*, 265*, 266, 369, 379, 398
Economics: 234* and 233**
Sociology: 261

* Courses that should be taken as part of the Core Curriculum.
** For the B.S., ECO 233 and 234 are required; for the B.A., ECO 234 is required, and ECO 233 is strongly recommended.

Requirements for Teacher Certification: SED 374, 383, 394, 464, 480, 496, 497; RDG 392; and SCM 384 (preferred) or 161.

Ordinarily, SCM 384, SED 374, and SED 383 are taken prior to the teaching methods block (RDG 392, SED 394, and SED 464). This is followed by student teaching (SED 480, 496 and 497).

Social Science Composite
with Political Science Emphasis
Bachelor of Arts

First Year Credit Second Year Credit
POL 261 and 265 6 POL 379 and 235 6
ENG 164 and 165 6 Component Area 4 (Lit.-or PHL)* 3
MTH 164, 170, or approved substitute 3 HIS 265 3
HIS 163 and 164 6 CS 143 or accepted substitute 3
Foreign Language 141 & 142 8 Foreign Language 263 and 264 6
KIN 215 1 Component Area 4 (Visual and Performing Arts) 3
  30 Component Area 3 (Natural Science, GEO 131/111 and 4 hrs. additional laboratory science) 8
Third and Fourth Years Credit    
POL 378, 433 and 6 hrs. from among 285, 336, 337, & 377 12    
Fine Arts or PHL 366* 3    
ECO 234** 3    
GEO 161, 265, 266, 369, & 471 15    
HIS 266, 369, 379, 398 12    
SOC 261 3    
SCM 384 3    
SED 374 & 383 6    
RDG 392; SED 394 & 464 9    
SED 480, 496, & 497 9    

* Take PHL in one of the two areas marked.
** In addition, ECO 233 strongly recommended.

Social Science Composite
with Political Science Emphasis
Bachelor of Science

First Year Credit Second Year Credit
POL 261 3 POL 265 and 379 6
ENG 164, 165 6 Component Area 4 (Lit.-or PHL)* 3
MTH 164, 170, or approved substitute 3 STA 379 3
GEO 131/111 & GEL 8 Laboratory Science (from one department, not GEO/GEL) 8
CS 143 or accepted substitute 3 Mathematics or Laboratory Science (from a third department) 3
HIS 163 and 164 6 HIS 265 3
KIN 215 1 ECO 234 3
  30 Component Area 4 (Visual and Performing Arts) 3
Third and Fourth Years Credit    
POL 235, 378, 433, and 6 hrs. from among 285, 336, 337, & 377 15    
GEO 161, 265, 266, 369, 471 15    
HIS 266, 369, 379, 398 12    
SOC 261 3    
ECO 233 3    
SCM 384 3    
SED 374 & 383 6    
RDG 392; SED 394 & 464 9    
SED 480, 496, & 497 9    

Course Descriptions: