Sam Houston State University Undergraduate Catalog 2006-2008
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Undergraduate Curriculum | Criminal Justice Major (BA) | Criminal Justice Major (BS) | Criminal Justice Minor | Forensic Science | Victim Studies

Course Descriptions

Administrative Officers

Vincent J. Webb, Ph.D.
Associate Dean
Associate Dean

Faculty: Barrum, Butler, Cuvelier, del Carmen, Dowling, Garner, Gerber, Henningsen, Hoover, Johnson, Joo, Keppel, Kercher, Kerrigan, Lawton, Longmire, Lyons, Miller, Moore, Mullings, Oliver, Peterson, Roth, Schulenberg, Shearer, Souryal, Teske, Titterington, Veasey, Ward


PREAMBLE: The College of Criminal Justice is committed to providing students with a quality liberal arts education. Furthermore, students will gain an appreciation of their role as criminal justice professionals and as contributing members of society. As a part of a public university, the College also is committed to public service. The University baccalaureate core curriculum will provide the foundation for talents necessary to succeed in the criminal justice profession and in society. These talents include:

•an ability to communicate effectively, both orally and writing.
• an ability to use numbers and symbols in the representation of reality and to engage in logical thinking.
• an appreciation of the scientific method and the contribution of the sciences.
• an appreciation of culture through the visual and performing arts.
• an appreciation of human diversity and the imperative of human values in the preservation of a free society.
• an understanding of the political nature of society and its role in the Union of the United States.
• an understanding of the role of the individual as part of the family, groups, organization, and society.
• an appreciation of moral and ethical judgment.
• an appreciation of self through physical, social, and psychological development.

Criminal Justice: Criminal justice is a discipline that encompasses the preservation and protection of social order in a free society. It includes such principles as democracy, rule of law, constitutionalism, civil liberties, and the safeguarding of citizens against intimidation and oppression. The Criminal Justice curriculum which is based on the University’s liberal arts core is designed to prepare students for higher education or entering careers in criminal justice. Graduates are expected to continue their personal and professional development in a variety of practical settings. To achieve this mission, four dimensions of development serve as a basis for the curriculum.

Knowledge, Reasoning, Judgment: The Criminal Justice curriculum provides students with the opportunity and assistance to acquire knowledge of the roles of policing, courts, laws, and corrections as they contribute to social order. Students will gain knowledge of the history, concepts, and critical issues in these areas through criminal justice required courses. The curriculum further provides a theoretical foundation of the discipline, combined with a thorough understanding of the scientific method as it applies to criminal justice. This combination is expected to sharpen the students’ talents of reasoning and judgment — qualities imperative to rational functioning in the discipline.

Ability, Skills, Integration: The Criminal Justice curriculum provides students with the ability to achieve the professional goals of criminal justice. Students will learn how to prudently integrate knowledge and practice in criminal justice. Furthermore, the curriculum provides students with an opportunity to develop the individual and group skills necessary to meet various role expectations.

Conduct, Professionalism, Ethics: The Criminal Justice curriculum will provide graduates with an appreciation for the complexity and dilemmas associated with the criminal justice profession. Criminal Justice students will be exposed to the moral and ethical dimensions of the various careers within the discipline and will be charged with the essential aptitudes necessary for their professional conduct.

Vision, Change, Adaptation: The Criminal Justice curriculum will provide students with an understanding of the discipline as it currently exists and as it is envisioned to be in the future. The Criminal Justice student will be able to apply vision in the face of change and to respond to the evolving nature of criminal justice and society. Furthermore, students will be equipped with the tools of adaptation for making these changes. The Criminal Justice program at Sam Houston State University was established by the Texas Legislature in 1965 under House Resolution 469, which directed the University to establish a program of excellence in criminal justice with four objectives:

• Provide training for undergraduate and graduate students preparing for careers in criminal justice;
• Provide a program of continuing education for professionals already employed in the field;
• Provide technical assistance and consultation services to criminal justice agencies;
• Promote research on problems in crime and the administration of criminal justice.

The College of Criminal Justice has developed a regional and national reputation for excellence. The academic programs include a major in criminal justice at the bachelor’s level and graduate degrees at the masters and doctoral levels. The program leading to the Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice is available only to students already holding an advanced degree.

