Sam Houston State University Undergraduate Catalog 2006-2008
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Major in International Business | Minor in International Business

Course Descriptions

Chair: William B. Green  (936)294-1265

Faculty: Ulyses Balderas, Doug Berg, Edward Blackburne, Donald Bumpass, Marilyn Butler, Viera Chmelarova, Mark Frank, Donald Freeman, Fidel Gonzalez, Natalie Hegwood, John Miller, Mitchell Muehsam, Valerie Muehsam, Hiranya Nath, George Samuels


To develop outstanding Economics, International Business, and Business Analysis programs with faculty that is recognized for excellence in instruction, research, and service.


To provide curricula that promote critical thinking skills and enhance decision making abilities, which help students become productive and informed citizens. Faculty will engage in research to create and disseminate new knowledge, develop quality-teaching skills, maintain high professional standards, and actively serve the University Community.

Academic Programs

  • BBA in Economics
  • BBA in International Business

The Economics program is intended for students seeking a logical, ordered way of looking at business problems. The principles, approaches, and conclusions derived from the study of economics form the basis for developing sound policies in business, government, and personal life decisions.

The International Business program is designed for students preparing for positions with business, government, or international agencies dealing with international trade and foreign investments. As a result of the growing importance of international trade in the world economy, domestic and multinational corporations face a growing need for employees with specialized training in matters relating to international trade.

Career Opportunities

The study of economics is an effective way to prepare for several types of careers, including:

  • Management training programs in corporations and financial institutions
  • Federal, state, and local government employment in administrative and staff positions dealing with analysis, planning, and control functions
  • Analyst positions on corporate staffs
  • Graduate education in law, business, public administration, urban studies, and economics.

The study of international business is an effective way to prepare for several types of careers, including:

  • Management training programs in domestic and multinational corporations
  • Federal, state, and international agency employment in administrative and staff positions dealing with analysis, planning, and control functions
  • Graduate education in law, business, public administration, and economics.

Suggested Minors

  • A Foreign Language
  • Finance
  • Economics (for International Business majors
  • Banking
  • Accounting
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Political Science
  • Math

Student Organizations

  • Omicron Delta Epsilon
  • International Business Society


A student may earn a maximum of six hours in approved, supervised educational work experience in internships. Internship applications are available in the Departmental office. It is the responsibility of the student to identify the internship opportunity. In order to receive academic credit, a student must meet the eligibility conditions, obtain prior approval from the Department Chair, and meet the guidelines established by the College of Business Administration for monitoring the quality of the learning experience.


Scholarships are available on a competitive basis for economics and international business majors. Applications from upper-classmen for various scholarships, available through the Department of Economics and International Business office and also through the Dean’s office, are accepted between January 2 and February 15. Scholarship recipients are announced in April for the following academic year. The specific scholarships that are available through the Department of Economics and International Business vary from year to year. Economics and International Business majors need only to complete the application for scholarships available through the Department or the Dean’s office in order to be considered for all scholarships available in any given year.

Scholarships that are available from year to year may include:

  • Armstrong Foundation Endowed Scholarship in Economics
  • Armstrong Foundation Endowed Scholarship in International Business
  • Faculty Scholarship in Economics
  • Faculty Scholarship in International Business

Major in International Business1
Bachelor of Business Administration

Students majoring in International Business must have a minor. The requirement for the minor will be waived for International Business students who are pursuing either a double major (two majors from the College of Business Administration) or a double degree (a B.B.A. and a degree offered by one of the other colleges within Sam Houston State University). There are enough electives in the International Business program to earn a minor without adding additional hours to the program.

The first and second years are the same as for a major in Economics.

Third Year Credit Fourth Year Credit
MGT 380 3 ECO 4635, 4805 6
GBA 389, BAN 363 6 FIN 4715 3
FIN 367, MKT 371 6 MGT 475, 476 6
ACC 331 3 MGT 4715,6 or MKT 4715,6 3
ECO 3355, 3745, 4685, GBA 4655 6 Minor Electives7 14
MIS 388 3   32
Minor Electives7 6    

*Subject to action by the Board of Regents, The Texas State University System, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

Minor in International Business

A minor in International Business (30 or 33 hours) is available to all bachelor degree programs that permit a minor. The minor in International Business requires ACC 231, 232; ECO 230 (or 233 and 234), 480; FIN 367; MGT 380; MKT 371; 6 hours from FIN 471, GBA 465, MGT 4716 or MKT 4716, and 3 hours from ECO 335, 374, 463, or 468 with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in these courses. Furthermore, degree candidates for a minor in international business must achieve a minimum 2.0 grade point average for all hours attempted in business courses, including residence and transfer hours whether required for the international business minor or not.

1 Transfer students must take at least 50% of the required business curriculum for the B.B.A. degree in residence at Sam Houston State University.

2 Two four-hour laboratory science courses from: Biology (including ESC 147), Chemistry, Geography/Geology (the only geography course that satisfies a laboratory science requirement is GEO 131/111), or Physics.

3 Select from AGR 299*, ART 160, 161, 163, 260, DNC 172, 176, MUS 161, 264, 265, THR 160, 164, 166, 230, 231. Satisfies the Visual and Performing Arts requirement of Component Area 4 of the Core Curriculum (see pages 52-53 of this catalog).

4 Select from BSL 236, Foreign Languages 263, 264, GEO 265, 266, HIS 265, 266, or SOC 168. Satisfies the Cultural Studies requirement of Component Area 4 of the Core Curriculum (see pages 52-53 of this catalog).

5 ECO 463, FIN 471, GBA 465, and MGT 471 are typically offered ONLY in the fall semester. ECO 480, and MKT 471 (previously MKT 470) are typically offered ONLY in the spring semester. ECO 335, 374, or 468 are typically offered every third semester on a rotating basis (one each semester) each fall or spring semester. See an advisor for a schedule of course offerings.

6 MKT 471 (previously MKT 470) and MGT 471 (International Management and Marketing) are dual listed courses. A student cannot receive academic credit for both MKT 471 and MGT 471.

7 A minor in a supporting business field or a foreign language is strongly recommended. Employment opportunities in International Business are likely to be enhanced with foreign language skills. Students who have high school credits in a foreign language or who have otherwise developed a foreign language proficiency are encouraged to participate in the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). Acceptable scores on the CLEP examinations will allow students to earn up to 14 hours of foreign language credits in French, German, or Spanish.

Course Descriptions:

*Subject to action by the Board of Regents, The Texas State University System, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.