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CI 563 The Role of the Technology Liason. This course is designed to assist the technology liaison in learning how to facilitate classroom teachers throughout the instructional process, supported by technology. Attention is given to the foundation of social, ethical, legal, and human issues of technology use in PK-12.Prerequisite: CI 597 or concurrent enrollment.

CI 567 Readings and Trends in Instructional Technology. This course acquaints students with the critical writings and ideas of prominent practitioners, researchers, and theorists in instructional technology with a focus on understanding the trends and issues pertinent to a scholarly study of integrating technology into instruction. Students will read and provide reflections regarding the best instructional technology strategies evident in the literature and in practice in PK-12 schools.

CI 569 Practicum for Technology Facilitation. This course provides a field-based practicum in a school setting. Examination is made of the duties and responsibilities of the technology facilitator on a daily basis. Prerequisite: CI 567, CS 583, CS 585, CS 587, and CS 589.

CI 570 Research in Teaching. This course is designed for classroom teachers of all subject and grade levels. The focus of this course is to prepare teachers to read published research critically, to integrate those finding with personal experience in order to make reflective instructional decision and to participate in pedagogical research, theory-building, and elementary statistics. (Taught Fall Semester)

CI 583 Integrating Current Technologies in Teaching. Laboratory experiences are provided for graduate students in integrating technology into the curriculum. This course is recommended for both Education and non-Education majors.

CI 584 Curriculum Trends for Classroom Teachers. Development of the public school curriculum and significant factors which help to determine the curriculum construction are studied. Opportunity to select and organize appropriate learning experiences for the different levels is offered.

CI 585 Current Issues in Education. Analysis of opposing or varying viewpoints on educational issues of current concern is the main focus of the course. Examination of research literature, current data, experts in the various fields, and utilization of current technology in the examination of contemporary topics will be completed. Pre-Requisite CI 570 (Taught Spring Semester).

CI 587 Workshop in Education. This course is designed to explore the relation of brain development in school-age children and methods for enhancing this development through the use of technology. Students will have the opportunity to design instructional aids, which seamlessly implement developmentally appropriate technology in the classroom.

CI 590 Advanced Methods in Classroom Management and Discipline. This course is designed for K-12 teachers of all subject areas. Increased proficiency in classroom management skills is the primary objective of the course. Teachers will be provided with an understanding of the factors influencing individual and group behavior in school settings; methods of diagnosing school and classroom factors that may be eliciting the problem; and the options available for influencing student behaviors.

CI 593 Assessment of Learning. The focus of this course is research in current literature on strategies for the analysis of student work designed to improve instruction and student success. Students will develop skills in the use of a wide range of assessment strategies.

CI 597 Human Growth and Development Across the Lifespan. This course is designed to relate theory and research to present concerns and problems of teachers through the study of physiological psychological and social interrelationships. Advanced content in brain research as it effects learning and impacts instruction will be emphasized.


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