Sam Houston State University Undergraduate Catalog 2006-2008
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Economics Course Descriptions

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ECO 230 Introduction to Economics. [ECON 1301] A combination of micro-economic and macro-economic principles. Designed for those who are neither majors nor minors in economics, but who would benefit from a one semester introduction to economic principles. Credit 3. (Taught each semester.)

ECO 233 Principles of Microeconomics. [ECON 2302] Basic economic principles including individual decision making, price theory, analysis of the firm, competition and monopoly, and the distribution of income. Credit 3. (Taught each semester.)

ECO 234 Principles of Macroeconomics. [ECON 2301] The economic role of government, public finance and taxation, unemployment and inflation, national income theory, money and banking, economic fluctuations and growth, and international trade and finance. Credit 3. (Taught each semester.)

ECO 335 Comparative Economics Systems. Market oriented, free enterprise capitalism, and its development, compared with alternative economic systems. Prerequisite: ECO 230 or 233. Credit 3. (Taught every third long semester.)

ECO 361 Labor Economics. Problems of unemployment, wage theory, collective bargaining, labor legislation, and proposals for the solution of labor problems. The recent problems of labor are given special consideration. Prerequisite: ECO 230 or 233. Credit 3. (Taught only in the spring.)

ECO 362 Intermediate Macroeconomics. National income concepts and measurements; analysis of the factors influencing the level of national income, employment, price, and production; and application to current problems. Prerequisite: ECO 230 or 234. Credit 3. (Taught in fall, spring, and SI.)

ECO 363 Urban and Regional Economics. (Effective Fall 2007 this course will be taught as ECO 464.) Economic problems of metropolitan and rural areas, location theory, regional resources, transportation problems, crime, and poverty. Prerequisite: ECO 230 or 233. Credit 3. (Taught only in the fall.)

ECO 364 Public Finance. The function of government in the marketplace with emphasis on public goods, externalities, taxation, fiscal federalism, and cost-benefit analysis. Prerequisites: ECO 230 or 233 and 234. Credit 3

ECO 367 Intermediate Microeconomics. Pricing and output policies of firms, resource pricing, and distribution under condition of perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, and monopolistic competition Prerequisite: ECO 230 or 233. Credit 3. (Taught in fall, spring, and SI.)

ECO 370 Economics of Business and Government. A study of the complex relationship between the business sector and the public sector in the United States and in the global marketplace. Topics will include the regulation of business in its various formats and the promotion of business nationally and internationally. Prerequisite: ECO 230, 233, or 234. Credit 3. (Taught only in the spring semester).

ECO 374 Contemporary International Issues in Economics. Examination of current literature dealing with international trade and financial issues. Preparation, presentation and discussion of descriptive and analytical papers. Prerequisite: ECO 230, 233, or 234. Credit 3. (Taught every third long semester.)

ECO 430 Readings in Economics. Individual study arranged with a member of the Economics and Business Analysis faculty. Conferences and written reports are typically required. A carefully prepared research paper concludes the course. This course may be taken for Academic Distinction Program Credit and can be used for Internship credit. This course may be repeated. Prerequisite: Consent of the Chair of the Department of Economics and International Business. Credit 1, 2, or 3.

ECO 463 Monetary Economics. The role of money in a market economy with special attention given to national and international monetary and banking systems, and to their influence on the levels of income, employment, and , and international capital movements. Prerequisite: ECO 230 or 234. Credit 3. (Taught only in the fall.)

ECO 464 Urban and Regional Economics. (Prior to Fall 2007 this course was taught as ECO 363.) Economic problems of metropolitan and rural areas, location theory, regional resources, transportation problems, crime, and poverty. Prerequisite: ECO 230 or 233. Credit 3. (Taught only in the fall.)

ECO 465* Introduction to Business Forecasting and Econometrics. The application of statistical methods for business and economic forecasting and for hypothesis testing, estimation, and analyzing economic data Prerequisites: ECO 233 and 234, BAN 363. Credit 3

ECO 467 Managerial Economics. An integration of economic tools of analysis with optimization techniques such as calculus, LaGrangian multipliers and linear programming. Additional topics include risk analysis and decision-making under uncertainty, inventory control, profitability analysis, and capital budgeting. Prerequisites: ECO 230 or 233, BAN 232, FIN 367. Credit 3. (Taught in fall, spring, and SII.)

ECO 468 Economic Development. Theoretical explanations and historical factors of economic development and underdevelopment. Policies for accelerating development in third world countries are analyzed. Prerequisite: ECO 230 or 233. Credit 3. (Taught every third long semester.)

ECO 473* Economics of Sports. Application of economic principles to sport. Economic aspects of sports include: demand and supply, advertising, team output decisions, league/conference organization role of government. Prerequisite ECO 230 or 233. Credit 3

ECO 480 International Economics. Economic concepts and analytical tools relating to international economics; examine foreign exchange markets and the theory of balance-of-payments adjustment; examine commercial policy as it relates to international trade; examine the role of international financial institutions. Prerequisite: ECO 230 or 233. Credit 3. (Taught only in the spring).

ECO 490 Environmental Economics. An examination of how human values, activities, and institutions affect the environment and how the tools of economics can be used to evaluate public policy alternatives designed to improve the quality of the environment. Prerequisite: ECO 230 or 233 or 234. Credit 3. (Taught only in the fall semester).

ECO 499 Internship. This course is designed to provide the student an opportunity to apply academic skills in a practical work environment under the supervision and guidance of a working professional. Prerequisites: ECO 233 and 234, ACC 231 and 232, junior standing, overall GPA of 2.5 or greater, and permission of the Departmental Chair.

*Subject to action by the Board of Regents, The Texas State University System, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

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