Sam Houston State University Undergraduate Catalog 2006-2008
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Agriculture Business Course Descriptions

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AED 464 Methods of Teaching Agricultural Science. A study of the professional competencies required for the teaching of agricultural science. Included is the development of curriculum and occupational education programs as well as evaluation of teaching techniques, procedures, and resource materials. Methods of teaching the handicapped will be discussed. Writing enhanced. Prerequisite: Approval of admission to student teaching. (3-0). Credit 3.

AED 465, Student Teaching in Agricultural Science. Prerequisite: Approval of admission to student teaching.

AED 466 Directed observation and student teaching in an approved high school agricultural science classroom are required. Participation is essential in related agricultural science and F.F.A. activities such as fairs, shows, contests, F.F.A. alumni and young farmer programs, etc. Prerequisite: Approval of admission to student teaching. Credit 6.

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