Sam Houston State University Undergraduate Catalog 2006-2008
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Digital Forensics Course Descriptions

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DF 138 Introduction to Digital Forensics and Information Assurance. This course introduces students to the fundamentals of digital forensics technology. Emphasis is placed on identifying threats to, and vulnerabilities of, computer systems and how to minimize them. Students will learn how hackers identify victims, how attacks are executed, and various methods used to access to computer systems. Credit 3.

DF 290 Hardware Forensics. Techniques in the duplication, recovery and restoration of digital evidence. Includes hard disks, floppy drives, CD formats, DVD formats, zip drives, mobile phones, PDA’s smart cards, memory technologies, and other devices capable of storing digital information. Prerequisite: DF 138. Credit 3.

DF 291 Network Security. The rationale and necessity for securing computer systems and data networks, as well as methodologies for the design of security systems, establishing security protocols and the identification of best practices in the administration, testing and response protocols for secure communications systems. Prerequisite: DF 138. Credit 3.

DF 390 Digital Forensics Tools. This course explores tools for the recovery of information on protected or damaged hardware for the purpose of providing evidence of misuse or abuse of systems. Topics also include the chain of evidence, protocols for data recovery, cryptographic analysis, password recovery, the bypassing of specific target operating systems and obtaining data from digital devices that have been damaged or destroyed. Prerequisite: DF 291. Credit 3.

DF 391 Cryptography. This course will describe the basic principles of cryptography and how it is used in modern computer and communication systems. It will cover single ciphers, modern ciphers, public-key cryptography, key management, cryptanalysis and steganography. Students will learn how cryptography is used for message secrecy, integrity, authentication and digital signatures. Application areas to be discussed include email, files, network communication, and electronic payments. Prerequisite: DF 291 Credit 3.

DF 491 Information Security. This course provides an introduction to basic security needs. The course will include, but not be limited to indivduals vs. government privacy issues, federal encryption standards, the different layers of security currently available, the practical application of user level and system level cryptography, and strategies for evaluation and selection of security methods. Prerequisite: DF 291 Credit 3.

DF 492 Professionalism and Ethics in Digital Forensics. This course examines the nature, need and value of well-formed ethical constructs within the digital forensics profession. Included in this course is a discussion, through case studies, of the nature of professionalism, personal and professional codes of ethics and conduct, and the professional handling of ethical and moral conflict. The course also explores the role of the professional in public policy and the awareness of consequences of ethical dissent and whistle blowing. Writing Enhanced. Prerequisite: Senior classification with 6 hours advanced CS or DF courses. Credit 3.

*Subject to action by the Board of Regents, The Texas State University System, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

**Change in course number is subject to action by the Board of Regents, The Texas State University System, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

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