Academic Programs

Criminal Justice
B.A., B.S.
Victim Studies

Note: This listing of undergraduate degree programs is correct as of December, 2005 and does not include those degree programs being phased out.


•The Criminal Justice Center is a 130,000 square foot facility which houses a courtroom, auditorium and café.
• The Criminal Justice Center encompasses the Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Institute of Texas, the Correctional Management Institute of Texas, and the Crime Victims’ Institute
• The CJ program boast one of the largest faculties in the United States with experts in the field of law, law enforcement, police administration, criminology, corrections, history, psychology, terrorism, and forensic science
• Recruiters from various agencies around the world visit the center on a regular basis.
• Students receive real world experience by participating in prison tours, internships, and regional/national conferences.

Suggested Minors

• Sociology
• Foreign Language
• Computer Science
• General Business
• Accounting
• Biology
• Chemistry

Career Opportunities

• Police Officer
• Airline Security
• Customs Patrol Officer
• Security Consultant
• Loss Prevention
• Crime Lab Analysis
• Border Patrol
• Narcotics Investigator
• Private Investigation
• Probation/Parole Officer
• Family/Child Services
• Correctional Officer
• Game Warden
• Military Intelligence
• Victim Services Specialist
• Substance Abuse Counselor

Student Organizations and Activities

• Alpha Phi Sigma National Criminal Justice Honor Society
• Lambda Alpha Epsilon Criminal Justice Association
• Society of Forensic Science
• National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice
• Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Society

The College of Criminal Justice hosts a variety of events for students including special guest lecturers, victimology fairs, mock courtroom trials, and an annual student/faculty picnic each Spring semester.

Internships/Study Abroad

Through the Internship Program, many criminal justice agencies in the United States have had an opportunity to recruit dedicated and well-educated men and women for careers in law enforcement, corrections, penology, and a variety of social service agencies that work with the offender. Students interested in serving as interns must have maintained a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.50 in all coursework and be classified as seniors. Field placements range from local to international agencies with emphases on law enforcement, corrections, courts/legal services, and support/social services. The following is a list of some of the agencies used as field placements:

• Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms
• Drug Enforcement Administration
• Federal Bureau of Investigations
• Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
• Pinkerton Investigative Services
• Texas Attorney General
• Texas Department of Public Safety
• Texas Parks and Wildlife
• United Nations
• United States Custom Service
• United States Department of State
• United States Marshall Service
• United States Secret Service
• White House Security, Washington D.C.

The College of Criminal Justice offers a variety of fascinating tours to such exotic locales as, Turkey, Poland, Italy, Korea, Spain, and China. Traveling with SHSU turns an ordinary trip into an unforgettable experience. Students may receive 3 hours of academic credit for study abroad trips. Classes include the following areas: victimology, human rights issues, police training, crime in the country, correctional systems and criminal and procedural law. For more information, visit the criminal justice study abroad website at


Scholarships are available to criminal justice majors and awarded in the spring of each year at the College of Criminal Justice Honors Convocation for the following academic year. To qualify for a scholarship, a student must have completed at least one long semester at Sam Houston State University, unless otherwise indicated. Please review the CJ scholarship website at:

Program Specific Requirements

Please see the individual degree plans below for degree specific requirements.


Sam Houston State University is authorized by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to offer a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Criminal Justice, and a Bachelor of Arts in Victim Studies. Coursework for these degrees is offered by the College of Criminal Justice. The prefix designation for registration purposes is “CJ.”

Criminal Justice Core

CJ 261

Introduction to the Criminal Justice System
CJ 262 Criminology
CJ 264 Fundamentals of Criminal Law
CJ 436 Understanding Human Behavior or PSY 289 Psychology of Adjustment
CJ 465 Professionalism and Ethics in Criminal Justice
CJ 478 Introduction to Methods of Research

Major (No Minor)

Core Courses

Criminal Justice Electives*

* Note: At least 18 of the 30 hours must be in 300 or 400 level courses. Internship can be counted as CJ electives.

Major (With Approved Minor in Another Field)

Core Courses

Criminal Justice Electives*
12 or 18
Minor 18

* Note: BA: 12 advanced hours; BS: 18 hours — at least 12 must be advanced hours. Internship may be counted as CJ electives for 36 hour majors.

Curriculum: Major in Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Arts

First Year Credit Second Year Credit
ENG 164, 165 6 ENG 265, 266, 267; PHL 261, 263 3
HIS 163, 164 6 ENG Lit or SCM 161/282 3
MTH 164 or 170 3 Laboratory Science ** 8
Cultural Studies elective*** 3 POL 261, 3 hours POL 6
Visual and Performing Arts 6 CJ 264, 436 or PSY 289 6
CJ 261, CJ 262 6 FL 141, 142 8
KIN 215, KIN Activity 2   34
Third Year Credit Fourth Year Credit
CJ 465, 478 6 ECO 230, 233, 234, GEO 161, PHL 262, SOC 261, 264 or PSY 131 3
Visual and Performing Arts 3 CJ Electives (300/400 level) 18
PHL 261 or higher 3 General Electives 8
FL 263, 264 6   29
CS 133, 143; LS 130, or MIS 188* 3    
CJ Electives (300/400 level) 12    

* This requirement may be satisfied by the successful completion of three hours of Management Information Systems 188, Computing Science 138, Library Science 130 or three hours or more of advanced computer literacy courses.

** This requirement is met by the successful completion of two four-hour laboratory science courses. The courses must be taken from two different departments: BIO, CHM, GEL/GEO 131/111 or PHY.

*** This criterion may be satisfied with the successful completion of three semester hours selected from Component Area 4 of this catalog.

Additional requirements: Forty-two semester hours of advanced coursework (300 or 400 level) are the absolute minimum. Minimum number of semester hours in residence: 32 semester hours of which 24 must be advanced.


Curriculum: Major in Criminal Justice

First Year Credit Second Year Credit
ENG 164, 165 6 ENG 265, 266, 267; PHL 261, 263 3
MTH 164 3 ENG Lit or SCM 161/282 3
Laboratory Science ** 8 MTH 170 or higher 3
HIS 163, 164 6 Laboratory Science ** 8
CJ 261, CJ 262 6 POL 261, 3 hours POL 6
KIN 215, KIN Activity 2 CJ 264, 436 or PSY 289 6
  31 CS 133, 143; LS 130, MIS 188* 3
Third Year Credit Fourth Year Credit
MTH, CS, or Laboratory Science*** 6-8 CJ Electives (300/400 level) 18
Cultural Studies elective**** 3 Visual and Performing Arts 3
CJ 465, 478 6 General Electives 11
CJ Electives (300/400 level) 12   32
ECO 230, 233, 234, GEO 161, PHL 262, SOC 261, 264, PSY 131, 289 3    
General Electives 3    

* This requirement may be satisfied by the successful completion of three hours of Management Information Systems 188, Computing Science 138, Library Science 130 or three hours or more of advanced computer literacy courses.

** This requirement is met by the successful completion of two four-hour laboratory science courses. The courses must be taken from two different departments: BIO, CHM, GEL/GEO 131/111 or PHY.

*** This criterion may be satisfied with the successful completion of 6-8 hours in mathematics or laboratory science courses. These courses must be taken from BIO, CHM, GEL/GEO 131/111 or PHY and excluding the two departments in which eight hours of laboratory science have been completed.

**** This criterion may be satisfied with the successful completion of three semester hours selected from Component Area 4 of this catalog.

Additional requirements: Forty-two semester hours of advanced coursework (300 or 400 level) are the absolute minimum. Minimum number of semester hours in residence: 32 semester hours of which 24 must be advanced.


Curriculum: Major in Victim Studies

First Year Credit Second Year Credit
ENG 164, 165 6 ENG 265, 266, 267; PHL 261, 263 3
MTH 164 or 170 3 POL 261, 3 hours POL 6
Laboratory Science ** 8 CJ 483 3
Visual and Performing Arts 3 CS 133, 143* 3
HIS 163, 164 6 KIN 215, KIN Activity 2
CJ 261, CJ 267 or CJ 274 6 Cultural Studies elective***** 3
  32 PSY 131 3
    FL 141, 142 8
Third Year Credit Fourth Year Credit
ENG Lit or SCM 161/282 3 CJ 465, PSY 365 or PHL 471 6
Visual and Performing Arts 6 HED 493, PSY 331 6
MGT 380, MGT 466 6 CJ 294, 470, 477,496, 497**** 12
CJ 478 or SOC 386 or HED 460 3 CJ 489 3
CJ 480 3 Electives 8
FL 263, 264 6   32
PHL 261 or higher 3    
ECO 230, 233, 234; GEO 161*** 3    

The Victim Studies Major is an interdisciplinary degree. Please be aware that there may be prerequisites or stem courses that you need to complete before taking some of the classes listed.

* This requirement may be satisfied by the successful completion of three hours of Management Information Systems 188, Computing Science 138, Library Science 130 or three hours or more of advanced computer literacy courses.

** This requirement is met by the successful completion of two four-hour laboratory science courses. The courses must be taken from two different departments: BIO, CHM, GEL/GEO 131/111 or PHY.

*** This criterion may be satisfied with the successful completion of three semester hours selected from Component Area 5 (ECO 230, 233, 234, GEO 161, PHL 262, PSY 131, 289, SOC 261, 264) of this catalog.

**** MGT 474, POL 334, POL 433, PSY 331, PSY 381, SOC 333, SOC 335, SOC 364, CJ 473 (9 hours), POL 495 (9 hours), or any department approved substitution.

***** This criterion may be satisfied with the successful completion of three semester hours selected from Component Area 4 of this catalog.

Additional requirements: Forty-two semester hours of advanced coursework (300 or 400 level) are the absolute minimum. Minimum number of semester hours in residence: 32 semester hours of which 24 must be advanced.


CJ 261 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System 3
CJ 262 Criminology 3
CJ 264 Fundamentals of Criminal Law 3
CJ 436 Understanding Human Behavior or  
PSY 289 Psychology of Adjustment 3
CJ 465 Professionalism and Ethics in Criminal Justice 3
CJ 478 Introduction to Methods of Research 3

The College of Criminal Justice has developed several Emphasis Areas for students who desire to focus their academic coursework in a particular field. These may include areas such as Forensic Science (listed below), Comparative Criminal Justice, Policing, Security Studies, Terrorism, Victim Studies, and Probation, Parole & Corrections. Each Emphasis Area will require completion of a prescribed series of courses. Those interested in completing an Emphasis Area should contact the Undergraduate Advisement Office in the College of Criminal Justice, (936) 294-3710.

Emphasis in Forensic Science

Bachelor of Science

Students seeking a background that will prepare them for careers in Forensic Science can select advanced courses that can lead to a major in Chemistry and a minor in Criminal Justice and/or Biology.

CHM 438 Introductory Biochemistry
CHM 439 Metabolism
CHM 440 Instrumental Analytical Chemistry
CHM 441 Methods for Environmental and Industrial analyses
CHM 458 Physical Chemistry I
CHM 495 Undergraduate Research in Chemistry
CJ 261 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System
CJ 267 Police Systems and Practices
CJ 268 Criminal Investigation
CJ 273 Legal Aspects of Law Enforcement
CJ 294 The Courts and Criminal Procedure
CJ 366 Forensic Science
CJ 363 Violent Offenders
CJ 462 Drug Use and Abuse
CJ 473 Undergraduate Internship In Criminal Justice (nine hours)
CJ 477 Serial Murder

Other recommended courses include:

BIO 345 Introductory Genetics
BIO 347 General Microbiology
BIO 349 Histology
BIO 474 Biostatistics
BIO 480 Introduction to Molecular Biology

Information on Programs and Grants

For additional information regarding admission requirements, degree programs, description of courses, and scholarships available to students, please refer to appropriate sections of the Undergraduate Catalog or the Graduate Catalog of Sam Houston State University. Brochures and information regarding the College of Criminal Justice baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral programs may be obtained by writing:

Dean and Director
College of Criminal Justice
Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, Texas 77341-2296

Requests for information concerning loans, grants, and other financial aid to undergraduate students should be addressed to the Student Financial Aid Office, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas 77341-2328.

Course Descriptions: